fights - zayn

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Zayn: It was her, it was her his ex, Zayn's ex. You had to be honest with yourself you were jealous of her a bit you couldn't help it she was pretty, extremely pretty and rich and could get along with any one, every body loved her, but the thing that gets you the most is the fact that her and Zayn have a huge history. They were each others first love how could you step up and become Zayn's new love when all he does is compare her to you and tells stories about her back in the good days. They still talk and hang out, you being totally cool with it, however these past couple of months Zayn has been going out of his way to help her with stuff and forgot to you meet twice. But besides all the thoughts of Zayn cheating on you, you have pushed them aside and was trying to stay positive and optimistic about your relationship.

23rd February was day you become boyfriend and girlfriend officially and to celebrate the day Zayn had a romantic night all planned. He didn't want to go out and get harassed, he wanted a simple, romantic dinner date with his only, as he says. You come home from work, it was okay just a normal boring day and all you wanted to do is see Zayn and be with Zayn and kiss Zayn and hug Zayn. All you wanted was Zayn.

Slowly opening the door to your shared house there was pink and red rose petals leading to the patio doors. Gingerly you put you bag down, took shoes off and followed this romantic trail that once you passed the patio doors led you to a tartan patterned blanket, a woven basket with food in and a note saying "Turn around my only". Doing so there was Zayn stood quietly leaning against the wall looking stunning as usual. Carefully pacing his way to you Zayn finally made his way to you, a still however nervously shivering body was stood. His left hand making its way to you face, thumb grazing your cheek, while his right arm was tightly pulled around your waist and lower back making sure that there wasn't any possible gap between your bodies. Heads leaning into one another. Finally your lips touching, moving in sync with one another, savoring the taste of each other. It felt like everything was in slow motion, you wished it was as well as hoping that this moment would last forever. Never ending, staying in the one spot for eternity.

Sadly it eventually ended, Zayn pulling back staring intently into your eyes, you examining his perfectly structured face. "Come on my only, lets celebrate our love". Gently sitting down on the neatly placed blanket, you looked over to see what had been placed in the basket chocolate covered strawberries, 2 glasses and a bottle of champagne. You didn't care about what was in the basket you just wanted the night to be about you and Zayn.

Soon things started to get heated between you and Zayn, ass grabbing, gentle tugs on the hair, moaning each others names. This was great you thought, you haven't had an intimate moment in ages due to work and Zayn's tour. This, this was the touch and the Zayn you longed for. You were straddling Zayn just about to take your top off when a loud ring played through the house, it was a long ring but you and Zayn just ignored it and carried on not noticing that it had stopped. The ringing had started up again, you didn't care but Zayn did and this annoyed you. He had stopped the only little intimacy that you two have had in months for someone on the phone. But it wasn't just someone it was someone who Zayn must have known, someone important with some important news by the sound of it. He was overly apologizing to this person over the phone, saying how he wasn't busy at all, that was a stab to the heart, of course he was busy, he was getting busy with you. Your boyfriend came back 20 - 30 minutes later, in that time you had brought everything that was out side inside, put your top back on, brushed all the rose petals into one big pile and found a channel that was showing reruns of FRIENDS episodes.

"Baby, I am really sorry I have to go. I promise I will make it up to you" He whispered into your ear, then pulling away to show the smirk on his face and a cheeky wink. "Zayn this is our day. Where you going? Who was on the phone?" You said with sadness in your voice, but slowly got bitter when you carried on. "Must have been someone really important to say your not busy. Like come on Zayn am I not important? Is today not important you?." He was about to answer but before he could even say a sound you cut him off, the guilt written all over his face however a slight hint of anger in his eye. "No, you know what I don't care, just leave". "You know what Perrie would have never off acted like this, she would have understood that there was somewhere important that I needed to be." He carried on in a harsh tone. " That was her by the way, she needs me. An important friend helping her out with an important problem. You're so selfish Y/N, grow up. I won't be home tonight I will stay at her's give you some time to think about what you have said." That was it you lost it, slowly as he was speaking you anger was filling up inside. And now it was about to be let loose."I knew it." You said, while he was walking to the door grabbing a coat, you following slowly behind stopping at a distance you thought was safe. He didn't bother to turn around to look at you. "I knew it, you and her. I have tried for the past couple of months to push the thought of you and her back together out of mind, but deep down I knew I wasn't you only one. I knew there was something between you two again, I was just there to be strung along. You can fuck off Zayn, I don't want to see you again. You disgusting little cheat...get out of the house....NOW." You command the last word. He leaves slamming the door as hard as he can, you just stood there breathing deeply not crying, not moving just staring at the door.

