gift shopping

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Niall: "Do you think mum will like this?" he asked, holding up the most hideous shirt. You scrunched your nose and shook your head no. He sighed and then looked at you with pleading eyes. "Pick something for me then. We've gone through different things and they all suck," he whined. You squeezed his hand that you were holding and dragged him off to the cooking supplies area. You knew that Maura had wanted a new pot set, the last time you guys visited she had said so while the two of you were cooking. "Get these in red, her favorite color. Plus, it'll match her new kitchen scheme," you said, pointing at a huge box of pots and pans. "You sure?" he asked a little skeptical. "She said she wanted new ones the last time we visited," I said. "Good thing I have you to help me," he said, grabbing the box and kissing your cheek. "Damn right," you joked, following him to the cash register.

Zayn: "I need to buy Liam a gift, but what do I buy him?" he asked, walking around the mall with you. You shrugged your shoulders not knowing what he would need, or want, either. "C'mon, babe, I need help!" he begged. "Zayn, you know him better than me. What do you think he would want?" you asked. Honestly, it was hard to find something for someone who could easily already have it or buy it themselves. "Well, he's been talking about getting a couple new watches. I don't know what kind exactly, but he's into a different variety," he said. "There's a jewelers right there, we can go take a look." He nodded and pulled you into the store. After countless views of different watches, you finally saw one you thought Liam might like. You pointed it out to Zayn and he smiled, agreeing with you. "We'll take that one," he said to the retailer.

Louis: He was shopping for his siblings, there was no special occasion other than seeing for the first time in a couple months. He was walking aimlessly around the toy store, picking up random toys. He was wanting to buy them just for the hell of it, but then again he wanted to pick things they liked. "What do you think we should buy?" he asked, stopping in front of the music aisle. You turned around and looked at the signs, trying to figure out what the girls, and the little man, would like. They were all different, so it wouldn't be easy but then again it might be. "I'll give you a few options and you go with them, okay?" you asked, looking him straight in the eye. He nodded and let you continue. "Dolls, little dress up outfits, easy bake ovens, teddy bears, or something along those lines for the girls Ooh, or some books. They like to read." He laughed at how excited you got when you added a new thing onto the list. "Alright, babe. Let's go look some more before we end up buying you the whole store," he joked.

Harry: "I need to buy your mum something for her birthday," he said, looking at you. It warmed your heart a little that he remembered your mum's birthday. "Haz, it's fine. I already got something that we can give her together," you said, smiling up at him. "No, I want to buy something for her too. Please, just tell me what she likes or wants." You nodded and walked him over to the knitting area, knitting was something that she was getting into lately. She said it helped her relax. "She likes knitting?" he asked, looking at you with curiosity. "Yes. You can buy needles, yarn, books on how to knit different things, or whatever. She'll love it either way," you smiled, stepping back so he could pick some things. Within a couple minutes he had you holding different colors and styles of yarn while he held some books and different gadgets that she would like. "You're sweet," you said, leaning up to kiss him. "I just want to buy her something she would like for her birthday. After all, she brought you into this world and deserves a lot more for that," he said, smiling.

Liam: "Babe, we are getting nowhere with this list of people. We don't even know what they would like or what they would want," he complained, looking at the list in front of him. It was the list of people you guys still needed to buy Christmas gifts for. "Here's what we are going to do. We are going to grab things that are nice and add them to our cart. It doesn't matter how many things we get, just grab them if they look appealing. Before we checkout, we will go through the things and the list, leaving and taking out things so that we can gift them or not." He thought about it for a second before he finally agreed. An hour later, the two of you were headed to the checkout station with a cart full of gifts that you found suitable for everyone on your list. "That was a good idea, love. We got something for everyone and for us," he winked. "Sorry for keeping stuff," you said, guiltily. "No, it's fine. It'll be our Christmas gift to ourselves," he joked, putting things on the counter for the lady to scan. You smiled and helped him, thanking him for a great day.

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