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Niall: “I’m so tired and stressed,” he grumbled as soon as he walked in the door after work. You knew that writing the new album was taking its toll on him, long hours in the studio with no time to rest. It was hard, but he loved it. You didn’t say anything because you knew he had to let it out. “I just think we need to take our time and not push it out. If we want it to be our best, we need some time. I just want to sleep in a little and come home early every day,” he whined.  “I know, babe. At least you have tomorrow off. Ni, I have made dinner and I was thinking that we could just lay in bed afterwards,” you suggested, rubbing his shoulders. He moaned in relaxing pleasure and you smiled. You felt the tension in shoulders so you kept rubbing, loosening his muscles. “Let’s go eat before I fall asleep,” he said, turning around to face you. “Thank you for making things better. I can’t wait to eat what you cooked and lay in bed with you,” he said, kissing you lazily.

Zayn: “They need to give us more breaks. This is all too much. I love the fans, but I haven’t gotten a break in almost two weeks. They have us doing shoots before shows, meet and greets after shows, we never get time to sleep or eat,” he ranted while he called you over the phone. You knew that being on tour was hard on him and the rest of the boys. Every night, he would find the time to call you and it always started out the same. You felt really bad for him, but there wasn’t much you could say or do to make it feel better. “Love, I know you’re tired and everything, but it’ll get better. You have a few more days before you come back home. You’ll be off for four months, with no work obligations to meet. You can relax, sleep, and eat all you want. I know I suck at making you feel better, but please just remember that you have a few more days and you’re done,” you said, soothingly. He went quiet for a while before he finally spoke. “You’re right. I’m sorry I do this every night, I just miss you and want to be home soon. Oh, and you don’t suck at making me feel better. You’re the only one who can talk some sense into me,” he said, making you smile.

Louis: “Do this, do that, it’s like we’re fucking puppets. I just want a couple days off so that I can spend time with my family. It’s the twin’s birthdays and I don’t want to miss it. They only turn one once,” he said, fuming from his seat on the couch. The fact that he couldn’t get out of prior planned commitments was getting to him. His job was stressful and sometimes it made him angry, like now. You sat next to him and pulled his hand into yours. “Louis, you love your job. It’s always been what you dreamed of doing and sometimes it’s going to have to come first. That’s not something you want to hear, but it’s true. The twins, your mum, and the rest of your family will understand. We can go see them as soon as you get a couple days off, okay?” you asked, squeezing his hand a little. He huffed and pouted for a little longer before looking at you. “Yeah, okay. I needed that. We can always go another time,” he agreed, kissing your cheek.

Harry: The part of his job that he hated the most was the media. They were always making up lies and rumors to get to him, and they did a pretty damn good job at it. Every once in a while, he would take everything they said and just go off on it. Tonight was no different. “I can’t believe they’re saying I cheated on you and got that girl pregnant. They have no fucking clue how much you mean to me and I would never do that. You know that right? Of course you know that. I hate them. I try so hard to be nice to everyone, every pap and fan, but they make it so hard. Sometimes, I wish that I was still back home and living a normal life. This sucks,” he yelled. He was pacing around the room and you wanted him to stop. You got up and walked in front of him, making him stop. You placed your hand on his shoulders and kissed him lightly. “I know the truth and that’s all that matters. They make up lies and that’s all they are, lies. People can choose to believe what they want, but the people who know you will know the truth.” He immediately leaned down and hugged you, “You’re completely right. I’m sorry for that,” he mumbled into your hair. “It’s totally fine. We’ll get through whatever together, yeah?” you said, making him nod as you rubbed and down his back.

Liam: Promo after promo, flight after flight, show after show, it was all a risk to his health. He had been sleeping less and less, eating things that didn’t provide a lot of nutrition for him, and not working out normally. His body became weak, the stress was getting to him, and so was everything else. You had called in for him today, not wanting him to get worse. The doctor you called had told you to let him sleep, get him to eat a lot and drink a lot of fluids. He was lying in bed, helpless a little bit. “Thank you for doing all this, sweetie. I know that you’ve told me before that I needed to take better care of myself, but my job is really important. I don’t want to disappoint anybody,” he said, looking at you with weary eyes. You nodded and laid next to him, cuddling up to his side. “You can’t make yourself sick like this again. When you go to work, you need to take breaks to eat, sleep during the little breaks you get, and just plain take care of yourself. Don’t stress so much either, you’re not going to let anyone down. I promise,” you said, looking up at him. “Yes ma’am. I love you. Thank you for taking care of me.” “That’s what I’m here for. Let me go get you some food,” you said, kissing him before hopping off of the bed.  

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