Coffee Beans

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It was close to rush hour, the time being about one which seemed to have acted as an alarm clock for the majority of the population. Everyone was running from and too places- the underpasses between popular shops being filled to the brim with people while the streets up above were full with all sorts of vehicles and people making their way to their destination. 

Walking down one of these popular streets were Dreamz and Gilbert- the albino looking around the unfamiliar area while Dreamz lead, her eyes sat on one shop a few blocks away. 

"Gil, please stop acting like a tourist." She mumbled, after she noticed him glancing at about the fifth Ice-Cream Sandwich cart. "If anyone from school spots me here right now with you I think I will die." 

"Aww Frau, I'm sorry I forgot to turn off my awesomeness." He grinned, shooting her a teasing look. 

She rolled her eyes at him, wondering if he was ever going to stop referring to himself as the "king of awesomeness". 

"Wait, since when were you awesome?" 

"Very funny Bunny. But you never showed us where you live." Pointed out Gil. "I thought you lived in crazy place Australia where all the crazy people live." 

The girl opened her mouth about to reply to that but then stopped as she thought of her friends and herself that were Australian. 

"Well to be fair you should really blame England for the crazy un-ethnic people that live there. And also what gave you the idea that I lived in Aus?" 

"You're too crazy." 

"If I'm crazy, why are you here? I could do stuff to you right now." 

At that comment he gave her a perverted look, a large smirk growing on his face. 

"What sort of stuff?" He queried, wriggling his eyebrows. 

"You know what I meant Gil." 

"Ha! You didn't deny it! You want-" 

She kneed him in the balls. 

And after that no more perverted or sex based comments were mentioned as they quickly arrive at a Coffee Shop located in an underpass of a seemingly popular area. By the look on Dreamz's face you could tell that she was quite happy with where she was at the current moment. Her eyes flickering over to the specials that were advertised, her hand itching to give in the ten dollar bill for her beverage. 

Surprisingly it didn't take long for the two of them to reach the front- Gilbert seeming to be very unhappy with that with the next events. 

"Guys! Guys! This beauty is mine." Hollered an attractive male barista that pushed his college away from the cash register. "What can I get you Red?" 

She snorted at the comment finding it amusing, Gilbert... Not so much for he was frowning at the male. 

"Who are you? Casey Jones?" She joked. 

"I can be whoever and whatever you want me to be." Winked the worker, leaning against the counter. Dreamz blushed a small bit at the comment, her smirk still plastered on her face. 

"Well could you be a large Cookies and Cream with whipped cream?" She demanded, feeding him his order. 

"As long as you could be some money." 

"Luckily I can do that." She handed him the bill before being directed to where she was suppose to get the drink. 

"Bunny I don't like this place." Grumbled Gilbert- looking at the male who was already making the order. 

"How can you hate a coffee shop?" 

"I don't hate coffee shops... This one is just sehr unawesome."

"You're unawesome." 

"Frau, lies aren't good for you." 

"That's just your opinion." She pointed out, now accepting the drink that was given to her with a wink. She smiled back, thanking the worker before walking off- sipping on it. She drew it away from her for a moment, looking at the actual cup. "Aw that's sweet." 


"The guy left a sweet message and his number."

At the sound of that Gilbert's face went incredibly dark3, eyes glinting dangerously as he burried his hands deeper into his pockets. "Dreamz." He said slowly and in a low dangerous tone an indicator that he might end up going to jail... Again. 

Dreamz was a bit too oblivious at the moment, too busying enjoying the flavour of her drink, "hmm?" 

"I will be right back." And with that, the albino turned and stalked right back to the Coffee Bean. Dreamz just standing there watching him leave with an expression of confusion on her face. 

Minutes went by and he returned- his cheeks a tint of red and hair a little bit more messy then it was before. Meanwhile his knuckles were split, blood slowly tinkling down them. 

"Oh jeez Gil, what did you do?!" 

"...Es fine, my awesomeness is just coming out." 


I'll probably redo this later xD I did a lot of work today so ya know. 

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