Okay well I wasn't expecting this sorta deal

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Cooper has magical powers.

And they actually work.

Somehow he managed to get Dreamz to sleep before forcing her to face the world - evoking some life into her by successfully getting her to eat. Although she still remained to be unhappy, complaining that the longer she's out here doing nothing the longer she's going to be stuck in her current nightmare which was giving her more grief then it should be. But still. Cooper had succeeded in getting her to well, live.

"Dreamz you need to take breaks so that you can go back to it with a fresh mind." He commented to the grumpy girl walking beside him. "You can't do everything all in one go."

"I can bloody well try." She grumbled.

"You want chocolate?"


"Come on, you need the dopamine."

"Fuck dopamine."

The kiwi just sighed. She's not gonna budge this time around, "I take it you haven't found anything else out?"

"I've told you everything about it already." She answered. Huffing, she buried her hands deep into her pockets, surveying the area in a tired manner. "The phone calls... the witness reports..."

He frowned and blinked a bit, "uh no... You haven't told me anything about that."



"I could have sworn I did."

"Well you didn't... From what I could remember at least."

Dreamz just shrugged, not all that bothered, "oh well then."

"So... What have you found?"

"Just that they're missing some stuff." Dreamz shrugged again. "The scars on my legs weren't mentioned and in every single voice clip I wasn't swearing."

He stared at her as if she was really joking, "you literally just figured it out." He said as if it wasn't obvious. But Dreamz was quick in shooting it down with the shake of her head. 

"Nah doesn't make sense. Motive wise and personality. Besides I know that they like me so it would be completely out of character if they pulled this off. I think they're just being used as a front, throw us off of who really did it." 

Cooper frowned slightly at that, not quite agreeing completely, "maybe you're overthinking it?"

"It's a possibility but I don't think so. Also it's a bit too obvious if it was them." 

Again Cooper found himself not really agreeing with the statement but he let it go. Going further in depth about it will result in more stress from the girl, and that wasn't exactly his plan for today as they walked through the shop crowded streets. 

"If that's what you think." He said softly, making a turn where they were greeted by more shops and people. His lips twitched a bit when seeing her reaction to an art store- her attention now placed on what was being displayed oppose to their current troubles. 

He really couldn't believe how easy this was. 

"You know we can have a look." He commented, she turned to look at him appearing to be hesitant. 

"It's okay... This stuff is probably boring to you anyways, we could just keep-" 

"No really I don't mind." He chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his neck in an awkward fashion. And with that a tiny smile graced her lips before she darted into the air conditioned shop- no doubt ready to admire the copic markers and such that were there. Before he joined her though Cooper did another survey of the area, as if checking for something. He looked as if he was about to do something more however when a thought entered his mind he decided against it and instead walked into the shop. An air of caution surrounding him. 

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