"mine" (punk series)

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punk series #5

Niall: You were starting to fall for him, but you didn't know if it was going any further than the kiss. You didn't know if you wanted to either. He had come over and asked if you wanted to get out for a little bit and you agreed. As you guys drove, you asked where you were going but he wouldn't tell you. He was mostly quiet the whole way and you didn't bother him because you didn't want to piss him off. You guys stopped and you saw that he had brought you to a carnival, "A carnival?" "Yup." he said, getting out and you followed his lead. You guys walked around for a while and even played some games, you guys were getting a long. "Ferris wheel?" he asked, looking at you. His intense gaze always gave you the chills. "Uh, I'm fine." "Come on. Just one time." he said, pulling you but the arm. You yanked it away, annoyed that he wasn't listening to you. "What's your problem?" he growled. "I don't want to go and you're not forcing me to." you argued. He looked at you sympathetically, "I'm sorry. I'm trying to work on fighting with you but," he stopped for a second, "I just wanted to do or ask you something. I thought that being up there would've been nice." You were surprised he was being nice, so you looked at him to continue. "I-I've never done this before, but I was going to ask if you would be my girlfriend. I understand if you say no." You looked at him, you didn't know what to say. He was staring at you, waiting for an answer, "I-I, uh, sure?" "Sure? You don't have to, you know?" he looked at you a bit hurt. he never looked as vulnerable as he did now. "I mean yes, yes." you smiled. "Are you sure?" he asked again. You were wondering why he was being so nice. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him.

Zayn: He picked you up the next night and took you out again. He made a good impression on you and it lead to a couple more dates, including the one you were currently on. He took you out to dinner. You guys were getting a long and you found yourself enjoying your time with him. He was actually a decent person when he was being a jerk. You guys had just finished dinner and he lead you outside. You were on the boardwalk, the water under the moonlight was an amazing view. You guys walked it for a while and stopped at the end. You both leaned on the rails and continued to talk. He turned to you and smiled, it wasn't the "I'm a cocky jerk" smile it was a genuine smile. "YN. Do you hate me?" You giggled at his question, "You have your moments when I do." He sighed, "I'm trying to get better, at least with you." You smiled, "I was kidding. I mean yeah at first I didn't like you, but since we've been going out you've grown me." He smiled but stayed silent for a little bit. "Be my girlfriend." he said, you looked at him. "W-what?" "Be my girlfriend." "Are you asking or telling?" you questioned him. "A bit of both." You smiled, it was kind of like you had an option. You nodded your head, "Okay." He looked at you and smiled, pulling you into a hug. You guys stayed a while longer, finally walking away hand in hand to the car. You had never been in a relationship with someone like him, but you were up for the challenge.

Louis: "Mine." he whispered. You looked at him questioningly. It had been a couple days since your second date and the infamous kiss. He had been coming around to your house a lot, it was annoying but then again you didn't mind. He was currently sitting on your couch and you guys were watching a movie. You guys kissed every once in a while, but still kept your distance while you were on the couch. "What did you say?" you finally asked him. "What? Nothing." "Okay." you mumbled out because he didn't give you an answer. "C'mon don't be like that." He nudged you but you didn't react. "YN." Still you said nothing. He sighed, "Fine. I want you to be mine. There you happy? I know you're going to say no, so I'm going to go before I look like a dumbass." He got up off the couch, you jumped not wanting him to leave. He was almost to the door when you pulled on his arm, without thinking your lips were on his and you had him against the door. No words were exchanged you both knew what your answer was. The only thing was you that you wondered where all your confidence came from and if you were making the right choice.

Harry: You had agreed to let him take you out, all your other "dates" had taken place at your house. He had taken you out for pizza, the same thing you had on every "date" with him. It was linked with an arcade, you guys decided to play and you were both enjoying your time together. To your surprise he wasn't as bad as you thought he was or the way he presents himself. During school he would talk to you a lot more and people would give you guys looks, but you ignored them. You had just won the game and he was congratulating you with a kiss. You pulled away and he whispered, "Mine." You looked at him and his eyes immediately snapped open,"I-I mean, uh, fuck." You put your hand on his cheek, he looked embarrassed you leaned in and kissed him. "Yours." He smiled As you pulled away. "Mine. Mine. Mine." he said, kissing all over your face. "Are you sure?" he asked with concern. "Yes." you said, pulling him into you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips, hoping that your gestures reassures him that you wanted this.

Liam: Party after party, you would always ended up in a heated make-out session with him, drunk or not. He would watch you from afar and you would smile, it was creepy yet flattering. You walked into the familiar frat house, drunks all over. Music playing, drinking, and you caught the state of the tattooed frat boy. He had a smirk on his face and right away he motioned for you to go to him. So you did. You guys drank and talked, ending up in his room on his bed. Things were in full effect and he stopped, "I want you to be mine." You looked at him, "Yours?" "Mine. All mine. Only mine." he said, going back in to kiss you. You didn't push him away, your answer came with the fact that you didn't push him away when he began to kiss you again. Things went the way they normally did, the kiss ended and you guys ended up going back down to the party. This time you stayed by one another and he always kept physical contact with you, as to warn others to keep away from you. He even took you back home after the party, something be never did in the past. Maybe this could work, then again maybe it won't.

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