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Niall: He had eaten everything insight the moment the food was served. It was Thanksgiving and given that you were American, your mother had invited the both of you to join them for dinner. This had been Niall's first Thanksgiving celebration, and let's just say his eyes lit up the moment he saw all the food. He literally looked like a kid in the candy store. Once dinner was done, he had sat back and patted his food baby. He groaned and made his way upstairs with you in tow. He laid down on your bed and sighed. "Babe, I think I have a stomach ache," he said, burping right after. You giggled a little and walked over to his suitcase, pulling out comfortable clothes. "Here, babe. Change and I'll go get you a fizzy drink to settle your stomach." He smiled slightly and thanked you before the both of you did as you said. When you came back into the room, he was fast asleep, but you still woke him up to drink the soda you grabbed.

Zayn: Food poisoning had been slowly creeping up on him the last few days. He had been complaining about a stomachache, but you both didn't think anything of. You tried everything from lemon-lime soda and crackers to those fizzy tablets used for stomachaches. Nothing was really working, and when the throwing up started you felt bad for him. "Love, can you do me a favor?" he asked, cutely. You smiled and went to sit on the bed next to him. "What's that?" you asked, touching his face. He was so pale and he genuinely looked sick. "Can you rub my tummy?" he said like a baby. "Sure, baby." He smiled in content as you started to run your hands all over his bare stomach. Soon he fell asleep and you were happy that he was feeling a little better, at least better enough to sleep.

Louis: "Louis, you need to take something for it to be better," you scolded. He wasn't feeling well, but he was being too stubborn to let you make it better. It had been a whole day since he started to feel his stomachache, but he hadn't taken anything for it. "Hush, I don't want to take anything. I just need to throw up," he said, vulnerably. He was lying in bed with his hands on his stomach. "Then go throw up," you said, getting frustrated. You didn't want to be getting angry when he was sick, but he was being so stubborn. All you were trying to do was make him feel better. "I don't want to. It's gross." You got up and walked out of the room, going to find some medicine that you could force him to take. When you found a small package of pepto bismol tablets, you walked back into the room. "These don't have a taste, please take them." He sighed and took them from your hands before throwing them back. It didn't take long for them to be in effect, and to have him thank you.

Harry: He was hunched over the toilet after waking up with a hangover. Generally, when he gets drunk, the next morning he wakes up with a killer stomachache. You don't know what it was, but it made him completely miserable. You were standing behind him, rubbing up and down his back as he threw up. You got him into bed after he cleaned himself up. "Remind me why I drink so much, even when I know that my stomach will kill me the next morning," he mumbled. "Because you're an idiot," you joked. "Thanks, sweetheart. You're so nice," he said, closing his eyes. "I was joking, baby. I'm going get something to settle you stomach, then we can cuddle." You got off of the bed and walked down into the kitchen. You brought in some reinforcements and made him drink, swallow, and eat them. You leaned against the headboard and he laid between your legs, letting you rub his stomach while he fell asleep.

Liam: Spicy foods and Liam usually weren't a good combination. Sometimes he would be completely fine after he ate spicy stuff, but sometimes it could be the complete opposite. Last night after you got home from a Mexican restaurant he had been fine, but up until this morning he started to complain about a stomachache. He was laid face down on the couch, clutching his stomach as he complained about the pain he was feeling. He had been going to the bathroom non-stop and you felt bad for him. Finally he stopped going frequently, but he was still feeling sick. You sat at the edge of the couch and ran your hand up his back. "Do you want something for your stomachache?" you asked, softly. "That would be great, babe. Maybe some Sprite, if we have any." You nodded and got up to go grab the soda. You came back with it in a glass with ice. "Here," you said. He sat up and drank it, he paced himself as he finished it. He leaned back against the couch and looked over at you. "Thank you, love." You nodded and leaned on his shoulder. "No more spicy foods for you," you giggled, patting his stomach.

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