the boys don't like you

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Harry: "Bye guys!" you call as you get up to leave, Harry showing you out. You receive only a few mumbles in reply. The second the door closes behind you Louis lets out a cheer, and the other boys laugh. Harry raises an eyebrow at Louis, questioning Louis' reaction. Louis answers Harry's unspoken question in between laughs, "When are you going to move on to the next one Harry? Do you want to hurry it up for our sakes please?". Harry frowns, "What do you mean by that?". "Well," Zayn rubs his neck sheepishly, "You do go through girls pretty quick...". Harry takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "No not that. I mean what the hell did you mean about (Y/N)?". "She's so fake mate, all afternoon she's been so in your face, trying too hard," Niall explains, and the other nod in agreement. "You can insult me all you want, but don't you dare say a bad word against (Y/N)" Harry snarls, "She's possibly the best person I have ever met, and I'm in love with her,". He makes to leave, but pauses when he reaches the front door, looking back over his shoulder at his band mates, "And did it ever occur to you that she was acting like that because she thinks you all hate her? She's cried to me about it on more than one occasion, and I had to reassure that it wasn't the case,". And he slams the door behind him. The other four boys can't even look at eachother they feel that guilty.

Liam: "Hey guys," Liam calls the others over and points at the laptop screen, "Which bracelet do you think (Y/N) would like best, the silver or the gold?". "Neither," Niall snaps, as Louis leans forward to shut the laptop screen. "Woah!," Liam raises his hands in mock surrender, "What's up with you two?". "She's using you Liam," Niall frowns, " All those expensive gifts she keeps pestering you for, she's using you for your money,". Liam starts to laugh, shaking his head. "You're just too nice to see it how it is Liam," Louis places a hand on his shoulder, "We're just looking out for you mate,". "Neither of you have a clue at all," Liam laughs at his two friends, "(Y/N) has never once asked me for anything. Literally, not one thing. Not even an ice cream from the van in the park,". Niall looks at him confused, "Well what about all the gifts then?". "I wanted to get them for her. Surprises. She doesn't really like it, alwasy asks me to take stuff back. But I love her, so I will treat her to gifts whenever I want to,". Liam explains. "Sorry mate, we just thought...," Louis apoligises, but Liam simply smiles at both of them, "It's fine, it's good to know you guys have my back - but there's no need to worry about (Y/N),".

Louis: "Well," he smiles widely at his four best friends, "What did you think about her?". You'd just been introduced to the other boys of One Direction, and now that you'd left, Louis was desperate to know that they thought you were as amazing as he though you was. "Well she was..." Liam starts, looking desperately at the others to help him out. "Different?" Harry suggests, to which Liam nods and repeats, "She's different,". Louis frowns, "What do you mean?". Harry laughs, "Well she's not exactly the type you usually go for is she Lou? I just can't imagine you two lasting very long,". "Weill it's not exactly worked out all that well with 'my types' in the past has it?" Louis snaps sarcastically, "Considering they've either cheated on me or were only using me for my fame and money!,". He turns away, taking deep breaths in order to compose himself, before turning back to his best friends. "Look guys, I think (Y/N) really is something special, and I look forward to proving you all wrong - because i'm going to spend the rest of my life with that girl... I can just, tell,".

Zayn: "I can't believe you and (Y/N) went to the same school, nevermind the same class!" Zayn laughs, nudging Liam's side, who was awkwardly laughing., "Didn't you recognise her name or anything?". Liam shrugs, "Well I never expected you to end up with that (Y/F/N),". Zayn frowns, "What do you mean by that?". "Well," Liam begins to explain, fidgeting with his hands, "Back at school, she had, like, a really bad reputation... You know, smoking, drugs, sleeping around and whatever," he notices Zayn tense beside him and adds, "I mean, they were only rumours but... but there was definitely some truth in them...". Harry's face scrunches as he turns to Zayn, "Nah mate, you don't want a girl like that. They're never any good,". Louis nods and then adds, "You can do better than that anyway. And to be honest, you deserve better,". Zayn jumps up to leave, shouting as he storms through the apartment, "People make mistakes, I know we all have. And you know what, people change - and the don't need people judging them based on their past!".

Niall: "Alright, I've got to go... Yeah i'll call you later, tonight... I love you too... Bye... Bye," Niall finally puts the phone down and walks back over to the other boys with a cheesy smile on his face. "Sorry about that guys, where were we?". The other just roll their eyes, "It's your turn in the booth Niall,". Once he'd finished it was Louis' turn, and Niall pulled out his phone as he settled onto one of the sofas. "Texting her again?" Zayn snorts, and Niall looks up, eyebrow raised, "and so what if I am...?". "Typical," Zayn snorts again, and all of a sudden Niall is on his feet, glaring down at Zayn, "And what's that supposed to mean?". Zayn stands too, so they're at an equal footing, and laughs harshly, "She's a distraction. All you ever do is text or call her. What about the band? Our music? Our careers?". Noow Niall laughs, "Oh, so I'm assuming this rule only applies to me then eh? What about Liam whose texting Danielle right now?" he points at Liam who quickly hides his phone, "Or when Louis was while I was in the booth?". Zayn looks startled as Niall takes a seat again on the sofa - Niall never shouted like tha. Eventually, a stunned Zayn finds his voice, "Look Niall mate, I'm sorry. I guess we're just getting used to you and (Y/N) being an item...". Niall looks over at his friend and smiles weakly, "It's alright Zayn, I certainly waited a long time for her,".

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