a house fire

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Harry: Sound asleep in your bed, neither you nor Harry noticed the room getting hotter and hotter. You were both exhausted after a long week away from home, and the sleep you were in was a deep one. It was not until someone outside your home began screaming, that you were awoken. In an instant, you could smell & see the smoke from the fire that was growing somewhere else in your home. "Harry, Harry! Fire!" You pushed him out of the bed after screaming that, waking him instantly as you did. In a second he was at your side, dragging you towards the window; which you climbed out of quickly, with him right behind you. It happened so quickly, but you were safe now. Safe, but watching your home go up in flames.

Liam: "Everything's gone," you cried into Liam's arms, as you thought of all the things you'd suddenly lost in the fire that destroyed your home only a day earlier. "All the photos, the memories, everything." Liam was upset as well over losing so much. It was hard to lose everything so suddenly, but he was also so thankful to have you in his arms, "But you're okay." You nodded through your tears, but said nothing. "When I got the call [Y/N], that there was a fire. I didn't think about the photos, or the things inside. All I thought about was you, and knowing you were okay was all that mattered to me."

Louis: Louis was watching TV, and you were cleaning out your closest; while your supper cooked away in the oven. It felt like a normal night to you. Nothing exciting was happening, but you were both home, and that was nice. Or it was nice at least, until you smelled smoke. At the same moment, Louis smelled it as well, and ran to the kitchen. "[Y/N]! The stove is on fire!" After screaming that, Louis reached for the fire extinguisher, and put out the fire before you even stepped foot in the kitchen. "It's out," he sighed, when he saw your scared face, as you stared at the burnt part of your kitchen. "We're okay." He placed down the fire extinguisher, and walked over to you, pulling you into a tight hug moments later. "It's okay, it's out."

Zayn: Being taken out of your house by firefighters, all your thoughts were on Zayn. You knew you were safe. Your were outside now, and you were fine, but Zayn wasn't. He was still inside your home that was burning. You did not even hear a single word that was being told to you, as you stared at the door hoping you'd see Zayn at any moment now. As the seconds ticked by, fear filled you more and more. You thought he should have been right behind you; but he wasn't. Just when you began to truly panic, and think the worst, two firefighters stepped outside, bringing Zayn with them, and he was okay as well. Coughing a little, but okay. "Zayn!" You rushed to his side, so, so glad to have both made it out safe and sound.

Niall: "It-it was so fast," you mumbled to Niall, as you sat in shock. Only an hour ago you'd witnessed, while alone, your home burn to the ground, and you still couldn't believe it. "But you're okay," Niall said, as he looked at the small burn you had on your arm. It was the only sign that you'd just been inside of a fire at all. "Mhm," you nodded, truly grateful that was all that you'd gotten. It was so small, and barely hurt. You knew it could have been a lot worse, and that's what scared you. "I didn't even have time to think." "I know," Niall nodded, even if he really didn't have any idea what you'd just been through, "It's over now. You're safe."

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