you're in the military

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Niall: "So, we have Niall Horan  in the crowd tonight!" the announcer said, making sure to get Niall's attention. You were home for a couple weeks before you continued with your military job and he didn't know about your break. You could see Niall from your line of sight, you were behind him in a seat, surprised he hadn't see you earlier. "And we have a surprise for him. His girlfriend, Y/N, who is in the military and who he hasn't seen in months is right behind him." You plastered a smile on your face as everyone, including Niall's and the jumbo-tron, turned to you. "Hi," you said to him, his face still shocked as he jumped over his seat to get to you. You were wrapped up in his arms in seconds, you smiled and cried as the crowd around you clapped. "I missed you so much. This can't be real," he said, holding onto you tightly. "I missed you, too. It's definitely real, I'm here." He forgot about the game and took you home to spend sometime together without the crowd that was hovering you two.

Zayn: He was at his mother's, which you found out from her. You had told her about your plan and she made sure to help you. You had been waiting for her text to come in as she distracted him. When you finally got it, you walked in through the back door and smiled, hearing his voice coming from the living room. You saw his mother smiling at you, you hugged her and thanked her before following through on your plan. "Hey," you said, getting his attention from him and his father. They both looked at you in shock, you could hear your name but all your attention was on Zayn. He was quick to go to his feet and walking over to you. "Babe, you're here?" he said, smiling and pulling you into his embrace. "I'm here." He held onto you, while you both cried telling you how much you missed each other. "Surprised?" you asked as you pulled away. "Very," he said, kissing you.

Louis: He was playing in a Rovers' game and you were home to surprise him. It had been quiet sometime since you saw each other but you talked once in a while. You missed him dearly and couldn't wait to see him. You waited near the locker room as his game ended. When he came out he had been talking to some other players before he looked up and spotted you in your uniform. He did a double take to make sure it was really you. When he knew you were real he ran over to you, picking you up into his arms. Everyone around you had watched the scene in front of them unfold. You laughed as he held you up higher than him, leaning your head down to give him a kiss. "What are you doing here?" he whispered against your lips. "I needed to see you," you said, kissing him again. "This is the best day ever," he said, putting you down.

Harry: The concert was almost over and you had come up with a plan to surprise him while you were on a break, the boys and the whole crew were in on it. As the boys paused the show they aired a video of you, which you were recording live, but Harry didn't know it was. "Harry watch this video," Liam said, pointing to the TV. You were queued to speak, "Hi, babe! I miss you! I bet this video is a surprise to you, but to the boys it's not. I wanted to tell you how much I love and miss you. AND that I'm backstage right now, look to your left," you smiled. You watched as he turned and saw you, running off the stage in no time. The camera captured everything. He  lifted you into his arms and your held onto him with dear life. You could hear the crowd erupt, and the boys, as you both had your moment. "I can't believe you're here," he said, placing both his hands on your cheeks. He was staring at you wondering if it was real. The camera was turned off. "I'm here, babe, I'm home."

Liam: You pulled up to the back of the studio, walking over to the door, and being let in. It was the end of your contract and you were home for good. The last four years in the military hard and you had barely even seen Liam in that time. You wanted to surprise him with your homecoming because he had been supportive through everything. You walked into the room and saw him in the booth, while the others were lounging around. They saw you, but you put a finger to your mouth to keep them which surprisingly they did.Liam looked up and his eyes met yours, stopping his singing. "Y/N?" he whispered, looking at you with confusion. You waved as he took off the headphones, stumbling around to get to you. He was stood in front of you, while the others were onlooking the two of you. "What's going on?" he asked, smiling and taking your hands into his. "I'm home for good. I'm done with my job," you smiled. "That's amazing. I missed you so much," he said, hugging you and pulling back to kiss you. The boys interrupted by joining in on the hug, making you happy that you were back with all of them. But happier that you were Liam.

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