Chapter 61-62

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Chapter 61

The Cicada and Mantis tribes have not intermarryed for fifty years.

There may be some young people who are not affected by the two tribes to quietly obtain the certificate, but among the Cicada and Mantis tribes, large-scale intermarriage is unprecedented. Whether they are nobles, middle class or ordinary workers, the Cicada and Mantis tribes are here. They maintained a united front on the matter of intermarriage between two ethnic groups:

The water from the well does not interfere with the water from the river.

The Mantis Clan believes that the Cicada Clan as a whole is too gentle, and the two tribes have always been unable to agree on property and marriage, which has repeatedly led to domestic violence; the Cicada Clan feels that the Mantis Clan is too violent, both female and male, with violent personalities and explosive mobility. .

——Even though he no longer grew up in the Mantis clan, Gong Jianliang inherited this perfectly.

It is enough to show that the fighting power that suffocates the Cicada clan is inherited along with the genes! ! Chanyuan looked at the darkened communication screen, then looked at his belly. His hair stood on end as he thought of two mantis species in his home in the future.

Forget about returning to his hometown, he might not even be able to buy an interstellar ticket to the Cicada clan's territory with his hero and cub.

"You are a mantis."

"Yes." Gong Jianliang sensed something was wrong, "Don't you know?"

Zen Yuan really doesn't know. He recalled the third brother who gave him the ring, and thought of Mr. Wen Geer whom he had just met, struggling to his death, "Your brother and male father are both from the butterfly tribe."

"That's right." Gong Jianliang poked his face and realized that this bastard Chan Yuan really didn't know his own insect species. He smiled and said, "My female father is a mantis species. Chan Yuan~"

They have been married for three months, and their child is almost two weeks old. No, it should be counted from the day we met. Zen Yuan and I have known each other for seven years.

Seven years.

"You still don't know my insect species!"

Chan Yuan shouted louder than Gong Jianliang, "You didn't explain it to me either."

"Does this kind of thing still need to be explained?"

Zen Yuan was frustrated. He thinks that he is not an extreme insectist, such as the mantis species Oster and Nika, and he can have a good conversation with them. But marriage is not allowed. Marriage is such a major event in life. Chan Yuan raised his head and saw Gong Jianliang's face close at hand, killing the thought of "divorce" in his mind.

Forget it, I already have children. Besides, my whole family is pure Cicada, and my ancestors have been Cicada for eight lifetimes. The probability of giving birth to a Cicada is probably higher.

"So, you don't like me when you know I'm a mantis species." Gong Jianliang poked Chan Yuan's nose viciously with his finger and cursed: "Asshole. Pervert. You bad guy who discriminates against insect species!"

Most of the evil points are focused on physical fitness and combat, and Gong Jianliang is very lackluster in terms of swearing.

After Zen Yuan listened to the little male insect's weak curse, the communication was ruthlessly taken away. He could only watch the male insect send the communication message to the male father, crackling like small cannonballs to complain.

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