We all hate Cooper

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It was quite early in the morning when she woke up, faint sunlight streaming in as the sun brushed upon the sky. Just by the look of it it seemed to be a  quite a pleasing day, a relaxing one if any yet Dreamz still managed to sigh in negativity. Slowly sitting herself up in a way that wouldn't cause any further pain. She swung her legs around, her feet gingerly touching the cool wooden ground as she got out of the bed. Instantly she walked over to the body length mirror, taking off the large shirt that Cooper lean her in order to see the full damage of her back. 

She couldn't be any less surprise. 

The wounds criss cross her back, looking as if they only had just stopped bleeding. The majority though were around the area where a terrible bruise was forming- this injury being placed quite close to her kidneys. At the sight of that, worried questions entered her mind, wondering if during the fall she had somehow managed to damage them. 

"Hopefully it'll take quicker to heal then it did the last time." She said, referring to the time where she had slipped and fell down the stairs when she was younger. She threw the shirt to the corner of the guest room, walking over to the cupboard in order to get change and ready for the day. 


"Okay Dreamz I'm really sorry but I won't be able to look after you today." Cooper said extremely apologetically. 

"Well I did say I was going to leave after breakfast didn't I? Seriously Coops stop feeling bad, I just needed you to sort out my wounds since I couldn't really do that myself." 

"But... Where would you have gone?" He queried, raising his eyebrows. "I thought you didn't want to go back to Ludwig's and Gilbert's place?" 

"Well yes I don't, I would have just gone somewhere else. Maybe Wy's if not then I'm sure I could get a motel or somethin." 

He stared at her before shaking his head, "okay well uh I actually already organised it..." 

"Oh my god Cooper, seriously you don't-" 

"It's too late anyways. Dreamz, did you really think that I would have left you on your own?" 

She sighed, knowing that was going to be case, however at the time she couldn't help but think she could get away with it. 

"You sure do know how to make a person feel guilty." Dreamz said, shaking her head. "When do we go then?" 

"Um right now, I have a bit of a problem that I need to fix asap." 

"Fine, fine." She murmured grabbing ahold of her satchel as she followed Cooper into his car. He entered it, starting up the engine as she slid in the passenger seat being sure to sit upright oppose to leaning back. "So why did you decide to ditch me with some other person?" 

"Well I know that you don't want anyone else finding out where you are." Cooper said slowly, as if carefully picking out his words. "So uh I called up a friend and he said that he'll be okay with it." 

"Do I know the friend?" 


"Does he know me?" 

"Most definitely." 

"Has connections with the girls or those that I'm more close to?" 

"You could say that... But no one would think you would be with him." Explained Cooper, taking a turn. "Oh and he said that he won't tell anyone." He added as an after thought. 

"Hopefully nothing bad comes out from that." Said Dreamz, thinking of this mysterious person. At her comment Cooper let out a laugh earning a confused look from his passenger. 

Minutes passed and at last they arrived at a seemingly grand house with a rather large driveway that for some reason bothered Dreamz. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but something about the building seemed to be a bit off to her, a bit... Different in a way. But of course that's just silly, it's a house. Why on earth should she be paranoid about this grand house?

She shook her head, trying to rid herself of those thoughts as she believed she was getting paranoid. Together she and Cooper walked up to the front door, the boy using the knocker there in order to alert the person living inside. 

"You're really fidgety." Dreamz observed, seeing how he kept on fixing his clothes. "What's up? Something wrong?" 

He opened up his mouth in order to explain but at that moment the door open causing him to shut it. At that Dreamz tore her gaze away from him to the person who had just answered, her whole body instantly tensing when seeing his face. 

"Cooper, do you care to explain to me why on earth I have this... Thing on my doorstep?" Arthur frowned at his younger brother, evidently not happy with this situation.

 "Yeah Cooper, why am I at this asshat's doorstep?" Demanded Dreamz glaring at her friend. 

Cooper shifted uncomfortably looking away from them as he brushed his hair behind his ear. He looked back at them, noting their hardened features and angry faces before turning back away from them. He continued to stand there for a few more seconds before he instantly bolted away from them- running to the safety of his car. 

"COOPER YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Cried out both the Australian and the country, Britain being the one that tried to stop him from reaching his car. But of course he wasn't able too as Cooper reached his car and drove as fast as he could away from the angry pair. 

Well this just incredibly interesting. 

And incredibly awkward. 


Btw just wondering, Hope are you going to do anything tied in with this? I remember you saying something about you writing a drabble based off of this or somethin. I can't really remember. But if you are then just tell me cause then I won't write about Pruss or Luds at this point of time so I don't muck up your writing~

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