you meet his childhood friend - harry

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And your weekend in your boyfriend's hometown went down from there.

"G/N!" he shouted, running up to her and squeezing her in his arms. "It's been so long since I last saw you!"

She giggled as he spun her around, "I know!"
He slowed down and lowered her so her feet were touching the ground, "So...where have you been?"

"University, mostly," she replied, pushing her hair back from her face with a smile. "And I see you've gotten busy."

She was looking at you as she said that, widening her grin into the fakest expression you had
ever seen.

Harry looked over at you as if he hadn't known you were here, "Oh. Yeah. This is my girlfriend, Y/N," he took your hand and brought you closer to him. "Y/N, this is my best friend from high school, G/N."

"It's nice to meet you," you grinned, holding out your hand for her to shake.
"The pleasure's all mine," she returned the gesture, taking your hand in hers for a firm shake.

That was when Harry decided to pull you two into a bone-crushing hug, "Look at this. My two girls finally meeting! Now all we need is Gemma and my mum...and I'll be with all my girls."
Well, you got your time with Gemma and Harry's mum. Loads of it.

"Y/N? Could you watch the pie for me while I slice the bread?" Anne asked as she walked away from the oven.

"Of course," you replied, taking her place.

It wasn't like you didn't enjoy spending time with them. You loved Gemma and Anne as if they were your own family, but it hurt to know you were helping in the kitchen while Harry and G/N were out on the back lawn, preparing the corn to be cooked.
Now, you were just like every other girl. Jealousy wasn't something new to you, considering Harry was constantly paired up with someone in the tabloids or being surrounded by girls, but this girl made your blood boil green with envy.
You couldn't put your finger on exactly why she did. There were too many things to point at, and you didn't have enough fingers.

She kept leaning on him, laughing her pretty little head off and putting her hands on his arms and shoulders. At one time, they were looking at each other, and their noses were nearly touching! You knew Harry would never ever hurt you, but you were worried. What if he decided he liked her as more than a friend? What if he decided to dump you for her?

"Y/N...Please keep your eyes on that pie, Love," Anne softly reminded you over her shoulder.
"Oh...Sorry," you murmured, opening the oven door to check on the apple pastry. "It needs a few more minutes."
"Thanks, Dear."

You looked back out the kitchen window, leaning on the counter. Outside, you could see G/N
resting her head on Harry's shoulder while cleaning the corn. The sight brought tears to your eyes, but you figured you couldn't blame Harry. This girl was his best friend that he hasn't seen in years. Maybe you should just trust him and give them their space for the weekend.

So that's what you did. When you all sat around the table for dinner, you sat next to
Gemma and Anne, ignoring the animated conversation they were all having with G/N and only talking when talked to. After dinner, you stayed in the kitchen to help clean up while Harry went off with G/N again.

"Y/N? Are you okay, Love?" Anne asked while rinsing another dish.
You took the dish and dried it, "I'm fine, Anne."
"You don't look fine, Y/N," she whispered, watching you put get on your tippy-toes to put the plate away. "You've been down since you came in..."
You shrugged, "I'm just tired."

"Hmm..." Anne regarded you suspiciously before sighing and deciding not to press the issue.
Harry and G/N appeared again, in a cloud of giggles, once you and Gemma had settled down on the living room couch.
Your boyfriend came over to you, letting himself fall into the cushions beside you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
The minute you felt his hand on your shoulder, you got up bidding everyone goodnight.

"It's only seven o'clock, Y/N," you could feel his surprised gaze on you, but you didn't dare look his way.

"I'm tired," you whispered, heading towards the stairs.

You heard him get up from the couch, and a few seconds later, his warm hand was holding yours, "Well, let me say goodnight."

"Not in front of everyone," you frowned, pulling your hand away from his.

"Babe..." he looked hurt by your rejection.

"I'll see you in the morning," you put on a smile as you looked about the room before turning and taking the stairs two at a time.

// Harry's POV //

I watched Y/N climb the stairs like she couldn't get away fast enough. I knew she was going inside herself, trying to conceal how she feels. She does that whenever she's hurting.

"Harry? Do you wanna watch a movie with me?" G/N asked from the couch.
I turned around to look at her, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," she grinned, "pick out a movie, and come watch with us."

Even Gemma was looking at her like she was insane. I know G/N's my best friend, but there is obviously something wrong with her if she thinks I'm just going to sit here while Y/N is upset.
I didn't say anything. I just did what I knew I had to do. I rounded the landing and headed upstairs, towards the guest bedroom.

"Oh, Y/N, Love," those words were out of my mouth the moment I saw her on the bed, curled up on top of the bed and crying.
I ran over to her and pulled her into my arms, lying with her, "Tell me what's bothering you. Please."

After she had calmed down a bit, she brought her delicate hands to her face, wiping away the tears, "What are you doing up here, Harry?"

"Did you really think I would let you be alone when you looked the way you did?" I whispered, tightening my arms around her waist. "Now, please tell me what's wrong."

She sniffled, shifting in my arms to look up at me with her beautiful eyes,

"I'm feeling insecure." "What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion.

She looked down, wetting her lips, "From the moment G/N got here, you two have been inseparable," she swiftly met my gaze again, "but don't get me wrong, Harry; I don't mind you hanging out with her. I understand that you two haven't hung out in a while, but...well, while dinner was being prepared, I was inside helping while you were out there with her, laughing and hanging all over each other. After dinner, you two disappeared somewhere while I helped clean up..."
She had tears in her eyes again,
"I know I'm just paranoid, but she's so pretty...And you're, well," she turned away, "perfect. She has to have feelings for you."

Once I knew for sure that she was done talking, I brought my finger underneath her chin and tipped her head up. I wanted to look in her eyes again.

"Y/N," I murmured softly. "Listen to me."
She nodded, biting her bottom lip and driving me crazy.

"My feelings for G/N have always been the same, and they will remain the same," I assured her, stroking her hip with my free hand. "I only feel the love a brother would have for a sister towards her. I only love and want you."
I began to see the corners of her luscious lips turn up, and I found myself grinning, too,

"Tonight and tomorrow, I'm all yours, Love. Just tell me what you want," I pressed my lips to her forehead, "and I'll make it happen."

"I want you, Harry," she breathed, finally giving me the stunning smile I was used to.

And who was I to deny such a request? The girl I was head over heels for wanted me to make love to her, and it was my job to keep her happy.
I leaned in to give her the first of many passionate kisses when I felt her fingers on my lips.

She smirked at me, "I want you after we spend some time with your family...including G/N because that's what we came here for."
I was glowing as I pulled her into my chest by the hoops of her jeans and gave her a deep kiss,

"I love you."

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