No Means No

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"Uh Prussia... What are you doing?" Dream cocked her head to the side a confused look plastered on her face as she noted that Prussia was shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts.

"Well what does it look like to you frau?"

She glanced around, seeing how the blind was drawn shut to ban as much sunlight as possible from entering the rather messy room. Clothes covered the ground, looking as if it was some mine field there only seemed to be a bit of a neat spot where a tripod and a camera stood with a pair of professional looking lights stood behind the seated country.

"Ah... Photo shoot?"

"Nein... Aber das ist a sehr gut idea." He replied scratching his chin as he process more of that idea. He then smirked, as if deciding that he would end up putting that idea into practice.

"Okay so what are you doing?"

"Francey-pants, Romano and ich are doing a video together! It was my idea of course, those losers could never come up with something as brilliant and as awesome as the greatest Prussia!"

"...Why a video?"

"How else will my greatness and awesomeness be spread?"

She nodded slowly, still not getting the whole of it, "so.... Why the skivies?"

"The what?"

"Why are you basically naked?"

He grinned, standing up. His ruby red eyes glinted in the dull light, as if trying to make him appear even more devilish and mischievous. He took a step towards the girl, his white hair falling slightly over his eyes as he bent towards Dreamz, placing his face close to her's. All she did was look at him with an unreadable expression on her face, taking a step back to create some space. She crossed her arms, widening her stance a bit as if she was preparing to fight.

Prussia didn't stop grinning though, "what? There's something wrong with awesome me being like this?"


"So you think it's awesome I'm like this?"



"I'm just saying I don't care for it."

"Nein! I am very awesome in this form! You care!"

"I really don't."

"Don't lie frau! Say me and my glorious abs are awesome!"

"Um, no. And that's incorrect grammar."

"I don't care, just say it!"

"No means no, Gil."

He furrowed his brow, moving away from her as he straightened up. He crossed his arms as well looking down at the red headed girl as she stared right back at him, neither one of them looking away as they had quickly entered a staring competition. Both too stubborn to do anything about it.

"Say it."


"Then I guess you'll have to join Francey, Romano und ich!" Smirked the albino, noticing that the girl's eyes had widen in horror. "You will be all alone with us and you will join us in our dancing video!"

"You're not making me do shit."

"Hahahaha silly little frau! You can't beat the amazing Prussia! I always win und you will always lose!"

"Better get used to losing then. Now I got stuff to do." She turned and was about to leave but then a hand gripped the back of her shirt preventing her from continuing with her movements. Annoyed, she quickly turned, arms raised to push of Prussia's grip on her which she succeeded in doing. She then bolted down the hallway, footsteps falling heavy on the wooden floor as another pair of feet followed her.

"You will do it Frau!"

"Nein! You can't make me!"

She turned a corner, still sprinting away however the older country was gaining up to her making her try and add another burst of speed.

"Only losers say nein to the awesome Prussia! Give in now Frau!"

"Du ist ein Verlierer!"

"I am NOT a loser! I am awesome! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! ARGHHHHHHHHH." He let out a yell as he launched himself forwards, tackling Dreamz to the ground. She let out a shriek as well, landing hard on the ground  which caused some floor burns, however she refused to let this stop her as she started to army crawl- teeth gritted.











The tall blonde then appeared in front of the two, a very irritated look on his face as he glared down at the two. His mouth was set in a thin line, eyes blazing with irritation and anger suggesting that he was in the middle of something extremely important or he had just spent the day trying to stop Italy from killing himself.

"Bruder... Get off of Dreamz. Bitte."

"No way! She-"




Of course from his stubborn nature he earned a kick, prompting him to stand up and get off of Dreamz. She helped herself up, dusting the invisible dust off of her before looking at the red marks that had appeared near her elbows.

"Dream, go and study."

"Sir yes sir!" She dashed away, deciding that she didn't want to further annoy him. Looking away from her retreating figure he then placed his attention back on his older brother, arching an eyebrow as he took in the fact that his brother looked rather ridiculous with the way he was.

"What?" Said the albino, crossing his arms. "She wouldn't say i was awesome! What was I going to do?"

The blonde just shook his head tiredly returning to his study.



Nein... Aber das ist a sehr gut idea. no, but that is a very good idea

Du ist ein Verlierer -You are a loser!

Bitte- please

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