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Niall: "We have to help him Ni." You spoke softly as his arms circled around your waist and his chin came to rest on your shoulder. Your eyes trailing after Caleb as he wandered through the garden in search of the little eggs you'd scattered around. "He's got it. You don't need our help do you Cal?" Niall asked with a slanted smile on his lips and Caleb waved a hand behind his back. "I got it daddy." He called back just as he leaned over to pick up a red egg from off the ground and tossing it into his basket. "See look at that mommy our little boy's got it." He mumbled before pressing his lips to your jaw softly. "He's actually our big boy now [Y/N]." You nodded your head with a slight frown on your lips at the realization as Niall pressed a kiss to your cheek. " He is isn't he." You sniffled and Niall turned you around in his arms to stare at your glossy eyes. "Aw c'mon now none of that." He brought his hands up to cup your face, "Caleb's gonna be our little boy even when he's got kids of his own searching for eggs in our garden [Y/N]." He shot you a grin as his thumbs brushed over your cheeks. 

Louis: "Look Soph it's the Easter bunny." You tickled her belly as you carried her closer to the bunny standing in the middle of your living room surrounded by your little nieces and nephews. You peered down at Sophie only to notice the slight fear in her now widened eyes. "Mommy." She mumbled burying her face in the crook of your neck. Her hand clenched around the fronts of your shirt as you brought your hand up to calm her down, bouncing her on your hip. "S'alright Soph. It's a nice bunny it won't hurt you. See cousin Lily she's having fun with the bunny. " You whispered into her ear before pressing your lips to her temple. "Wanna know a secret Soph?" You asked with a raised brow, feeling her nod her head while her face was still in the crook of your neck, "Daddy's the bunny babes." You whispered watching her brows furrow as she turned her gaze to the bunny. "Daddy?" She repeated before wiggling in your hold, signaling to put her down before she quickly made her way over to Lou with a smile on her lips. " Daddy." She said happily with her arms raised and soon enough she was scooped up into his arms. "Hey baby." His voice sounded a bit muffled through the suit but it brightened the smile on her lips as she hugged him tightly.

Liam: He plopped down on the couch beside you, draping his arm around your shoulder with a grin on his lips. "I got something for you." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a plastic egg and dropping it into your lap. "Li these are for the kids." You shook your head with the corners of your lips curving up. He shrugged his shoulders, "But this one is specifically for you." He bit down on the corner of his lip to stop the smile from widening. With another shake of your head you began to open the egg, a small gasp falling from your lips as you pulled out a locket. " Liam..." You whispered, your eyes still trained on the locket as you smoothed your thumb over the detail. "Open it." He spoke just as softly pulling you in closer to him. And you did, a small laugh making its way past your lips as you looked over the picture he'd had put in it. "How'd you even get that picture?" You asked peering over at him with a bright smile and he shrugged. "My mum had it in one of her albums...remember that day though." He chuckled bringing his hand up to rub at the back of his neck, "You started crying right after that picture. And all I did was kiss you on the cheek [Y/N]." He teased only causing you to huff out a breath of air. "Shut up Liam."

Harry: "C'mon Charlie hop." Harry beckoned, hopping himself to demonstrate, "Like this. Follow daddy." He instructed, sighing seconds later because his daughter wasn't paying him any mind. She'd been too busy giggling every time she touched her fluffy tail to pay him any attention. "Told you the outfit would distract her." You muttered coming up behind him and circling your arms around his waist and he began to pout. "I wanted t send a video to my mom of her being a bunny..." He mumbled only making a giggle slip past your lips. "You can still send her a video Harry. M'sure she'd love seeing Charlie all dressed up even if she isn't hopping around like a bunny babe." You pressed your lips to his back 

Zayn: A smile made its way to your lips as you watched Gavin giggle while he ran from Zayn cradling the chocolate bunny in his arms. "Share it with me." You heard Zayn call out with laughter in his voice only to see Gavin shake his head in response. "Mine." He smiled, his running coming to a stop and he turned around to face his dad. Zayn stood over him with his hands on his hips and a grin on his lips. "Can I at least get a little bite?" He asked only to have Gavin shake his head quickly and he jutted out his lower lip feigning a pout. "You're hurting daddy's feeling Gav." He mumbled and you couldn't hold down the giggle as Gavin inched closer holding the bunny up to Zayn. "M'sorry daddy. Here you can have the whole thing. Take it. Smile." He rushed out with widened eyes.

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