"do you still love me?"

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Niall: It had been weird between you two lately, you didn’t think he cared anymore. You felt like you were the only one fighting to keep the relationship going and you didn’t want to be the only one anymore. You had been waiting up for him, again. He always did this lately, he would leave without telling you where he was going and then he would come home all hours of the night drunk. You were on the couch when you heard the front door open, you turned and you saw him stumble in the front door. He caught himself and giggled, he looked up and saw you on the couch. His smile dropped. “Waiting for me? Because you don’t have to.” He glared at you and you felt like he was sending hatred you way, you didn’t say anything. He scoffed and turned to walk away. “We need to talk, Niall. Now.” you said, quietly. Your voice was weak and you really wanted to cry. He sighed and walked back over into the living room. “About?” he asked, face planting into the couch opposite from the one you were on. “Look at me.” “I don’t want to. Just say what you have to say, you’re already killing my mood.” he said. Wow, you thought. “Are we- Do you still love me?” you asked, your voice failed you and cracked as soon as the words left your lips. He turned to look at you, but you couldn’t read his expression. He quickly sat up and sighed. He was looking at you, then he put his hands over his face. You were waiting for his response and every bad thing that you could possibly think was running through your head. He finally looked at you and began to talk. “I-I do. It’s just.. I don’t know. It seems like neither of us are happy anymore and I know you’re trying, but I can’t.” he said. Your voice hitched and a flood of emotions came to you. “So that’s it? You don’t even want to fight for me, for our relationship?” you cried, the tears finally falling. He was staring at you and his face dropped, he felt bad for what he was doing to you. “I think that I’m bad for you and I’m never around, you deserve better.” “I don’t care what I deserve, I want to be with you. But obviously that’s something you don’t want.” you said. You both stayed in silence and he didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t saying the things you wish he would. You got up to leave, no longer wanting to be in his presences. You walked away, but he called to you to stop and your turned to look at him. “I love you, more than anything or anyone. I want you to be happy and I can tell that you’re not anymore. I’m sorry. Like I said, you deserve better.” You didn’t say anything, you walked into your bedroom and laid down, crying. He had stayed downstairs that night, even after him basically telling you he didn’t want to be with you, you still wanted him to come up to bed with you. The next morning you woke to an empty house, he had left and you didn’t think he was coming back, so you might as well get use to the quiet.

It took you sometime, but you finally got almost over Niall. He still found his way into your mind, you were always wondering about him. You remember the day he finally moved all his stuff out, it was awkward for the both of you to be around one another, so you left as soon as he showed up. You had spent a couple weeks hoping he would come back and tell you that he wanted to  be with you, but he didn’t. Tonight was the night you would finally go out and have some fun, after all your best friend begged you to go out with the girls. You got all dressed up, hair and make up were all made to perfection, and you felt confident. You were ready, so you took a cab to the club. When you got there you were pretty excited and ready to be free. When you walked in you went and found your friends. Drinks were passed around and there was plenty of dancing. It was starting to get hot in the club, so you decided to go out and get some air. As you were walking out you ran into some one walking in, Niall. “Whoa,” he looked at you, “Y/N? Are-are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah.” you said, quickly getting away from him. You walked outside and a wave of fresh air hit you, the mixture of your emotions from seeing Niall and alcohol all came flooding to you. You heard footsteps approach you, you looked up to see Niall with a concerned look on his face. You really didn’t want him to be near you. “What Niall?” you asked, semi-harshly. “I just wanted to check on you, you ran out of there pretty fast. Is everything okay?” “I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” he asked, he seemed genuinely concerned. “Yeah. Why do you care?” “Because I do. I still do and always will.” he said. You looked up at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck. “What?” “I’ll always care because I still love you.” he said, making you gasp. You couldn’t say anything, you were still shocked. “Hear me out. I made a mistake and I miss you so much. I love you, Y/N. And being with out you sucks. I need you.” “You told me you didn’t love me.” you said, finally getting your voice back. “I said, I wasn’t in love with you… But I lied. I need you. Please give me a chance.” he said. You were taken back by everything he had said, he still love you. “I-I don’t know what to say. I miss you, but I know that what you did to me hurt me so bad. I don’t know right now, Niall. I just got to a point where I wasn’t thinking about you 24/7 and now you show up out of nowhere. I don’t know what to think.” “I’ll give you time to think about it, but I really do love and miss you. I’m sorry for ever hurting you.” After he spoke he was ready to walk away, but you didn’t want him to. “Wait.” you yelled. He turned around and looked at you. “I don’t want you to go without knowing that I still love you too, give me a couple days to think about everything and I’ll call you.” you said. He smiled and nodded, “Okay.” After that you went back inside and drank some more, you knew that in a couple days you would take him back no matter what. 

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