you babysit together

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Niall: Babysitting with Niall was going a lot better than you thought it would. You could not help but smile, as you watch Niall laughing and chasing the toddler around the room. The little girl was laughing constantly and she was very proud of herself, honestly believing she was faster than Niall; not that he going slow purposely. "Run," you said, still with that bright smile on your face. Finally Niall thought it was long enough, and he caught her, "Got you!" She began to laugh even louder than before, and Niall was laughing as well. By the time Niall put her back down, the laughter had even gotten to you. You walked over to Niall, "I'm so glad you're here Niall. I honestly thought today would be really boring, but I'm having fun." "Me too," Niall nodded, moments before two little arms wrapped around his leg. "Can we play again Niall? [Y/N], you should play too!"

Harry: "She won't listen to me. She's climbing on everything. I don't know what to do." You were almost in tears as you said that to Harry, the moment he stepped into the house. You were so overwhelmed. "[Y/N], calm down." Harry put his arms around you tightly, hoping to calm you, "It's okay." You shook you head. "No it's not." With a sigh, Harry let you go, and walked over to the child, who was trying to climb onto a counter. "Hey, what are you doing up there?" "Harry!" She jumped down and ran over to Harry, who quickly scooped her into his arms while calmly explaining to her that she needed to listen to you. Her face fell, "I'll listen. I promise!" "Okay," Harry nodded, before putting her down. And after that she was a totally different child from earlier in the day. "I'm slightly annoyed at the effect you have. One little 'be good' from you, and she's an angel," you sighed, though truly you were thankful she was finally listening. Even if it was because of Harry, and you had nothing to do with it.

Liam: "He's asleep," you whispered softly, as you sat down next to Liam on the couch. "I am so tired." "He sure has some energy," Liam responded, thinking back to all afternoon when the two of you had to chase a hyper 5 year old around the house. "It's like he's eaten way to much sugar." "You should be use to the energy though," you laughed, resting your head on his shoulder, "Thanks for helping me by the way. It was nice to have you here today." "It was fun," Liam replied, watching as your eyes began to close, "Before you fall asleep, what time are his parents getting back?" "They said around 10." Liam looked up at the clock, "Okay, then sleep for a few hours. I'll wake you up when it's closer." "'K," you sighed, before quickly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Louis: "Is the food good?" you questioned, as your two young cousins who you were watching, ate their supper that they're mother had left for them. They both barely stopped eating for a second to nod. Behind you, Louis wrapped his arms around you waist, "Do we get supper too? The ice cold mac and cheese looks great." You tried to hide your laughter, "When we leave here, we'll go eat somewhere." You turned around after saying that to face Louis, and both girls stopped eating at once. "Ewwww, Louis has his arms around [Y/N]!" "Are you going to kiss?!" "Kissing is gross. Don't kiss." "Do you love [Y/N], Louis?" You both laughed nervously at their questions, and Louis was the one to answer, "I won't kiss her right now, but yes I do love her. And we do kiss." "That's so gross!"

Zayn: "Sometimes I think we're so mature," You started, after you had tuck the twins you were watching in for a nap. "And then?" Zayn asked. You sighed, leaning against the wall as you did, "And then we spend two hours watching 4 year olds, and I know how immature we are. All I keep thinking is how much I want to leave here and do anything else." "And that makes us immature?" Zayn questioned, clearly missing your point. "I think that makes us normal for our age." "I just mean we're sure not mature enough to do this for real for a long, long time." You saw a look of shock cross Zayn's face, "You've thought of that before?" "Not like seriously, just as a normal 'one day' thing. But that one day has to be a long, long time from now." "Yeah," Zayn nodded in agreement, "A long time. Today has worn my out so much, and we really didn't do anything."

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