halloween traditions

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“Baby, hurry up! You take forever!” Harry called up the stairs of your home, his voice echoing around the large building, his voice bouncing in the atmosphere. “Hold on, hold on… I can’t find my phone!” You cried back, hearing his chuckle from downstairs. “Sweetheart, it’s down here. Now, come down these steps and let’s go. We need to be there on time, to pick the best pumpkins” Harry called, as you walked down the stairs, dressed warmly for the cold, fresh air outside in London.

“Well, don’t you look all cosy?” He asked, as he passed your phone to you, watching you slide it into your front trouser pocket. “Your jumper is the only thing that can keep me warm on a day like that…” You sighed, looking out the window to see dull clouds in the sky. “Hmm… I suppose. But I could have kept you warm!” He whined, as you poked his shoulder playfully. “Come on, you big baby. Let’s go” You grinned, taking his beanie from his head. “Hey! You messed my hair now!” He whined, as he ran a hand through his long curls, holding it in a bun at the back of his head.

“You know… I love it when you wear your hair up” You smirked, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his head down to level with yours. “Oh, do you now?” He asked, his minty breath fanning your face. “I do… You should wear it up more often” You grinned, as he placed a kiss to your nose. “Come on, let’s go” He grinned, as he laced your fingers together.

“So, I was thinking…” Harry started, as your hands swung between the two of you, the gate for the pumpkin patch coming into sight. “We could get 2 pumpkins. One large one and one small one” He smiled, as you looked up at him, a confused look on his face. “What?” You asked, as he chuckled lightly. “The large one could be me, and the small one could be you… Like, couples pumpkins. You know, we could put our faces in them, or our names…” He suggested, as the two of you walked under the sign, and into the pumpkin patch. “I like that idea… I never knew you had such creative ideas in here” You giggled, tapping his head cheekily. “Oh, haha. That wasn’t funny” He said sarcastically, placing a kiss to your head. “Come on… Then, we can go to the coffee shop and get you a coffee” He smiled, as he set off down the lanes of pumpkins.

“Oooh, this one is good, Haz!” You called from one side of the pumpkin patch field, your gaze focused on one large pumpkin on the ground. “I have a good one for you…” He smirked, as he picked up a small baby pumpkin, and showing you. “Harold! I am not small… I’m nearly as tall as you” You cried, as an elderly couple walked behind you, their grandchildren toddling in front. “I’m joking, baby. I’m kidding. I have a good one, I promise” He said, as he picked up a fairly normal sized pumpkin, for you. He walked over to you, the pumpkin sat under his arm. “Oh, that’s a nice one. Good spot, baby” He mumbled, as he placed the pumpkin from his arm on the floor. “Thank you…” You grinned, proudly. “I deserve a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and a slice of carrot cake for that, I think” You smirked, as he turned to look at you. “Don’t push it…” He said, as he lifted the large pumpkin up.

“Well, that was a walk and a half… How was your first pumpkin picking?” He asked, as you snuggled deeper into his side, your coffee mug in your hands. “It was wonderful, thanks to the man who took me” You smiled, as you looked up, eyes connecting. “You’re welcome… Now open” He whispered, as he held the fork to your lips, crumbs falling from the carrot cake, and onto the plate in his hand. “This is incredible cake” You said, chewing softly on the moist, fluffy material.

“I could make this…” He muttered, as you took a sip. “Or, we can both make Pumpkin Pie later on, when we finish carving these things” He said, kicking the orange fruit by his feet. “Sounds like a plan” You smiled, patting his thigh gently.

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