first encounter (punk series)

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punk series #1

Niall: All you heard was yelling between a group of guys, they all seemed to be in a disagreement. Great you thought, the first time in months that you decided to go out and you were going to see a fight. "Where's Niall? We go on in half an hour and I swear if he's not here, I will kill him." one guy said. All of them seemed to be in a band, the band that was playing at the bar your best friend dragged you to. You decided to ignore the argument and get back to drinking, thirty minutes later you needed use the rest room. You got up and automatically ran into someone. He was blonde, he had tattoos and facial piercings,he had on sunglasses, and he was holding a guitar. "Watch where you are going!" he growled. "NIALL! HURRY UP! YOU'RE LATE!" someone yelled, and they guy walked away without an apology. You turned around to look at where he went, he walked up to the group of guys and they all started getting after him. You figured he was the guy they were arguing about earlier. He looked like he didn't give a shit about anyone but himself. You went on with your business and when yo came out the band was playing.

Zayn: You were running late to work and you had been trying to get a taxi. It was hard to hail one and you were getting pissed off. There was guy next to you that was trying to get one too. He didn't look like he was in a rush, he effortlessly tried to get a taxi while smoking a cigarette. You were getting annoyed with the smell, "Can you put that out? It's giving me a headache." you said, glaring at him. He turned to you and you took in his appearance, he had a lip piercing and he wore dark clothing with a leather jacket. "Why? I can do what I want." he stated. You scoffed, "Can you just put it out?" "No, why don't you move somewhere else?" Luckily a taxi pulled up next you both of you. You went to get in but so did he. "This is my taxi, I'm late for work and it doesn't look like you're in a rush." you said. He glared at you but didn't say a word. You got in and the driver drove away. The whole time, on the way to work, you thought about how big of a jerk that guy was and how you hoped you never saw him again.

Louis: You were over at your best friend's house for the day, you guys had needed to finish a project for school. You stayed for a couple of hours and then decided it was time to go home. You were walking out when you saw that there was a car blocking you in. You saw that the driver was in his car, so you went to ask him to move. He opened the window as you approached his car, you immediately regretted going over. The guy looked like trouble, he had numerous tattoos and plenty of piercings. He even had gauges, which to be honest disgusted you. "What can I help you with, girl?" he asked, with a smirk. You scoffed, "Can you move your car, I'm blocked in." "Are you hitting on me?" he asked, again with a smirk. "No. Just move your car." "No. I'm waiting on someone." "Well wait somewhere else. I need to go home." Just as he was about to argue with him, your best friend's brother came out and got in. Her brother said goodbye to you and apologized for his douche of a friend, Louis. You said by to her brother but completely ignored his friend and walked away. As you got into the car you wondered how a nice guy could be friends with an arrogant ass. It wasn't your problem as long as you weren't near him, again.

Harry: It was the first day of senior year and you couldn't have been more excited. You walked into the halls and automatically you saw that there was a new kid, everyone was already whispering about him and you found it rude. But you could see what they were talking about, he wasn't someone you would normally see around here. He looked intimidating: tattoos, piercings, and he even wore a bit of eyeliner. You wanted to be nice, so you went up yo introduce yourself. "Hey, I'm YN. I see that you're new here. Do you need help with classes." He didn't say anything. "Okay, well I'll leave you alone." you said, before walking away. Your day had been going good and you had only seen the new boy a couple times. You were headed to your last class and you were late. The only seat left was next to him, so that's where you sat. The teacher went on to discuss somethings then she told you to get to the person next to you because they were going to be your partner for many assignments. You were stuck with the kid that didn't talk, great. You tried to get to know him but he wouldn't engage in a conversation, so you gave up. And as soon as class was over he had bolted out the door. You wondered why he was rude and you wished that you would've gotten another partner. You were stuck with him for the rest of the year whether you liked it or not.

Liam: It was the normal frat house party scene that you were use to, only this time you weren't so into it. You had a couple drinks but you weren't feeling it at all. You were walking around looking for friends to drink and have a good time with. You couldn't find any of them and you needed to pee really bad, so you went upstairs to use the restroom. You didn't know the house well so you were searching for the bathroom when you opened the door to a bedroom. You didn't notice anything until a guys started to yell, "GET OUT NO ONE IS ALLOWED IN HERE!" "S-sorry. I was looking for the bathroom." you said. He approached you, you got a better look at him, he didn't have a shirt on and all his tattoos were exposed. He had abs that made you hot. "Does this look like a bathroom." he said, making you shake your head no. He pushed you out and pointed towards a door, "It's over there." He then slammed his door making you jump. He shouldn't have been so rude, you thought. You went and did your business, while coming out you saw the same guy yelling at someone else. You laughed and he looked at you with a smirk. You walked away and decided just to leave, it's not like there wouldn't be another party here next week. You hoped if there was that you wouldn't see that jerk again, he kind of killed your mood.

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