he gets embarrassed

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Niall: The boys had been playing football (soccer) outside all day, Niall had been bragging that he was doing good every time he came in on a break. You decided to go outside and watch him. They were pretty into the game and there were arguments between the boys, you found it funny how into it they were. They were playing for a little bit longer and you could tell Niall was trying to show off in front of you because he kept trying to pull fancy moves. The ball had been thrown into the air and Niall was going to hit it with his head but it flew straight to his face. He fell on the ground groaning, you ran over to his side. "You weren't supposed to see that, YN." he mumbled. "Show off!" Liam yelled, you laughed because he was right. "I'm embarrassed and you're making it worse byt laughing." he pouted, staring at you. "Sorry. You shouldn't have been showing off." "I just wanted to show my girlfriend I was a good footballer." You smiled, "Apparently... Kidding. Get up." You got him up and gave him a quick kiss before they started up the game again, this time Niall was more careful and less cocky.

Zayn: You had just gotten home from work, you had seen Zayn's mom's car in the drive way. You walked in the house and looked for them, ever since you met Tricia you were close with her. You went towards the kitchen and heard them talking and you were about to say hi until you heard Zayn speak, "Mom, I really love her. She's the most beautiful the girl I've ever met. She's smart, kind, gorgoeus, and so much more. I think she could be the one." "Well, son, don't let her go." "I don't plan on it. I love her so much." You smiled and walked in, "I love you, too. Mr. Gorgeous." You kissed his cheek and turned to his mom. "Hi, Tricia!" You hugged her and turned back to Zayn, his cheeks were flushed, "You weren't supposed to hear that." You laughed at his appearance, he pouted with his red cheeks. "I'm glad I heard it. I'll leave you two alone. I'm going change and I'll cook dinner." You walked away when you heard them talk again, going back to their previous conversation, making you smile. You don't know why he got embarrassed, he tells you those things to your face all the time.

Louis: You walked into the house, after a long day at work, and it smelled like burnt food. You walked into the kitchen and saw Louis sitting on the counter, his head was down, and he looked sad. "What happened? Why does it smell like something burned?" You walked over to him, he kept his head down. "I tried." "Tried, what?" He looked up at you and he looked like he was going to cry, "To cook you a romantic dinner. I burned it because I fell asleep. I'm such and idiot, I'm so embarrassed." You smiled at him, "At least you tried, babe. Don't put yourself down." "I know but I wanted it to be perfect and I burned dinner." You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips, "It is perfect. We can order something, the biggest thing is that you tried. It didn't work but I appreciate your effort." He looked up, "I'm sorry. I'll do better next time." "I'll help next time, don't be sorry." You gave him another kiss and he got off the counter to go call a take out company. It was cute how he tried to cook you dinner.

Harry: The boys had all been over for the first time since the tour had been over, they had all gotten home last week. They were telling stories and they had you laughing. "Okay, so , one night we heard Harry. We thought he was having phone sex with you-" "Shut up, Louis!" Harry growled, you got embarrassed because you guys had phone sex while he was on tour. You turned red, "Shut up Harry! We went to pull a prank and catch him in the act, but when we pulled back his bunk curtain he was out cold." You laughed. "He had been moaning your name in his his sleep and he was wiggling around in his bed." "Okay, Louis, shut up! I bet you do it too!" Harry yelled. You giggled, "Aw, Harry it's okay." You moved over to him but he was mad, "Don't your laughing at me." You kissed his cheek, "Sorry I laughed." He smiled and gave you a kiss. It turned into a make=out session, the boys clearing their throats but you guys continued. Eventually, the left leaving you and Harry to do the things he had dreams about when he was moaning your name.

Liam: You had been at Liam's parent's house for the first time. You had just finished helping his mom cleaning the kitchen after lunch, "Want to see his baby pictures, YN?" "I would love to." you said. "No baby pictures, please?" he begged. You and his mom ignored him, walking into the living room and her pulling gout old albums. She was telling you storied about every picture and you found it very cute. He had been glaring at the both of you, embarrassed by the stories, you would send him air kisses but he ignored you. "This his first bath, look at his little butt." "Aw that's so cute." "Okay that's enough for today." he said, grabbing the book and putting it away. "I was looking at that!" you said with a pout. "Sorry, I don't like my baby pictures. It makes me feel weird and embarrassed." "Why? You were a cute baby." He smirked, "Fine. Here." He handed his mom the book back, she smiled and so did you. He walked away, leaving you guys to gush about how he cute he was when he was little.

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