I Want To Write You a Song

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Harry: "I've been trying to figure out the perfect gift for our anniversary," Harry explained to you, on the day of. You had told each other no gifts, but each of you had known the other would never hold to that. Your gift to him had been given already, and now it was his turn. "And I couldn't decide what was perfect for the longest time," he continued, holding onto your hand as he did, "But I know now. I decided last night, and I know I want to write you a song." He waited for a second to see your reaction, and when he saw the happy tears and shock on your face, he knew he made the right choice. The decision to write you a song had been easy. All he thought about was you. Of course he would want to write about the girl who had stolen his heart. "One as beautiful as you are sweet. With just a hint of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone. That's what I am going to do. I want to write you a song." Your tears were pouring down your face, as you took that all in. Just his speech was enough. It was beautiful. You were so lucky to have him, and you knew it. "I am going to love that song so much."

Liam: Liam could see you were shivering, as you stepped out into the winter air. You said nothing though, just quickly walked to his car. He slid into the driver's seat, and watched you place a smile onto your face and pretend you were fine. He laughed, "Are you cold?" You rolled your eyes at his question. Stubbornness has led you to leave your apartment without a jacket, and you didn't want to admit that now. "I'm fine Liam." He knew that was a lie, and quickly said, "I want to lend you my coat." "I don't need it Liam," you shot back, actually wanting it so badly, but you didn't want to say that. He knew you were going to keep arguing with him, unless he made this about something completely different than the cold. As he opened his mouth, the words all popped into his head, "No, I mean, I want to lend you my coat. One that's as soft as your cheek. So when the world is cold you'll have a hidden place you can go. That's why I want to lend you my coat. It's not about the cold. I just want you to have it." How could you argue with that? Your heart fluttered. He saw you trying to find a way to say no, before finally sighing, "Okay, I'll take that coat."

Louis: You hated that Louis loved to spoil you. No matter where he went or what he did, he seemed to bring you something back. "Louis, I told you to stop. I don't need things. It makes me feel bad. Why do you insist on buying me so much?" Louis heard these words many times before. He was used to them by now. You arguing for him not to get you things only made him want to more. He knew you didn't expect or want them, he just enjoyed getting it all for you. "I have tried to explain, and you never understand," he replied, trying to find the right words in his head before blurting them out, "Basically I feel like you give me everything. It might not be material things, but you do. Everything I need I get from you. And so giving back is all I wanna do. I just want to feel like I'm giving you as much as you give me." "But Louis, I don't give you..." you started, but he didn't let you finish that. "No [Y/N], you do. You really do give me everything I need. So let me get you things. It makes me feel better. Okay?" You let out a sigh. He was never going to give into your request, and you could see that. "Fine, but thank you for everything. You really don't have to." "I know. I want to."

Niall: "I'm gonna miss you so, so much," you cried, as the thought of Niall leaving you for months overwhelmed you. You just loved him so much, and hated that his touring took him so far, for so long. It broke your heart it two to be apart. "I love you so much [Y/N]. I'm gonna miss you too," Niall held you in his arms as he said that, wishing he didn't have to leave. He was trying to think of something that could make this better. Anything to ease the pain of being apart. Suddenly he got an idea, "You know what, I want to write you a song." Your tears slowed, as you tried to understand what Niall was talking about. "What?" "One to make your heart remember me," he continued, and you instantly understood he wanted to write a song that could maybe help each of you deal with the time you would not be together, "So any time I'm gone, you can listen to my voice and sing along." If that was supposed to stop you from crying, it did not do its job. You were speechless. Niall now had a million ideas running through his head, "I have to go call someone. I want to write this now."

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