you're really drunk

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Niall: You pout as Niall pulls your drink away from your lips and holds it out of your reach. "Niall," you whine, sticking out your bottom lip. He smirks, "I think you've had enough don't you?". "What?" you shot loudly, clumsily placing your hands on your hips, "I'm perfectly fine! Now I want another drink!" you turn on your heels to head towards the bar, but you trip up. Luckily, Niall saw this coming and was ready to catch you, keeping his arms around you as he laughs lightly, "Definitely enough,". "It's not fair," you pout, poking his chest, "You've had way way way more than me and you're fresh as a daisy,". He kiss your nose playfully, "I guess wanting you to make sure you're safe sobers me up,". "Aww," you coo, pulling and moulding Niall's cheeks, "Aren't you the most cutest thing ever in the whole entire world," you slur, and he just rolls his eyes, pushing away your hands form his face.

Liam: "Lee-yum!" you squeal, pushing through the crowded dancefloor to your boyfriend. "What babe?" he raises his eyebrow at the policeman hat you were wearing, "Where'd you get that?". "I stole it from my new friend - afroman!" you giggle, pointing at the bouncing hair not too far behind you. "Hey!" you shout as you feel the hat being pulled off your head, "Thats mine!". "It's mine now love," the young lad laughs, wearing the hat crookedly on his head. "Looks a lot better on me!" you slur, sticking out your tongue. He laughs hard over the loud music, "Can't aregue with that one babe," he plops the sweaty hat back on your head, "Fancy a dance?" he asks, wrapping an arm around your hips. Liam glares, quickly pulling you out of his grip, "We were going actually,". You pout, "I want to stay! I want to dance!". Liam sighs, "Well are you happy to dance with me?". You drag him onto the dancefloor.

Harry: "Why'd we have to go?" you whine, Harry pulling you by the hand. "The bars have closed babe," he laughs, "Time to go home now,". "Aww... I want sex on the beach!" you yell, and a couple of drunk passers by cheer. Harry looks back at you cheekily, "As great and tempting as that sounds, I still think we'd be better off in our own bed, comfier you know? Not sandy," he winks. You smack his arm (probably harder than you'd intended in your stupor) looking at him in mock disgust - you both knew you'd been referring to the drink. Either way, it puts an extra spring in your step as you skip bare foot towards the line of taxi's, singing, "I wanna have sex on the beach... Come on move your body...".

Zayn: "Come on! Faster!" you squeal. Zayn was giving you a piggy back ride home after a night out, and while you'd both been drinking, he might as well be sober in comparison to you. He slows down though, until he's walking, "I can't, i'm tired!" he moans. "I love you you know," you murmur in his ear, stroking his hair, "I love you lots like jelly tots," you giggle. He laughs too, "And I love you too my drunk pumpkin,". "I'm not drunk!" you cry, but your words slur, so your statement loses some conviction, "I love you like Hermione love Ron,". Zayn slides you off his back, taking your hand instead while you walk, "What about Harry and Ginny?" he smirks, watching you out of the corner of his eye. "Those too," you grin, Zayn chuckling along with your rambling.

Louis: "Louis, Louis, Louis... My Louis..." you chime in a sing song manner, crawling onto Louis' lap and snuggling into his neck. "What can I do for you my (Y/N)?" he asks teasingly, wrapping his arms around you, leaning his chin on your shoulder. "I'm tired," you whine, you always felt tired when you drank if you weren't dancing around. "Well we can head home if you like..." he trails off, trying to lift you off his knee, but you won't budge. "No," you moan, "I'm dead,". Louis chuckles, his breath tickling your cheek, "Come on babe," he lifts you up, bridal style. "I'm flying," you mumble, giggling to yourself.

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