stole my heart

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Louis: "How long did it take you to fall for me?" You randomly asked Louis, many long months after your first 'I love you's' had been exchanged, as you were both lying in bed. "I'm just curious." Smiling at you there next to him, Louis could easily remember the exact moment it happened. "It was the very first night I saw you. We were at that club, and I remember you turned around, and I saw your face, and you stole my heart right there. With just one look, I fell in love." Your heart was beating a little faster now. "Really?" "I knew right away you were the one," Louis responded, "What about you?" You really wanted to return his kind words, but it had not been that fast for you, so you gave a short and simple reply. "It wasn't long after that night for me either."

Zayn: You were the quiet one. You where never the one to stand out in a crowd at all. So whenever you were out with your friends, you were accustomed to being the one who no one noticed. That's why you were so shocked now, as Zayn spoke to you, and ignored all your friends who were trying so hard to gain his attention. "You don't have to stay with me, I'm fine," you commented, feeling like maybe he just felt bad for the girl in the corner. It would not be the first time someone did that. "I'm sure there are so many girls who look amazing tonight that you want to dance with." Zayn glanced around, mostly at your group of friends, and then quickly back at you, "Your friends look good, but you look better. I'm fine right here."

Liam: You had know Liam for only 2 short weeks. Everything about those weeks had been amazing, but it was still such a short time. So when you began to feel like you were falling in love, you panicked. Wasn't it much to soon for those feelings already? The next time you saw Liam, you had no idea he was having the same thoughts. You did not know that when he began to speak, but made no sound, he was going to say "I love you." "What?" you asked, after seeing his hesitation. He did not know if you were ready for those 3 big words, so he said something else about how he was feeling. "I was just going to say, I'm weaker around you. That may sound cliche, but it's true." You grabbed his hand, a simple gesture to show a little piece of how you felt, "I feel the same way."

Niall: "All my life I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around." Niall knew before those words left his mouth how odd it would sound to say that only minutes after you met, however he instantly felt that strongly about you. It was something he could not deny, that told him right away there was something special about you. That something was what he had waited so long to feel for anybody. You blushed, and took it as a compliment, not at all feeling like he had should not have said that. In fact you also felt this instant happiness near him that was hard to deny. Seeing that you were okay with his honesty, Niall continued, "I hope we can see each other again soon." Your smile widened, "I hope so too."

Harry: "You can go," you told Harry for a third time. You had repeated those words so many times in the past hour, and Harry knew it was not to push him away. No, you were more worried about the fact he clearly had to want to be somewheres else. Why would he want to spend the night with you? He sighed, "[Y/N], there is no other place that I would rather be than right here with you tonight." A small smile crossed your face, but you did not believe him, "You don't have to say that. I won't be hurt." "I mean it. Come here," Harry said, as he laid down on the floor infront of your television, grabbing pillows off your couch to rest on. You made your way over to him, and laid down, as he put his arms around you. "Let's just stay right here tonight. There's so much I want to say to you, and again there is nowhere else I'd rather be."

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