not enough space - liam

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"I've just been busy lately. Between my job and Y/N, there's just no time for me anymore, you know?"

You weren't meant to hear your boyfriend say that. He thought you were upstairs in your bed with your nose in a book.

"No...I'm not saying that. I just wish I had more time. Sometimes I miss the single life."

Ouch. That hurt.

"Not like that, Niall. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that I miss the days when I could come home and just sit on the couch, watch one of my favorite shows..."

Maybe you two had gone too fast. Maybe you shouldn't have moved in with him at this point in your relationship, but he was the one who asked, pointing out that you two were obviously serious since you had been together for about a year and a half.

"And I miss going to the club or bar with you guys."

Why couldn't he do those things now? Sure, you hardly saw him as it was between your work and his; not to mention he would be leaving on tour next week for a few months...But it wasn't like you were holding him back or didn't trust him to go out with his friends.

"I know Louis and Zayn manage to, but I don't know, Niall. I just feel bad about leaving her here alone. She isn't much of a partier."

That was true. You weren't really one for clubbing or getting drunk, but that didn't mean you couldn't let loose once in a while.

You were about to walk in and ask to talk about this when he said something that completely shattered you.

"I'm kind of rethinking the whole thing. It's just not fun anymore."

When the tears began to take form, you knew you weren't going to walk in there or talk to your boyfriend tonight. You also were going to go to bed thirsty.

You had trouble sleeping that night, wrapped up in Liam's arms. You so badly wanted to pull away, but your heart was already too attached to him. You wanted to be happy with him, and more than anything, you wanted him to be happy with you. If he wanted space, you were going to give it to him, starting the moment you woke up.


"Morning, Love," Liam stretched while walking into the kitchen.

You didn't look up from the bowl in your hands, "Morning."

"So...what's on the agenda for today because it's a beautiful Saturday, and I was thinking-"

"Well, I'm going shopping with Ashley and Megan today," you interrupted him, walking over to the boiling hot frying pan on the stove, "and then having lunch with them. After lunch, I have to go grocery shopping, and then I have dinner plans with a colleague of mine."

"Oh...well, I guess we could always go to the park tomorrow..." he said, coming up beside you to wrap his arms around your waist

"I'm sorry, Liam, but I can't," you shook your head with a frown. "I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning with Lou. We're probably going to pick up some Starbucks afterwards,'ll have to make your own breakfast tomorrow, if that's ok. "

"Um...sure. I don't mind, but going to the gym doesn't take up the whole day," he pointed out, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"After getting Starbucks we're going to go to this new spa I heard about from Eleanor, and that'll take up most of the afternoon. I also plan on seeing Lux when I drop Lou off at her flat."

"How about we go for dinner, then?" he asked, letting go of you so you could serve breakfast.

"I'd love to, but...I'm going to be so tired after all that, Liam. I'd rather just stay home and curl up with my book," you put his plate down on the island and took your seat.

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