Chapter 163-164

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Chapter 163

In the starry sky.

The military hero Ferruli, who was in the deep space mecha and on ready alert, suddenly opened his eyes. His vision quickly moved to a certain part of the planet, and the other military females also turned their heads.

"What is that?" Ferulli asked expressionlessly. As a military hero, he has always been cold and serious in the execution of missions. This is also a major feature of all military heroes after the streamlined training. Almost all military heroes are used to putting on a bad face when going on missions. It seems that doing so will make them more mentally aggressive.

"Nothing." The vice-captain and other military females opened their minds and operated the deep space mecha to get a little closer. In the eyes of people with their brains, the entire planet is not only different degrees of white, but also different degrees of blue. A few more obvious parasite locations are like ink spots on white paper.

Small, but eye-catching.

"Apply to get closer to the planet's exosphere." Ferruli also wondered if he had seen it wrong. But this idea only flashed through his mind, and was quickly rejected.

Even if it's only slightly possible.

It was a very slim possibility, and he couldn't let the "powerful" male be swallowed by the parasite.

"The application is approved." The deputy team member said in a deep voice: "There is currently an abnormality in the Q107 base. The previously maintained communication is abnormal and we need to provide support."

Their team is an extremely special group of outsiders in the expeditionary force. From the perspective of belonging, they do not need to obey the orders of the expeditionary force, because they will part ways in the middle of the journey and go on a longer expedition.

But in terms of collective interests, they are on the same page.

The deputy team drove the deep space mecha into the escape layer. The high white snow reflected the sun's rays, and the entire land was almost a bright mirror, forcing all mecha pilots to squint their eyes and quickly adjust their protective goggles. Ferruli sat in the passenger seat, quietly adjusting his goggles, but quietly released his spiritual tentacles, looking down at the entire earth from top to bottom.

Compared with Gong Jianliang's mental tentacles covering the entire base, all his mental power combined could only wrap around one arm of the deep space mecha. But he was completely different from Gong Jianliang. Those twisted spiritual tentacles that took on various forms slowly condensed in the air, and finally turned into a semi-fuzzy crustacean skin that slowly blended with the surface of the mecha. One body.


"I know." Military hero Ferruli grabbed the holder and wrapped the landing device around himself. "You feel it too, right?"

There are males on the ground.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, they arrived belatedly and missed the chance to see each other when they were released. The ground seemed to be hazy with an invisible layer of black mist. After opening their brains, everyone could clearly see that they were slowly intertwined with the rime formed by the frost, and tended to dissipate under the rays of the sun.

This is an extremely rare overflow phenomenon caused by the release of the male's mental power.

Ferrulli has seen it. That was also the "overflow" caused by excessive force after several older males in the military department killed the enemy. For ordinary male insects, they may be more likely to experience "mental power overflow" when hatching a large number of eggs.

Zerg: I was forced by my partner to become the God of WarWhere stories live. Discover now