working together au

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Niall: The bustling in the kitchen was a lot, both of you were the head chefs of a very upscale restaurant. Every night, the two of you were rushing around getting things cooked and prepared with the help of your crew. Tonight had been a less busy, allowing the two of you to take a few minute break. "My feet are hurting," you complained, setting them in his lap as he sat across from you. He chuckled, smiling brightly at you, "I'll give them a massage once we're home." "Think we'll be here late, again?" He nodded and look of annoyance was evident on his face. Though the both of you loved your job, it was a little too much to handle every night. You were about to lean into give him a kiss, but a loud clattering sounded from the kitchen behind you. "Duty calls, babe." He kissed your cheek and wondered back into the kitchen, yelling about a dish that was lost due to the clumsiness of an employee.

Zayn: "Zayn, you need to wash her," you giggled, holding up a little kitten that had been brought into the shelter. She was a little dirty and small due to being on the streets for a couple weeks. She was malnourished and just looking at her made you sad. "Love, cats don't like to be submerged into water." "I know, but you're not submerging her, you're simply going to coat her in water while you hold her. Come one, Z." finally, he started to listen and he washed her. The both of you took her to the food area and got her some milk. After she drank it, she fell asleep in Zayn's arms, making you smile. "Can we take her home?" you asked. He gave you a teasing look, "We're going to be running a farm if we keep taking animals home." "Just this last time, please," you begged, knowing that it was going to be a long run if he agreed. You guys had already take two dogs and another cat home. "No more after her," he said, leaning over to hand the kitten you.

Louis: You two had met on the job, which was coaching a soccer/football little league. You were the assistant coach, though you were a couple years younger than him. It was a summer job before you went off to college and he was already a couple years in. "Did you see her footwork? She needs to work on it a little," he said, catching your attention. "Who?" you asked, knowing that you were the one who would have to help the girl. He leaned over and gave your cheek a kiss before he looked back down at the papers in front of him. Practice was over and the two of you were going over things you saw throughout practice. "Taylor, she needs a little more help. Are you okay with working with her tomorrow, love?" You nodded and asked him what exactly she needed help with, getting all the details from him before the two of you decided to call it a night. He took you out to dinner and then home, just like every night you had work.

Harry: High school jobs is what everyone lived for, not. The two of you worked in a well-known restaurant. It was always filled with kids from your school, so it wasn't so bad. You and Harry had found a way to work shifts together, so it went by fast. You both waited tables, which also happened to be close in sections. "Babe, your order is at the window," he said, walking by with a couple of his own plates. "Thanks," you yelled, running to the back to get the order. You passed him and he gave you a cheeky smile. Once both of your tables were satisfied, you guys stood behind the counter and talked. "What are we doing after this?" he asked, knowing it was date night. "Can we not eat here? I've seen enough of this food to last a life time," you complained. He laughed and agreed before more customers came in. "We'll talk more about this in a bit," he said, lying a chaste kiss on your lips before going back to work.

Liam: He was the last person you had expected to go into childcare, but he did. He worked in the same place as you, but he worked with older toddlers. Every day, you would see him outside playing with the kids and it made you smiled. You worked with infants, so much different than handling toddlers. He was standing in the employee room when you walked by, you were both on a quick break while the other teachers were in the classrooms. "You know, we should have a kid," you joked, catching him off guard since he was faced the other way. "Why's that?" he asked, walking up to you and giving you a quick hug. "Because you're good with kids and it's a nice sight to see," you said, kissing his cheek. He laughed and then looked down at you. "We can discuss that some other time, I need to get back to my room. I'll see you after work," he said, kissing you again before he walked into his classroom. You smiled and looked in the little window, smiling like an idiot before you went back to work.

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