valentines day.

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Niall: Walking into your flat, you noticed a single heart shaped balloon in the middle of your living room. A smile found it's way to your lips as you stepped closer noticing a little key attached to the string of the balloon. Untying the key you put it in your front pocket, picking up the little note taped to the coffee table. "I have a key to your you have one for mine...except I want you to move in...Happy Valentine's Day Princess. P.S. I'm waiting for you to come home." Fishing your phone out of your pocket you quickly began to give him a ring. "Princess, are you on your way? I was going to ask you a few days ago, but this way was better." He said chuckling a little and you nodded although he couldn't see you. "What about the rest of my stuff?" You asked glancing around the living room and he chuckled once more. "While you were at work, the lads and I pretty much brought almost everything over to my flat except for the living room furniture..." He said happily as he looked around at your clothes boxes in his bedroom.

Louis: Opening your eyes as instructed, you stared with widened eyes at a teddy bear standing at your height. "What the hell?" You asked a giggle slipping through your lips as your eyes trailed over to a very happy Louis. "It's great right? I got it not only because it's Valentine's Day, but because I'm leaving soon and my side of the bed will never be empty." He said softly offering you a small smile. He placed the huge bear on the bed before your arms encircled around his waist with you burying your face into his chest. He pressed his lips to the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you as well. "Thank's going to be tough not sleeping beside you every night." You mumbled into his chest. "Well you don't have to worry now...the bear even smells like me, love." He muttered a chuckle slipping through his lips as his fingers brushed over the small of your back. "Now come on, I tried to make breakfast...hopefully it's good." He mumbled and you pulled away from the hug a playful grin playing at your lips. "You're trying to kill me on Valentine's must love me so much."

Liam: His chin rested gently on your shoulder as the two of you stood in front of the fountain quietly. "Make another wish." He said softly into your ear as he fished another penny and placing it in your hand. "Make one with me." You breathed as you felt the corners of your lips begin to curl and he shook his head. "My wish already came true..." He whispered his eyes focused on you, you could feel the blush making its way to your cheeks. "What'd you wish for?" You mumbled your eyes trailing from his eyes down to his lips, as he had taken his lower lip between his teeth. "I wished for someone who loves me as much, if not more, than I love them." He said quietly before he pressed his lips to yours. "I'm happy we got the spend the day together." He said softly against your lips and you nodded before tossing the penny into the fountain. "What'd you wish for?" "For you to love me forever..." You mumbled and a small smile broke out on his lips. "That's nothing you need to worry about because I plan on loving you till the end of time."

Zayn: You giggled as he held your body close to his as the both of you swayed in your living room. "Did you like dinner?" He asked softly as he stared down at you and you nodded a smile painted on your lips. "Thank you..." You muttered staring up at him and he shrugged. "I'd cook dinner for you every day if I could." He said biting down on his lower lip. "I love know that right?" You whispered and he nodded his head, "I love you too [Y/N]." "No...I'm really in love with you and I'm happy." You muttered a pink tinge growing on your cheeks. He stopped swaying and cupped your face in his hands smiling down at you. "I'm in love with you, I'm usually really good with words but there's a lot more things I'd like to say to you but I can't find the words. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you [Y/N] I guess you can say I'm happy too." He said a chuckle slipping through his lips and his cool breath hit your lips. He leaned forward allowing his lips to lightly press against yours. "I love you so much." He said against your lips.

Harry: You leaned against him as the two of you laid on the couch not really paying attention to the television. "Can't believe you didn't go out tonight." He murmured as his fingers lightly brushed our exposed skin slightly tickling you and you shrugged. "I just wanted to relax with you...we do stuff everyday and its nice just staying in with you." You said quietly smiling to yourself. He pressed his lips to your temple letting out a noise in agreement. "I still wanted to take you out for Valentines Day..." He said softly before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "I feel like I don't say it enough...but I love you." He whispered into your skin placing a small kiss along your neck. "I love you...and I couldn't ask for a better person to give my heart away to besides you." He continued quietly and the smile on your lips widened. "Harry..." "I know you love me...because you put up with a lot being in a relationship with me...and if you didn't love me you wouldn't still be around. I just love you [Y/N]."

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