Fight Time

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You guys should see how many drafts of Imagines I have ready for you guys...It's like 100 of them >_< But do anybody watch Dance Moms because the previous episode had me crying because Abby Lee's mother is dying and there's nothing that nobody could do.  It was such a sad episode. But, please enjoy this Imagine.

R.I.P Maylen Miller (Yes she passed away)


Harry’s POV

I grabbed my daughter’s arm, tugging her out of the school. I ignored the angry yelling of the principal and the other girl’s father. He was threatening me and swearing at the tops of his lungs, but I could care less. I had bigger things to worry about than some small shit that guy’s kid had caused.

As Darcy climbed into the car, I rubbed my temples. I didn’t want (Y/N) to find out that our daughter had gotten into another fight, but I knew that there would be a way my wife would find out. She was sneaky in that way. She could make you think you had gotten away with something, and weeks later, she’ll bust you for the shit.

“So what happened this time?” I asked, slamming my car door shut behind me. I rammed my keys in the ignition, focusing on not looking at the guilty look on her face. *GIF*

“Nothing,” Darcy muttered, folding her arms across her chest. “Brie was startin shit about me and running around saying that I slept with her boyfriend when I did'nt! It ain’t my fault she didn’t know how to fight.”

“Damn it, Darcy!” I cried. I pulled out of the school parking lot, struggling to come up with a way to tell my wife about the fight. “What did I tell you about your boxing lessons?”

“That I wasn’t supposed to use what I learned on anyone else, but dad, I-”

“Save it,” I muttered, preventing her from continuing her half-assed excuse. She slouched down in the seat, her bottom lip jutting out in her trademark pout. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before slowly opening them.

“So,” I said awkwardly, “did you at least win the fight?”

Darcy looked over at me, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “I don’t lose fights,” she said cockily.

“That’s my girl!” I cheered. 

“All those boxing classes paid off,” she commented, nodding her head in approval.

I paused for a moment, unable to hide my grin. “Your mother is gonna flip when she finds out about this.”

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