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Dreamz was dead tired. Her left arm was sore from using it too much and her legs were going to collapse on her any moment now. Sadly for her she still has a gate and several flights of stairs between her and her room, what's even more worse was that she forgot her keys meaning she now has to climb over the gate when really she would just prefer to lie on the ground and stay there until the end of time. 

But then she'll probably get kidnapped... Again.

Then again she's not Shelby, so really she should be fine. 


Actually let's not test out that theory. 

Sighing Dreamz slid off her headphone, putting them into her bag which she then threw over. She backed up slightly, creating distance before running forwards, leaping up so that her hands could fix themselves around the top of the surface. She swung her legs over, about to land on the ground easy but a voice completely threw her off.

"Aiya! What are you doing? You could get seriously hurt!" 

Her grip slipped and instead of landing on her feet perfectly she crashed hard on the ground, scrapping her shoulder. 

"See lah? What did I tell you? Are you okay?" 

Dreamz groaned, and slowly sat herself up, turning to see a male standing behind the barred gate. From the streetlamp she could see that his eyes were a warm brown, hair seeming to be matching in colour however it looked as if it could easily be black. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She stated, as she pushed herself up, snatching up her bag- a blush now coming on her face due to embarrassment. "Thanks." 

The male still stood there staring at her, "what were you doing? Wait. Were your breaking in? You can't do that here!" 

"I wasn't breaking in! I live here!" 

"Eh? Then why climbing over fence?" 

"I left my keys inside! I wasn't breaking in I swear!" 

"What's your name girl?"

The girl stared at the guy, spluttering slightly. All she wanted to do was eat and watch her shows but now she might end up getting into trouble because of one simple misunderstanding. 

"I uh, it's Dreamz..." She said, feeling less and less comfortable with how things are going. "I should really-" 

"No." The male then crossed his arms. She didn't know why but something felt a bit different with me... Not threatening or anything related to that. But there was something... About him. 

"Wait. Dude you're Singaporean right?" 

 The male snorted, as if it was obvious, "yes lah." 

Dreamz bit her lip slightly, she wanted to check something, "well uh I know this doesn't really have any context but what did you think of Japan having made a settlement here during the war?" 

Sure it was an insensitive question, but she couldn't exactly think of anything else right now. 

"Aiya." He breathed, arms crossed. "He was so mean to me! Gave me nothing to eat, the jerk. Rice or nothing he said! Wanted me to build his dumb railway... I wouldn't have too if Britain didn't let me get captured!" 

"Sucks for you Sing." 

"Eh? I never said my name!" 

The girl blinked, "well... You're talking as if countries are actual people so-" 

"Wait. Did I use pronouns? Haha silly me! I was.. I mean-" 

"Dude. You're Singapore." 

"Who said that? Not me! Hehehe. I must leave now. Countries can't be humans! Crazy girl." He turned about to walk off, now flustered and seeming to be embarrass that he let it slipped. 

"Mate, calm down. I'm a province." 

He stopped, "heh? Which one?" 

"New South Wales." 

He turned right back around and marched over to the gate that separated them, his eyes narrowed now as he looked at Dreamz with concentration. 

"No you're not!" 

To say she was taken aback would be an understatement. 

"I've met New South Wales! You don't look like her! You're a mortal." 

"Well shit." 

"Wait, are you pretending to be a province? You can get into serious trouble for that you know!" 

"Okay, okay!" Dreamz said in a hurried fashion, seeing that the nation wouldn't be believing in her bullshit if he had actually met the real province and remembered her. "Look. I met some countries and well some- actually one, of them are quite clingy... And they just decided to you know, assign me to a province so I don't get slaughtered for knowing about their existence." 

"Heh? Why would they do that? They'll get in trouble too!" 

"Well you can get in trouble too." The girl pointed out. " I mean, you let the pronouns slip along with-" 

"Okay hush, hush!" He said frantically, looking around wildly as if checking whether or not people could hear them. "You did not meet me nor did I meet you. We don't know each other. Okay? Okay!" 


"Don't know you! Bye!" 

Well that was an interesting experience. 



I know it was hurried but whatevs. 

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