a family member dies

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Zayn: Lying on the bed, not feeling anything at all. Zayn pulled the blanket up to your neck as he sat beside you, moving your hair away from your face. "Are you feeling...um better today babe?" He asked softly letting his eyes travel to the untouched food he had brought you earlier. "I'm fine." You whispered your eyes focused on absolutely nothing ahead of you. "Babe...come on eat." He said sadly his eyes raking over your face. "I'm not hungry..." Your voice trailed and your eyes slowly made its way to his. "Look I know your mum died...but [Y/N]...you have to eat. She'd want you to eat...look at you babe." He said turning the bedside light on as he looked at your face intently. "You don't eat...and you're starting to look sick babe...you know what...sit up." He said his voice slightly shaky. "Sit up [Y/N]..." He repeated this time you actually listening an d sitting up slowly. He pulled the food into his lap preparing himself to feed you. He lifted the now cold toast up toward you. "Eat...if you keep this up...I'll lose you too." He said his eyes slightly glazed over as the toast reached your lips and you took a little bite. "I'll help you through this babe...I promise you won't go through this alone." He mumbled as you continued taking small bites of the toast.

Harry: You curled up in a ball as the tears trailed down your face onto the couch, forming a small pool stain. Harry cleared his throat making his way over to you. "Babe...lets take a bath." He said softly his face pained to see you this sad. "[Y/N]...please just get up. You haven't moved from this spot in three days." He mumbled as he looked down on you. You let your eyes travel up to his and he stared down into your bloodshot ones as your lower lip trembled. "I...I don't...don't want to move." You choked moving your legs slightly, hearing the bones cracking because you literally haven't moved. Harry leaned forward, scooping you into his arms and proceeded to walk toward the bathroom. He sat you on the toilet gently, and began raising your shirt over your head. He undressed you slowly before placing you into the warm water he had already prepared. "Don't...don't leave me." You said under your breath staring back at him and he nodded, sitting on the ground beside the bathtub. "He's gone..." You breathed bringing your knees up, resting your head on them. "My dad's really gone Haz..." You said shutting your eyes just as the tears had returned. Harry shook his head, "He's still with you...he'll always be with you [Y/N]." Harry said softly as he ran his hand over your bare back.

Liam: "He...he was fine last week." You mumbled as you stared blankly at Liam "The...the treatment was working." You breathed still staring into Liam's concerned eyes. "I remember when we first found out my brother had cancer...he was the most calm of us all. He...uh made us feel like there was nothing to worry about...that he was going to make it through this." You said your eyes glazing over. "Babe...don't do this to yourself." Liam said quietly as he draped his arm over your shoulder. "But...he promised me." You said with your trembling lips. "He lied to me." You continued as the tears fell from your eyes. "He lied to me Li..."You said a bit louder as you shrugged Liam's arm off you, placing your feet on the ground and standing. "He fucking lied to me." You said a bit angrily as you brought your hands up to your hair. Liam slowly made his way over to you, encircling his arms around your waist tightly, burying your face into his chest as you continued to lash out. "Why would he promise me that? Why Li?" You asked sobbing into his chest as he rubbed your back gently. "[Y/N]...don't be mad at your brother...he made that promise because he didn't want you to worry..." He said into your hair. "Let's lay back in the bed, babe...you need to get some rest." He said beckoning you over toward the bed.

Niall: "Princess, get up." Niall said quietly as he rubbed your arm softly. "I should have visited her more..." You said quietly as you allowed your eyes to look up at him. "If I had went to see her...she'd probably be here still." You whispered and he shook his head. "Don't blame yourself princess...your Nan was sick." He said softly as he stared down at you with furrowed brows. "But...it's my fault." You mumbled your lip trembling. "Princess, stop it's really not your fault." He said softly his thumb rubbing at your cheek. "Princess your Nan didn't pass away because you didn't visit her, don't put all that responsibility on yourself princess." He said frowning as you let the tears spill from your eyes. "Now get up...we need to go see your mum." He said leaning over, lifting you slowly out of the bed. He placed you down on your feet, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it aside. He placed a small kiss on your forehead with a sad smile on his lips. "Don't blame yourself okay...we need to get ready." He whispered pulling his own shirt over his head. "You aren't the reason your Nan passed." He repeated.

Louis: He encircled his arms around your waist as you silently cried in his arms. It had taken you by surprise when your mother died. "What am I going to do?" You asked softly into his chest as he held onto you tightly in the middle of your living room. "Love, you'll be okay..." He said placing his head on top of yours. "It's my mum, Lou...she's never coming back." You said in between sniffles. "Doesn't mean she's not watching, love..." He said his hand raked through your hair gently. "Let's get going...your dad needs you more than anything right now, love." He said pulling away from the hug a bit to stare down into your eyes and you nodded slowly. "Don't worry...I'll be by your side through it all okay. I know I can't make you feel better at a time like this...but I will try really hard to help you through it." He breathed taking his lower lip between his teeth. "I need you." You murmured sniffling letting your eyes search his. "You have me, love...forever okay. Don't forget that." He said leaning forward pressing his lips to yours softly.

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