Chapter 53-54

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Chapter 53

The third starship was turned upside down. If the culprit was a certain military female, the captain would have dealt with it in accordance with military law. But when he met the male insect, he was the only male insect in this expedition. Captain Aquino had a splitting headache and simply watched the video he received.

Before the DJ started playing, he was filled with indignation and had to teach the male insects well; when the progress bar started, he silently took the honey jar he had hidden and used sweets to relieve the crazy secretion of saliva; when the progress bar reached the middle section, respectfully The Jianliang magic weapon was killing everyone everywhere. The captain of the third starship, Aquino, turned off the video and closed his eyes peacefully.

The video was apparently shot hastily by a person holding up a communication device. The camera panned, still showing the chaotic and disorderly attacks of the military females, as well as Gong Jianliang's increasingly fierce fighting moves.

"This kid..." Aquino had a headache. He hated having his head stabbed.

The bee tribe and the ant tribe are the two types of insect species that pay the most attention to discipline and superior-subordinate relationships.

Aquino considers himself a gentle person. He has always been accustomed to start with the opponent's superiors or superiors' superiors, and then add lessons layer by layer. Finally, when it falls on the person concerned, a trivial greeting is as heavy as a mountain. Aquino began to look through the human resources department and found that he could not find any department in the organization that had a relationship with the male insect.

From the personnel network, Male Insect Gong Jianliang was just an individual temporarily entrusted to the expeditionary force by the Male Insect Association before the expedition. Apart from his marriage, he has no stable social relationships. From a behavioral point of view, the male insect Gong Jianliang doesn't care at all about rubbish comments and personal connections.

Captain Aquino could only skip this matter first and said: "Everyone gathers. The main ship has just promoted a group of people to military ranks. I will just say a few words."

If the leader simply says a few words, there is a high probability that it will not be simple.

Captain Aquino came up and taunted all the military females, including the adjudication office, command headquarters, ground combat, ordinary military females, and even the maintenance department that provided full off-site support.

"I don't know how many of you are soft-hearted towards the male insect because of his gender and appearance. This is a battle. It's not the ugly things that are your enemies. It's not the battle that stands in the sea of blood with weapons. You have to Always remember that anything can happen on an expedition."

"You are new recruits, and you haven't had the slightest awareness of coordinated operations in three months. Now, the third starship can't even catch a male insect without killing it! It's simply a shame! It's such a shame!" Tim."

Tim, who was still sitting in a wheelchair, stepped forward bravely and said, "Here we go!"

"As the reserve backbone of the command headquarters, what is your overall view? Where is your eloquence? Where is your thoughtfulness? You know clearly that the male worm is unstable. As a commander, what are you doing to get involved? Are you rushing to eat the stick? ?"

Captain Aquino got more and more arrogant as he talked, and asked the people in the maintenance department to hang a large curtain behind him, and all sixteen surveillance videos were projected onto the curtain. He opened the list himself, and started to curse the few females on the list who participated in the battle. The key is that he not only cursed, but also cursed very well.

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