Chapter 87-88

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Chapter 87

When Gong Jianliang was a child, his father and brothers would affectionately call him "Little Orchid." When he went to school, his brothers gradually stopped calling him that, and Gong Jianliang was not happy to wander around with such a childish nickname. But for Xiong's father, Gong Jianliang is always willing to retain a little more "intimacy". He enjoys Xiong's father calling him like a child.

However, it would be different if Chan Yuan shouted.

Perhaps this female insect was dirty in Gong Jianliang's eyes, as her eyes and mouth seemed to be stained by her words. Gong Jianliang did not allow Chan Yuan to tarnish the "exclusive title of male father", so he waved his fist and threatened, causing Chan Yuan to quickly surrender, and then he coaxed him away.

When the adjudication office arrived, Gong Jianliang was sitting on a stool eating candy, pointing and asking Chan Yuan to clean up this and that. The image they imagined of Chan Yuan with a bruised nose and swollen face did not happen. Instead, Chan Yuan's humble appearance on his knees mopping the floor was eye-opening.

"Are you okay?" Tim walked in carrying the little Pullin, ignoring the male's eyes, and stuffed the cub into Chanyuan's arms, "Give it back to you."

Wrapped in a small quilt, the cub was carried around without paying any attention to its situation. After clapped its hands, the female father made a "boop" gesture to the male father with expectant eyes.

The cub doesn't know anything. The cub just wants to hang out with its male and female parents.

Chanyuan is very satisfied with his son's pretending to be deaf and mute, and feels that his life will be very convenient in the future: Who doesn't like a little guy who can see and wink? In the future, if the male and female parents want to do something serious, such a sensible cub should be easier to educate.

However, the most urgent task was to grab the cubs and feed them wholeheartedly to the male.

"Be obedient, you know?" Chan Yuan scratched the cub's little nose and warned, "I haven't kissed the male father yet." Xiao Pu Leng blinked his eyes, smiled happily, turned around and gave a pop to Gong Jianliang's left side, There is a Bobo on the right, and the cute look makes the female judge's eyes turn red.

What does Zenyuan mean? Call them over and feed them dog food, right? With this posture, what kind of emergency call should Tim make?

The women of the Judgment Department, who silently made a mental note to Chan Yuan, slipped away in a sour mood. Before leaving, they did not forget to give Chan Yuan a list and asked him to replace the damaged furniture.

However, this is just the beginning.

Chanyuan added theoretical knowledge such as "psychology" and "cub care" to his tight schedule. He made a few unimportant arrangements and allocated all his time to "physical exercise" and "fighting training" without hesitation. Finally, Seeing that there was nothing to do, I put off all the non-essential arrangements that I could, and all the time I squeezed out was spent on "accompanying the hero".

Of course his male wanted him to accompany him.

Chanyuan found that his possessiveness towards Gong Jianliang was getting stronger and stronger. He was like a craftsman who, faced with a shy and difficult-to-handle piece of jade, could only adopt the clumsiest method and rely on patience to wipe off the jade bit by bit. The rocks above, I couldn't bear to harm one of the areas that could become a masterpiece.

In life, there are many things that are hard to come by.

Zen Yuan believes that his only advantage is "self-awareness". He knew very well how many dark desires he had. When this desire found a qualified host, it turned into an obsession that he couldn't get rid of, growing like a dodder. Zen Yuan is happy that he has the patience and hard work to spend twenty years, or even longer, until he turns the male insect into his own!

Zerg: I was forced by my partner to become the God of WarWhere stories live. Discover now