fall dates

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Niall knows how much you love fall. It's your favorite season, as if you'd let him forget. You're always going on about how you want to take nature walks to look at the leaves, or carve pumpkins. One of the first brisk, cool nights in October Niall decides to throw a bonfire to surprise you. You nearly tackle him with your enthusiastic hug then crush your mouth to his. Niall is so taken aback, he just stands there speechless. So that night as you're huddled around the bonfire, you can't keep your eyes off Niall. He's sat next to Louis, a beer at his feet and his guitar in his hands. The shadows from the flame flicked up, caressing his impressive jaw line. You could feel the heat spread in your body as he licked his lips, his fingers deftly moving over the frets. He was SO handsome, sitting there grinning in the glowing light. You showed them all how to make s'mores, and Niall swore up and down it was the best thing he'd ever had. He kissed the corner of your mouth gently, making your skin spark under his touch. "Marshmallow," He winked at you. You felt your blush rise and you sat back down to stare at him. He licked his lips, revealing those perfect white teeth. He was giving you that look across the flames and you couldn't wait for everyone to leave so you could have him alone.


Zayn decided it would be a lovely idea to have a scary movie date night. No matter how much you protested, or pleaded, or begged. He was insistent. "It'll be fine babe," he promised popping in a film. He started with paranormal activity, and you let out a whimper as the opening credits rolled. Ten seconds in, you were curled in his lap, your face pressed into his neck. "Nothing's even happened," he chuckled, trying to let you away from his neck. You shook your head and peaked out, just in time to see the kitchen be torn apart. You yelped, a white knuckle grip on his hand. He felt bad, he didn't know you'd be so scared. He just figured it would be a bit of Halloween fun for the two of you. He hushed you softly, his lips moving over your jaw and neck to distract you from the horrors on the screen. Once the movie was finished, Zayn knew it would never happen again. That night in bed you curled yourself into his body, making yourself as invisible as you could. He grinned into the darkness, his fingers stroking your back. "Nothing will get you. Not as long as I'm here, I promise."


"Are you serious?" Harry said staring down at the pumpkin. You shook your head, rolling out the carving knives.

"You just make whatever face you want and then we cut it out."

"Really?" He rolled the pumpkin between his massive hands, eyeing it speculatively. Fall was your favorite season, everything was so vibrant and beautiful and you dragged Harry into your fall themed day. Gently, he drew out a face on the pumpkin, cursing when he messed up his lines. You watched him with a smirk on your face as he caught his lower lip between his teeth. Finally once he was ready, he began to carve out his face. Harry did it with the same precision he always did. Slowly, carefully, he moved his hands around the patterns. His lines were perfect, and when he was done he sat back glowing with pride. "I did it!" He lit a candle and dropped it inside then moved back to look at it. You came up next to him and beamed, amused at how happy he was. His arms came around you, drawing you into his chest as the wind blew. "Good job, babe," you grinned up at him.

"Thanks, pumpkin." He kissed your nose affectionately as you shivered and drug you inside to warm you up properly.


"Let's gooooo!" Louis bellowed, dragging you through the corn maze. You frowned, letting him tug you into the darkness. You HATED scary attractions, but you didn't want to tell Louis that. He was so excited to go, you could only just nod and go along with it. So as the darkness enclosed around you, you felt yourself start to panic. The music changed, becoming creepier and mist shot out from between the corn stalks. You whimpered, squeezing Louis' hand. He paused, looking at your terrified expression. "Are you...are you scared?" He asked in bewilderment. You nodded, eyes darting around the clearing. "Babe," he instantly felt bad. How could he not have seen it? You barely said two words on the ride here and were constantly squeezing his hand. "I'm so sorry," you were too far into the ride to turn around, so he led you on; his arm draped around your shoulders possessively. A clown jumped out, grabbing your ankle. You screeched, hiding your face in Louis' neck. You hated clowns. Hated them. Loathed them. "Almost done, almost," you kept your eyes squeezed shut as he led you, his lips against your temple as he led you through the maze. Ten minutes and what felt like 10 heart attacks later, you stumbled through the maze. "Never again," Louis promised, kissing your mouth gently. "Let's get you home." That night he held you close to his chest, his arms protectively draped around you. 


Liam didn't have much of a say in the matter. You wanted to go apple picking. And you were going with or without him. He sighed, slipping his gray wool coat on. He met you outside and to be honest, he didn't mind apple picking. You were so cute with your flushed, red cheeks and wide smile. He would have gone anywhere to see you smile like that. An hour later, surrounded by thousands of apples and brightly changing leaves, Liam found he was having the best time. You wandered hand and hand between the rows of trees, sharing apples between the two of you. "Come here," he said pulling out his phone. He pulled you into his chest and took a quick picture of you both surrounded by all the trees and apples. "This is such a good day," he said taking your hand back in his. After, you got to make fresh apple cider with the apples you'd picked. You found yourself elbow deep with your adorable boyfriend who couldn't keep the grin off his face. You were worried he'd hate it, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. After a full day outside and more apples than either of you would have liked, you collapsed in front of the fire place, in desperate need of a nap. 

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