Chapter 305-307

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Puleng love story (8)

(sixty one)

"Uncle Time, why do you want to become a military female?"

"No reason."

When Boas was admitted to the military academy, he used the entrance exam questions to test Tim. He thought he would hear thoughts similar to his own about "professional worship" and "the pursuit of fame and fortune." I never thought there was such an answer.

Tim said: "My female father helped me fill out the application form."

"Studying the command department is also..."

"My score, it would be a pity not to study the command system."

Boas sighed at this. He always felt that Tim was a soft candy wrapped in dogma. Except for that damn toy duck, only his young self could pry it open and suck the honey out of it.

He once felt honored and vaguely proud of the special treatment he received around Tim.

Before Tim had any biological children...

Before Tim chose parthenogenesis...

Boas has always been Tim's favorite child...


"Uncle Commander."

"Uncle, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

This ancient building with a long history still failed to resist Boas' ambition. He used his exoskeleton to smash the door, and rushed towards the safe house along the murals and domes. The other military females put down their weapons one by one and raised their hands high.

Only Tim stood at the door of the safe house, pointing his gapped saber at Boas.

His arms were broken into bones, and brownish-red gas came out of his chest as he breathed. The door of the safe house was locked from the inside, revealing only an observation window two palms wide. Faces of underage children were crowded on it, and their pupils swayed with the blood and flesh foam splashing out.

Boas tightened his hands.

There seemed to be a rusty screw in the exoskeleton on his body. His movements were obscure and smelled like rusty iron. "Uncle Tim."

Tim raised his eyes. He could no longer speak normally.

Boas's tactics were a life-and-death struggle for this stubborn military female. The strip of cloth around his neck was once again dyed maroon, and the exoskeleton needed to be tightly clamped by the back door to prevent it from completely falling apart.

"Uncle Time."

Why protect those pups.

Boas took a step forward, white light flashed fiercely, he subconsciously drew the knife, and whipped the person with his hand like a whip - a large amount of foul-smelling blood poured into his eyeballs and nasal cavity. Tim's hot breathing brought the trembling knife to Boas's body, aiming at the half eye he couldn't open.

"Don't... get close to... them."

Boas didn't move.

The cut knife in Tim's hand was less than 2 millimeters away from his eyeball. The blood belonging to the two people hung on the eyelashes, and everything turned red.

"What? Is it worth it?"

Boas lowered his head and looked at his knife.

The blade of the knife was completely immersed in Tim's body. He let go of his hand, and also let go of the military woman's last support. He saw her swaying, her whole body on the door of the safe house, trying to hold on to the door frame with both hands, trying to prevent herself from sliding down. The embarrassed look.

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