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Niall: Days, weeks, months. Time just passed by so slowly after you left Niall. You missed him terribly, but going back was never an option. You left because you knew he was about to do the same. You left and he moved on. So you went about life, not really ever over Niall, but getting on with things. You had to. So when you saw his name flashing on your phone, you almost didn't answer. You were trying to forget him. Your heart would never let you though, and you find yourself saying hello. "Hey [Y/N], I know it's random that I'm calling. I just keep thinking you and us." You didn't speak at all. You just stood there holding your phone, wanting til he spoke again. "Remember the day we were giving up? When you told me I didn't give you enough, and all of your friends were saying I'd be leaving you?" "Of course," you mumbled. Niall could hear the pain in your voice, and it hurt him. "I'm sorry for it all. I wasn't leaving you. I wasn't ever going anywhere. I'm sorry too that I moved on. You know she's lying in bed with my t-shirt on, and I just keep thinking how I went about it wrong." You loved what he was saying, but it didn't matter now. He had her. "Well..." "Please, just let me end things with her, and give us a second chance. Please. Just give me a second chance." Your voice shook, as you replied, "I still don't think we are right. I'm sorry."

Louis: The light in your eyes when Louis entered a room was no longer there. The smile that shined so brightly anytime you looked at him had started to fade. Louis was the first to notice this, and he wasted no time bringing it up. If he could fix whatever had gone wrong, he wanted to. He did not want to lose you for whatever reason you were upset. "What happened? Did I do something?" he questioned you, reaching for your hand as he did. You let him grab it, but felt tears rolling down your face over fear he wouldn't want to do that for much longer. "I just have started to realize you won't love me forever." "What are you talking about?" "You'll find something better than me one day, and it's gonna hurt so much when you do. So I've started to realize I'd rather just let go now, than get hurt when that time comes." Louis had no idea how these fears had suddenly appeared, but he didn't care. He just wanted to make sure you knew that was not true at all. He would never hurt you. You were everything to him. "[Y/N], I'm not going anywhere. I live for you. I long for you. I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, and I don't want you to lose it. Please don't let me go. I would never walk away." That was all you needed to hear. You just needed reassurance. That little speech eased the pain in your heart and the thoughts in your mind. "I love you so much Louis. I just don't ever want to lose you."

Liam: You didn't want to fight with Liam. You hated arguments. So when things started to pile up that pushed your buttons, you held it all in. However, avoiding bringing up those things led to not speaking at all between you. Avoiding that fight was ruining you completely, and Liam could see this. He knew if you didn't talk it out, you would walk away soon. "[Y/N] say what you're feeling and say it now. You keep holding it all in, and it's ruining us. 'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out. Is not talking about anything going to be better when we're not together at all?" You saw all his points perfectly. You knew you had to talk about things. You had to argue. It was that or nothing. That was just hard for you. He saw the hesitation in your eyes. "Please [Y/N], just yell at me and get it over with. I'd rather that than to lose you. I don't want that. The consequences are falling now. I'm having nightmares about it." Liam saw that you rolled your eyes at that statement. "It's true [Y/N]. I'm having nightmares over the thought of losing you because of this. Just talk to me. Say what you have to say, and let's get this out of the way." You were silent for yet another moment, before finally you spoke, "What if we fight and breakup anyway?" "Then at least we tried."

Harry: "Don't say that you love me. I know that you don't," you snapped at Harry, after he uttered those 3 words. He said them so often in the past, but it was only this time that annoyed you. Before you had always believed them. Now you weren't so sure. You had many people telling you things, convincing you he didn't care for you at all. It was hard to believe him, when everyone else seemed so certain he was lying. "But I do love you. It's all I do. I love you," Harry said, desperately wanting you to believe him. You truly were everything to him. He hated that everyone seemed to want to tear you apart. And the fact you were together so seldom, he knew that made it easier for others to get inside your mind. He didn't blame you for your worry. He just wanted to convince you you did not have to. "Please believe me, don't you see the things you mean to me?" You did see how much Harry cared for you, but you also heard the words the others spoke telling you not to. "I just... I don't know." "Well I love you. I love you. I love you. I'll say it a million times if I have to, to convince you that I mean it. I think about you constantly. When you go and I'm alone, you live in my imagination. I never stop thinking of you. You're everything. The summertime butterflies, all belong to your creation. I love you. I love you." You gave in to the part of you that did know he cared for you, as you replied through tears, "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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