more than this

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NiallFor months Niall tried to get your attention. He did everything he possibly could to get you to see he was there. You were always blind to his feelings though, no matter how obvious he made them. Finally, he didn’t know what else to do, so he was completely honest. “If I’m louder, would you see me?” He asked you, not knowing how he could be any more obvious than he already was. “I just don’t know what else to do, to show you that I am in love with you. You save me [Y/N]. When you’re around, I feel so much better, but when you leave it’s gone again.”  Maybe you were naive when it came to love, but you truly had never noticed his feelings. Not until now, as he said them so bluntly, shocking you. “I never noticed. Not at all…”

Harry: ”When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, ” Harry told you honestly. He was finally admitting, after months of hiding his feelings, that he had not moved on from the two of you, nor did he feel okay when thinking of you with someone else. “Harry, stop, please,” You begged him, in that moment not able to process what he was telling you. You had always believed he was over you, and this was a true shock. “This just doesn’t feel right [Y/N]. I miss you so badly. And to think of you with him, it’s the worst. I hate that I ever let you go.” You wanted to leap into his arms right then abd there, and forgive him for ever dumping you, but it wasn’t that easy. “Well you did.” You took a deep breath, trying to hide your emotions. “And I’m with him now, so please respect that. I’m sorry…”

: You had not spoken to Louis in weeks. He was your closes friend, and yet he had been avoiding you ever since you began dating your current boyfriend. It hurt you horribly. You were so angry towards him, and when you finally did see him yet again, you let him know. “What is your problem? Why are you avoiding me?!” “I…” Louis was going to lie. He opened his mouth prepared to tell you some made up story, but instead the truth poured out. The truth he wasn’t sure you’d ever want to hear. “I can’t see you with him. When I see you on the street, in his arms, I get weak. I feel so jealous, because I want to be where he is.” You said nothing in reply, just stood there with your mouth falling open. What could you say to that? “I’m sorry [Y/N]. It’s hard for me to see you with him, but I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”

Liam: Liam would never tell you how he felt. He would never tell you that he was in love with you, and that seeing you with someone else shattered his heart each and every time. He would never let you know how miserable he was without you by his side. He would never tell you how horrible it was when he saw the way your boyfriend mistreated you, because he knew it was not his place to tell you to leave. When the time came, and you did leave, he would tell you true feelings, but for now, he would simply sing them, and wonder if you knew why his eyes stayed on you the entire time he did. “I’m broken, do you hear me? I’m blinded, ‘cause you are everything I see.” You loved the song, and loved to hear him singing him, but had no idea the true meaning behind every single word.

Zayn: You had waited years to hear Zayn admit his feelings, but he never would. He was always too shy around you, and hid how he felt, even if you already knew the truth. So now, when you were finally with someone else, you could not believe that he was finally admitting it, as he hugged you tightly, “Please just stay with me. I’ve never had the words to say, but now I’m askin’ you to stay.” “Zayn, I have to go home to him,” you replied sadly, truly wanting to do nothing but stay right there inside his arms. “I want to, but now is not the right time.” As you pulled away from him, you could see he was regretting his decision to admit his feelings, and you did not want that. “I’m glad you told me the truth. It’s all I’ve wanted to hear for so long. Now that I know, maybe one day, maybe this can be real.” Zayn somehow nodded, while hoping that as you close your eyes tonight, you would realize you wanted one day to be a lot sooner. “Maybe.”

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