He didn't come home. He don't come home at all, for a whole 4 days. You lost him. You lost him you thought again. It's your fault you pushed him away, you told him to go away and he did, now he ain't coming back.

You started thinking about the last thing Zayn said and how he compared you to Perrie once again knowing full well that, that was only going to increase your anger. "An important friend helping with an important problem" You mimicked out loud in a bitter tone, that sentence niggling at the back of you mind every now and then. "What if Zayn said was true? Am I selfish?" You softly spoke loudly to your self while lying in bed 4 days after he left. "I mean, her and Zayn have had a thing before, an important thing. They were going to get married, they had spoken about children. Now he had finally realized what he once had and now he wants it back. Right now he could be married and with child on the way, his job calming down a lot so he can properly settle down and raise a family like he had dream. A big garden with a swing set and play area for his young one and a pets." Now you were just torturing yourself, this was sending you crazy thinking about Zayn's future with someone else and how you were all in the way of that.

Today was a work day, you didn't want to go in, you wanted to try and get a hold of Zayn and talk this through. Through out of the day you couldn't help but keep glancing at you phone in case you missed anything, your knee was bouncing up and down like crazy and generally you did not know what was going on today, you were sort of out of it, not caring about work or what was going on around you. It was mid afternoon nearing to 4 O'clock "An hour to go til I get to go home" you thought, some excitement filling up in side of you. For the past 2 hours you have been thinking about what you would say to Zayn on phone and the many different outcomes "What will I do if he doesn't want to talk to me? Do I apologize for accusing him of cheating? Do I cry down the phone begging for him to come back? Maybe I was right, maybe he was cheating on me that's why he didn't look me in the eye when I brought the accusation up?Maybe he felt guilty for what he has done?" All these question were flowing around you head, but now you wanted answers. You didn't waste any time, slipping on your coat as fast as possible, grabbed your phone from the desk and rushed out side to make the important phone call.

Voice mail is all you got every time you rang him, so in the end you decided to leave him a message hoping that he will hear it and call you back. "Hey Zayn, you have not been home in a while...4 days actually...I have been wondering when you will be coming home. I would like for both of us to sit down and talk about the other night?" And with that you left it, went back up finished work and went home.

It was raining that night, the weather forecast said it was going the thunder, something you enjoyed watching but at the same time dreaded the sound of. Walking through your front door and dropping all of your stuff a sigh had left you month not a word from Zayn, all you wanted to do was scream. With the weather being all cold and horrible you decided to go up stairs and change in too something more warm and comfortable, a pair of sweat pants and one of Zayn jumpers that hung on your shoulders and finished mid thigh, thanks to the rain your hair was damp you threw it in to a messy bun on the top of your head. You kept you phone on loud and with you at all times just in case there was any chance of Zayn calling you back. Slowly making your way down the staircase, your bare feet slapping against the cold wooden floor heading toward the kitchen. There he was, Zayn sat at the island in the middle of the table,his elbows propped up on the counter and his head resting in his hands. You were caught off guard you didn't think he was going to reply to a voice message let alone come back home. The kitchen was dimly lit so when you softly spoke his name and he turned around you couldn't see his face all so well. However you could tell that the past 4 days have been tough on him too.

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