Together... We are idiots prt 1 (Pottertalia)

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"I don't think we should go."

"Aw come on."

"No. I refuse to be anywhere near him right now."

"Cooper you're very moody."

Together the two Ravenclaws walked over to the grand entrance of the castle, books gone from their arms as if to indicate that the school hours have now drawn to a close. And when seeing the sky it continued to confirm that- it being filled with the setting sun and paints of lights pinks and orange hues.

A gentle cool wind weaved it's way into the school building making Cooper readjust the cloak that covered his uniform. Dreamz however didn't seem to care about the cool weather for she continued to stand there with her shirt sleeves rolled up- both sweater and cloak neglected.

"I have a reason too." Cooper murmured as they walked out onto the sprawling grounds.

"Calm yourself, he's not gonna try and wipe us out before the season even starts." Dreamz stated, referring to how in a bit Qudditch games will start up once more. "I know he can be a bit of a douche and all but really. It's not likely."

Cooper's face continued to harbour a look of unamusement, the Kiwi not exactly pleased with this, "but he's always trying something on me." He persisted. "Always."

"Name one time."

"Today." He grumbled. "In potions he tipped over my cauldron onto me. Charms, the idiot managed to set my desk on fire. At lunch he-"

"Okay, okay I said one time not a list." Dreamz laughed, always finding it amusing when Cooper was in a bad mood.

The New Zealander just sighed wearily, his bad mood further increasing when seeing the sight of his brother who waved at the two of them. Dreamz waved back.

"Why do people even like him?" He queried, not appearing to understand. "He's such a jerk. His head is more full of air then it is of actual brain cells."

Dreamz continued to laugh finding enjoyment out of this for it was rare to ever catch Cooper in this bad of a mood. Usually he hides it with an innocent smile whilst making passive aggressive comments and insults.

"Aw he's not that bad. And he's got some smarts in him."

Cooper turned to look at his companion, as if she was being serious, "he lost a fight... To an emu. How does that even happen?"

"Well apparently it just did."

"How long ya going to take nerds?"

Dreamz head then snapped over to in front, offering her middle finger, "call me that again and I'll make sure you're never going on that broom of yours ever again."

Jett however laughed at that, not seeing it as a threat. Cooper sighed and pinched his nose, murmuring under his breath as it dawned on him that he would need to keep Dreamz in check and make sure she doesn't jinx anyone much less stab someone with her wand (it's happened once before and he's sure it will happen again).

"I hate Australians." He sighed as they neared the Gryffindor whom was standing in a relax position.

"Alrighty birdies." Jett said, clasping his hands together as a gleam came into his eyes. He stared at the pair of them in anticipation, grinning. "Ready to prove yourselves?"

The female of the group looked at him in slight confusion not exactly understanding, "what are you talking about?"

"We're gonna be flying after dark." His grinned widened considerably. "Us three, after hours in the dark. No light, nothing but our brooms."

"We're all going to crash and kill ourselves." Dreamz said instantly pegging this to be a bad idea, the prospect of staying past curfew didn't seem all that fun especially with the fact that there was some drama going around that required them to go to their dorms at a certain time. She couldn't help but furrow her brow. Cooper however didn't seem to have much reaction to it which was quite odd coming from him. He prefer having a clean record and well with his status he sort of has too if he didn't want to get torn apart by his house. But with the day- no week he had he wasn't all that caring.

"What? Just in the dark?" He demanded, as if the whole thought about it was childish. "Not able to see?" 

Jett nodded, "yup. Good way in finding out who's the best flyer out of the three of us don't ya think mate?" 

The kiwi huffed, his expression still not changing from the one of negativity, "if you really want to know who the best flyer is then why not do it in the Forbidden Forest?" 

At that both Australians cocked their eyebrow at the proposal, not expecting Cooper of all people to suggest such a thing. He was so shy and so timid that it made this seem totally and completely out of character. 

"Um... We alright there Coops?" Dreamz queried, looking at him as if he was really sure about this. "Is there something wrong?" 

"Yeah I'm fine." 

"You sure? I mean like I know you're all mad at what's been going on but is there-" 

"Are you two dating or something?" 

Attention was then brought back to Jett who was placing focus on both Dreamz and Cooper wanting to know the answer to that question. 

Cooper scrunched up his face whilst the female grinned. 

"Yes." Dreamz answered. 

"Wait, really?" 

"lol nope. Cooper doesn't do Australians he told me." The girl laughed before continuing on, a mischevious grin forming on her face as she twisted around the meaning of the words. "But I'm sure as hell going to make sure he does this one." At the sound of that she pointed at herself laughing once more to say that she was just messing around. 

The mentioned male just shook his head, trying to get the conversation back on track. 

"Anyways..." He stated slowly, stepping slightly away from Dreamz. "Forbidden Forest after dark, yes or no?" 

The jock couldn't help but frowned slightly at that, not seeming all to comfortable with the suggestion. It's one thing going flying in absolute and complete darkness, but in the Forbidden Forest...  With all the creatures there and the possibility of getting a detention from entering that particular area? Yeah that puts a bit more on the line. 

Of course he was going to say yes though, like why should you pass up this opportunity? 

Naturally Cooper took his long silence for something else, "what are you? Scared bru?" 

"Of course I'm not scared." Jett defended not liking that accusation. "I'm a Gryffindor, I'm scared of nothing." 

At that comment Cooper coughed into his fist, appearing to be innocent, "that's not what the emu said." 

To no surprise this earned a glare from Jett and laughter from Dreamz- the girl absolutely enjoying this salty Cooper. Today he doesn't seem to be taking any crap from anyone. 

"Cooper have I ever told you how hot you are when you're like this?" 

"Dreamz I swear to god." He muttered out, getting tired of her antics. He looked over at Jett, narrowing his gaze slightly in challenging him, "so what's your answer?" 

Jett couldn't help but smirk slightly, walking past the shorter boy as he ruffled his hair, "I gotta say Coops. I wasn't expecting this from a Ravenclaw. I just hope you like the taste of defeat." 

And it was at this that Cooper's innocent smile made it's appearance, eyes glinting in the dying light, "I look forward to it." 

But by now we all know that innocent smile of his hides some secrets. 


Ayyyye I finally came up with an idea for this sort of AU. 

Not gonna lie I'm proud with some of the dialogue for this . 

Also sassy Cooper will forever be my favourite type of Cooper. 

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