Wait, which team? (short)

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They were in a room that resembles one which would hold a class, desks and chairs placed around full of people while situated at the front was an interactive whiteboard that was currently displaying the music video of Avril Lavigne's Rock n Roll. Really the actual music of it was the only thing that was needed- the board didn't have to be on however the male that was manning it decided that wasn't the case as he allowed the video to be shown to all.

And then the part came on. The part where the music just stopped allowing speech to fill it's place. The part where the kiss between the two girls would have took place if it weren't for the fact that the male decided to skip it for some absolute ridiculous reason. 

Naturally Dreamz wanted to prove the absolute ridiculous behind it as she stood up and marched over Elizabeta. 

"Oi! Mate!" She snapped, making the male to pay attention to her. She shot him a glare before placing a kiss on the Hungarian's lips, catching absolutely everyone else off guard. Dreamz then drew back sending the boy the middle finger. "What are you going to do about that now? Huh?" And with that the girl walked out leaving behind a stunned Hungary and a silent room. 

"Wait... Is Bunny... Gay?" Yeah Prussia and all the countries aside from Jett were clueless on Dreamz's sexuality which was a reason for why Jett burst out laughing, loving the looks that were on some of their faces. 

"Yeah you could say that she bats for the other team." He stated, wanting to be cryptic about the whole thing due to the confusion it was bringing. 

Prussia had never looked so confused and Ludwig had never looked so taken aback. 

And Hungary... 

Well she didn't know what to think.


Meh I know this didn't involve a lot of countries, but like the idea's been stuck in my head for a bit. 

And yeah, this happened. A teacher of mine skipped the kiss in the music video and John and I both got pissed. 

I would have gone over to some girl and kissed her just to prove a point. 

But I didn't. 

Cause I didn't want to get nearly expelled for that sort of thing. 

Oh yeah :) a teacher caught a same sex couple making out and told them if they got caught doing it again they'll both be expelled. 

:)) My school isn't messed up at all *heavy sarcasm*

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