note passing

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Niall: As childish as it sounded, you had done it. The room was full of people and you two were being pulled in different directions. It was the night of their album release party and you were both catching up with different people. You had been itching to talk to him all night, both of you stealing glances and sneaky smiles only every so often. You had been bored, standing at the bar when you asked for a napkin and a pen, smiling as you wrote. 'Nice party, huh?-Y/N.' You handed it off to a waiter and told him to give it to Niall, watching on as he walked over to your boyfriend. Niall looked a bit confused before opening the note and letting a smile appear on his face, he looked over in your direction before looking for a way to write you back. You had moved around, sparking up a conversation with someone else before you felt a tap at on your shoulder. You turned, gaining a napkin note. You opened the note and noticed his scribbly handwriting, 'Meet me out front in 10.-Niall.' 

Zayn: He was seated on the other side of the table on Christmas. Both of you families were in the room, sitting at a huge dining room table. You had been talking to your family and his, conversations flowing from one thing to another. You had wished he had sat next to you before you sister had snagged the seat. You kept looking over at him, smiling at how content he had looked. Every so often, he would catch you gaze and send you a soft smile. A while before dinner was almost over, you had seen him hand something off to someone next to him and you had raised your eyebrow. You had turned you attention back to your food, but then you saw a small paper and pen appear near your plate and you looked up to see your sister smirking. You opened it up, seeing his handwriting scrawled on the paper. "You look beautiful. I wish I was sitting next to you. Z." You giggled, making sure no one was looking on before scribbling a little note back. 'Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself. I wish you were next to me too! Y/N.' 

Louis: You were sitting in the studio, watching on as he and Liam worked. They were in and out of the both, being versatile with writing and recording vocals. You had always enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes things, but you had always felt like a shadow and didn't really get to talk so much to him. You didn't mind because you didn't like to interrupt. Liam had gone into the booth and Louis had sat down with the producer, listening on as the music played and Liam sang. He sent in feedback and Liam tried out the suggestions. You had loved seeing him work. There was a moment where you found his writing journal, ripping a paper from it and searching the counters for a pen. Once you found one, you wrote him a little note before slipping it in front of him and sitting back in your seat. He gave you a smile before opening it up, reading: 'I love seeing you in action. All serious and... musical." You heard him chuckle and you knew the lame attempt at being cute had worked. A second later, he was looking back and throwing you the paper back, playfully. 'Thanks for sticking around and seeing me in action, babe." 

 Harry: As odd as it was, he had decided to start passing notes during an award show. But he was known to do weird things at awards shows, such as eating oranges he found or missing his queue to be up on stage to accept an award. You had been sitting behind him and the boys with the other girls, seeing as the boys all had to be seated together. He had sent you a couple of jokes to start off with, making you wonder where he had gotten the paper. After the knock, knock jokes, he had gotten a little comical with commenting on people that he saw around. Then finally, he started to get serious. 'I'm nervous for the performance." You smiled as you read his note, knowing that he always got nervous to perform at something that wasn't their concert. 'You'll do amazing, love. As always, don't sweat it. I believe in you!' You noticed a chuckle escape from his lips as he read your note. 'Thanks for believing in me, or us. Love you!' he wrote before sending you the note back. 

 Liam: Whispering in movies was rude, but you always liked to talk during movies. You liked to ask questions and just share your thoughts, and usually he listened without getting annoyed. You had been wanting to ask something that had left you confused, so you had searched your purse for a piece of paper and a pen. Once you found it, you had written down your question and handed him the paper. It had been difficult to read and write seeing as it was dark, but the two of you had managed. After getting your answers, you had kept the notes going and he had complied with each one. 'Watch the movie, babe," he wrote, smiling as he handed it to you. You frowned, knowing that he was trying to pay attention. 'Fine, but expect a lot of questions from me after.' You handed him back the note and settled in your seat, feeling his hand move to yours. Then you felt a kiss on your cheek before both of you went back to watching the movie.

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