boy next door: harry

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But just imagine growing up next door to Harry and you'd been best friends since you were little. Baby Harry wasn't too concerned with much, he was more than happy to come play tea party with you all afternoon and run around the back yard and play tag. Harry didn't care what it was, he wanted to be apart of it. 

Then just imagine him at ten, all lanky and growing. He still wants to do everything with you, but you've made a few girlfriends and you're more worried about how to do your mascara then hanging out with Harry. Harry doesn't mind though, he has his own friends too. You still kept your friendship, but you both had other interests now. You felt a little farther from Harry, but he'd always be there.

Imagine Harry at fifteen, his hair is awkward, but there is something so endearing about that boy and you just couldn't put your finger on it. He didn't date much, never expressed interest in it. You however, had boyfriends come and go and Harry was always the one to clean up the mess after they'd gone. Your friendship had gotten better, you were more joined at the hip now when you realized who your true friends were. You were both under the agreement that high school changed everything. 

Imagine Harry at eighteen. He has tattoos now and suddenly the curly haired boy next door is looking at you in a whole new light and you love it. He aid more attention to you, he flirted. Flirty Harry was almost too much. He was taller now, more muscular. He was still the same goofy Harry that you always adored but now the girls were flocking around him and you got pushed to the outside. You couldn't help but wonder if this is how it felt when you had all the boys and Harry just sat on the sidelines. You took his job now, picking up the pieces when those girls would breeze through. You found yourself growing fonder and fonder of the beautiful green eyed boy, and before you knew it, you'd fallen in love with him. Harry still treated you the same, you were his best girl after all. Your heart broke a little bit and you hated to admit to yourself that you wanted more. 

But finally, imagine Harry at 21. Manlier, more tattoos, better style, same goofy kid. He was everything you'd ever wanted. You realized that now. No wonder nothing ever worked with anyone else. It was always him. It'd always been him. It just took you a little while to get there. If he felt that way, you'd never know. Harry was perfectly happy with his life and perfectly happy with you as his best friend. "There's my best girl!" he shouted, sweeping you off your feet and into a hug. He stood back and studied you, those perfect pink lips smiling down at you. 

You grinned impishly up at him, holding onto his hand just a bit longer than necessary. If Harry noticed, he didn't comment. Was it possible, did he squeeze your hand harder? Or did you only just imagine that? 

"Take a walk with me," he murmurs into your ear. You suppress your shudder and willingly follow him off to anywhere. You chat idly for a few moments, catching up on the basics. 

"I missed you a lot," Harry says huskily, those green eyes locked on your face. You blush, staring at your knotted fingers. Could he hear your heart beat? He must have, it was so loud. 

"Missed you back," You finally managed out. 

"Look at me," he demanded, tilting your chin up. "I need to tell you something," 

"So tell me something," You say just a bit desperately. 

"I know we've always been just best friends but...I like you. I've liked you my whole life. Even that doesn't quite feel right..." You freeze, eyes closing. How long had you waited to hear those words? How long had you hoped and prayed this day would come? It had, it finally had arrived. He loved you.

 He was still struggling with the words when you said, "I've loved you for all of mine." You said it so quietly you weren't sure he heard it, but he must have, earning a startled gasp from him. 

"Exactly," he murmurs, his expression softening. "Love of my whole life," When he finally presses his lips to yours, you know. There was never anyone else, would never be anyone else but this beautiful boy beside you.

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