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Gilbert can't bear the sound of children crying. When Ludwig used to cry when he was little, Gilbert would do whatever it took to make him stop. 

Even if it meant holding him for hours.


She was clutching her forearm, body shaking, face showing pure distress. She couldn't move from her position on her bedroom floor, her demons forcing to stay there- refusing to let her stand up and continue with her day. Never in life had she felt so heavy, so weak and dead. She tried her best to will herself to stand up, so that she can get back to her revision but for some reason the thought of that made her body even more determine to stay where she was. 

Thoughts swirled in her mind, lashing out at her, ripping her walls one by one, they punched her, kicked her and kept on abusing her so that she still can remain down. They sat on her back, whipping at her, whispering their vile words into her ears making her tremble more and more by each passing moment. 

You're so pathetic... So stupid, you're not good enough. 

She gripped her hair, eyes wide in panic as the thoughts ran through her mind like a hurricane. She felt paralyzed, her body made of stone. She tried to will herself to think of something else, something different but the demons already had their hooks in her. They weren't going to let her change her mind that easily.

Second set English, middle set Maths, middle set Science... Such a disappointment to your parents. They're spending all their money on you and this is how you repay them?

Tears were threatening to break free from her eyes, her lip trembling in need to let out a sob. But she wasn't. She was better then that. She can withstand this. She was able too for the past few months, what should stop her now? 

Absolutely nothing

This was wasting her time. She needs to revise, she needs to get those good grades. She needs to move up in English, she needs to excel in her Drama, she needs to move up in Science. She has too, how else were her parents going to be proud of her? And if she doesn't do it not only would she bring such disappointment but she would remain to be the worthless one in her group of friends. The one without the brains, without the smarts, without the talent, without the looks or the voice. 

Slowly her thoughts started turning dark, becoming more viscous and harsh as if the devil had moved into her mind. Anger swirled in her, frustration being concocted in the center of her being. She thought of the fan hanging above her, the window beside her bed, the scissors in her pencil case. She thought about each of the results, the possibilities... They were all endless. 

"Shut up." She whispered, malice woven through her words. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Just stop it!"

Her hand turned into a fist, banging onto the ground, "I'm good enough damnit! JUST STOP IT!" But she knew those words were lies to her, they felt empty and dull making her chocked up again. A fresh wave of tears threatening to break free. 

He was walking by, whistling some tune as Gilbird circled around his head. The boy then stopped in front of the door, pressing his ear against the door to hear what was going on. 

"What? Does Dreamzie have some friends over?" He grinned, readying himself to intrude on whatever it was that was happening. He pushed open the door, posing in a rather exaggerated way- a large grin on his face. It instantly dropped, his eyes widening in shock as he saw the quivering girl on the floor. He slowly knelt down close to her, his movements slow as if he would scare her away. 


The only response he got was the girl covering her head. 

He didn't like this. He absolutely hate it. Seeing her like this reminded him of the days when Ludwig was much younger and having trouble with being who he was. It made the albino himself feel upset and as if he was the cause of the problem. And that is totally unawesome. 

"Just leave, I'm okay." Came a shaky reply. 


"No stop it. Just go. I can handle this by myself." 

He frowned even more, "frau, lying is very un-awesome. Und crying too." 

"Prussia just fuck off!" She looked up suddenly, scowl on her face, her eyes looking like pieces of broken glass with the green and blue constantly swirling in them like a storm. "You don't care! I know you don't! Just leave me the fuck alone!" 

The albino wasn't going to have any of it though. Seeing her like this was very weird and strange for him, she was usually boncey and teasing but now she was broken beyond repair. He encased her in his arms, bringing her close to his chest hoping that this could calm her down. 

She struggled at first, not wanting him to waste his time on her. Wanting to deal with this in her own way, by herself. But as the minutes ticked by, struggling against him proved to be exhausting and so she just sat there, crying as she was continuously hit but the brutal thoughts in her mind. 

"I just want it go. I just want to leave." 

"Well I don't Frau. I want you to stay here as long as possible." 

Ich wollen du am Leben. 


You guys are gonna have to find out what that last bit means

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