love bites and scratches

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Louis: You had joined the boys on their US tours. You, as a couple, had been asked to come on the tv show ‘The Talk’. You gladly accepted and joined Louis on the set. They asked you guys a few questions about how long you had been dating, if you planned on moving in together and other questions. You were having so much fun answering all their questions and hanging out with Louis. Then Shannon leaned in towards you two. “Look here, love birds. We have a picture that needs explaining.” She turns and looks up at the screen and the picture is of Louis at the pool a day earlier. He had scratches all over his back. You go beet red and Louis shakes his head. You look at him and he looks at you and you laugh. “Yeah…” you say quietly. “She likes it rough, this one” Louis says and pulls you in against his chest. You smack him in the chest and everyone laughed.

Zayn: You and Zayn were doing an interview with Alan Carr. You were doing a lot of interviews with Zayn because management felt you two, as a couple, were really marketable. You were talking about how you and Zayn had just bought a new flat together. “Speaking of which,” Alan said “This is a photograph of you leaving your flat last week Zayn.” The second he said that, you knew what picture was coming and exactly what the topic was going to be. There was a picture of Zayn and, in the top corner, a zoom-ed in circle of Zayn’s love bites. “Oh my lord” Zayn says laughing. You laughed too, giving Zayn a kiss. “Y/N” says Alan seriously, “That’s what causes those!” and the studio is full of laughter.

Harry: You and Harry were in the US doing some publicity. You had been staying in Los Angeles and were spending all your down time at the beach. Today, you were doing the Ellen show. You were excited, because you had watched Ellen before you met Harry. To be on the show was crazy to you. Ellen announced you two, and you both came out. You did the chicken dance and Harry did the Charlie brown, keeping with the dancing tradition of the show. Ellen laughs as you give her a hug. You go through basic questions, how long you’ve been together and stuff like that. “Okay,” Ellen says and you straighten up. “Time to get down to business. You’re both here without your moms, and I’m going to be Mama Ellen right now” she says and you giggle, as Harry smiles at you. “What is this about?” she says as a picture of Harry, topless at the beach, comes up on the screen. There are red circles around love bites and scratches all down his chest. “Cat attack” Harry says and you burst out laughing. Ellen laughs too, and says “Oh that’s what you’re calling it now” she smiled. You kept quiet.

Niall: You and Niall were on the Rachael Ray show. Knowing Niall loved food, and you were partial to it too, you went on to learn some new recipes while in the US promoting the new album. “So while we wait for that to cook, let’s talk a little about you guys. There’s this picture of you out for dinner last night and we have it here” it flashes up on the screen, and you laugh nervously. He has love bites on his neck, and you have one on your shoulder. “What happened the night before?” Rachael said laughing. “A lady never tells” you smile, and Niall nods in agreement.

Liam: You and Liam were on the Graham Norton show. He was asking you a lot of questions about you two. “Where did you two meet?” he asked, and you told him the story as Liam blushed. He asked about your history, where you came from and your family. “Alright, now that we’re all caught up, we have some serious business to discuss” he says, leaning in. You smile and Liam rubs your back. “This picture is first on the docket” he says and a picture comes up. It’s a picture of you and Liam. You’re in a spaghetti strap dress, and you can see a small love bite on your neck. Liam covers his mouth and you look at the ground. “Like a couple of school kids” Graham laughs. Liam speaks up, “I just like her a lot.” You smile and the audience ‘aw’s.

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