1976- Sirius Black

By fathergrace

668K 15.8K 30.8K

He fell for his best mates sister, he fell hard, but he was a player, a womaniser, the one the girls wanted a... More

guys I just have to clarify
old cover
Old Memories
It begins
Summer Parties
The Night Of the Party
it was Calvin
Sirius deja vu
Would he?
Old habits die hard
So sad
Piss off Potter
I love you
Theatrical Reindeer
Merry Christmas
Stand By Me
Until the end
The astronomy tower
A cure for lycanthropy
Snapes Worst Memory
I wish I had a choice
She heard
Bloody Hell
Always and Forever
Me too
Water sprites, flobberworms and slugs
Not Yet
Wet dog
And they were soulmates
How dare you
Wrong choice
Watch From Afar
Christmas 1977
The Boxing Day Party*
New Beginnings
Cats and Dogs
Letting go
for her
That look
Our song..
The Garden Of Eden
solve the Riddle
Shattered Glass
Dangerous games
Iced fingers
Watch and listen
Little Snake
Reunions pt1
Reunions pt2
Order of the pheasants
Eloise and Regulus
Spolier alert
Even Stevens
Blacks Big Question
Little miss perfect
Acceptance pt1
Acceptance pt2*
Acceptance pt3
Ten galleons and nine sickles
How bizarre
It's a twin thing
Morris the midget moose
I love you babycakes!
That's a big arse rock
Monty and Mia
A not so happy new year
Welcome Home
Old and grey
Lily's sapphire
You may kiss the bride
Life's only promise
Constant Vigilance
The Fairest Most Beautiful Mother
Sixteen hours and fifty one minutes
Walk me down
Broken Promises 1/2
Regulus' letter
In my life
A rat
A wolf
A dog
A Stag pt1
Double Trouble
Mason McKinnon
You have my heart always
Broken Promises 2/2
Truth hurts
hey guys..
Five more minutes
A stag pt2
I was so close
Hi guys..


10.7K 272 370
By fathergrace

'I cant believe you're friends with that greasy git' grumbled Marlene stabbing her mashed potatoes with her fork sending glares at the Slytherin. Eloise snickered covering it up with cough after a strong glare from lily.

'He's honestly not that bad, just give him a chance!' huffed lily with pleading eyes.

'He's a wannabe death eater, look at the people he hangs around with! they're awful! all pureblood supremecists, just like every single snake' retorted the blonde girl, now it was Eloises turn to frown, before she added.

'Not all Slytherins are bad.' This remark caught the attention of her brother and his friends who's eyes snapped round to the dark haired girl looking at her with incredulous looks etched upon their faces.

'Are you mad?' James practically shrieked looking at his sister with his nose scrunched up a trait both potters tended to have especially when confused or in shock. 

'No. Not all Slytherins are bad, I mean sure there's a few bad apples but its wrong to stereotype a whole house based on a handful of people.'

'They're death eaters.' said Sirius in disbelief 

'Not all of them.' Huffed the potter girl, with a pout on her red painted lips, she started to ramble on about how the Slytherins are sorted because their cunningness, ambition and resourcefulness and not for their beliefs, however Sirius wasn't paying attention and couldn't help but stare at the girl observing how her eyes crinkled when she was passionate about something and her eyes sparkled in the light of the hall, his gazed landed on her lips for a second and he found himself longing to kiss them once again. His thoughts were interrupted by the girls voice as he found himself brought back to the world. '-and that's why not and Slytherins are bad.' 

'Name one wizard from that house who hasn't gone bad, they're all dark!' argued James throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. 

'Merlin was a Slytherin.' smirked the girl victoriously. Making her brother sit back in defeat. feeling someones eyes on her Eloise turned her gaze to focus on Sirius making eye contact momentarily an unfamiliar feeling erupting in both of their stomachs something that Eloise narrowed down to teenage hormones and sexual frustration with a mix of attraction that only increased after their rendezvous at the summer party. 

However, their eye contact was broken when Marlene nudged Eloise in the ribs lightly nodding her head towards the Ravenclaw table. 'He's a fine piece of arse that one.' said the blonde girl lightly smirking as she made eye contact with the boy. 'I'll be back later..maybe' 


The feast passed and Lily and Eloise found themselves sitting on their beds with their other roommate, Alices Fortescue. The girls conversation escalated from the subject of O.W.Ls onto boys, then sex. Lily and Eloise learnt that Alice was seeing a seventh year Gryffindor called frank Longbottom. 'Oh James has talked to him before I think' said Eloise absentmindedly when suddenly the subject changed rapidly, as the two girls began to talk about hanky panky as Euphemia potter enjoyed calling it.

'Well Eloise lost her virginity this summer.' smirked Lily looking at the Potter girl with a triumphant look in her eyes. making Alice bombard the girl with questions such as 'what was it like?, did it hurt?, how long does it last?, is it true you bleed?, where was it?' most of these questions could be answered with one word as Eloise suddenly became nervous with all the sudden attention, it only worsened when Alice asked her.

'Who was it?' with a huge grin on her face.

'It was a boy from Ravenclaw called Calvin'  Lily answered for her a rather chuffed look on her face and she spoke as if she were bragging.

'Calvin you say?' said Alice with furrowed brows. 'My friend Dorcas Meadows is a Ravenclaw she's never mentioned anyone called Calvin'.

As the brunette said this the dormitory door burst open, Marlene standing in the doorway a dangerous look in her eyes as her gaze landed on Eloise. 'I just got back from that hunky Ravenclaws dorm.' said the girl snarling slightly with narrowed eyes. 'He said he's never heard of anyone called Calvin.' Eloises eyes widened and her heart rate sped up both Lily and Alice looked at the girl shocked before Lily said.

'El? who did you really, lose your virginity to?'

Eloise looked down covering her face with a curtain of her black hair, mumbling an answer which was incoherent.

'What was that?' asked Alice, with hopeful eyes and a slight smirk.

'Surwys havke'

'What?' marlene said 

'Sirius Black!' yelled the girl panting heavily her eyes widening as she rushed out 'Ohmygodpleasedonttelljamesareanyoneohmygodwhatamigonnadoohshitfuckfuckshit' 

The room was quiet for a moment before marlene let out a loud 'HA!' before dancing around the room jovially chanting 'I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!' the blonde girl turned to her red haired friend with a grin holding out the palm of her hand 'Pay up Evans!' the red head grumbled before reaching into her pocket and handing the girl two galleons.

Eloise looked at the two in disbelief before exclaiming 'You bet on it?!'

Marlene turned to the younger potter with a large grin 'Damn right we did, it was kinda obvious, the boys are just two oblivious to notice that you and Black both came down the morning with hickeys covering your necks and then there's the fact he hand your favourite scrunchie in his hair which I know for a fact you had on your wrist the night of the party.' 

'I was wondering where that went!' exclaimed the girl before dashing out the room to retrieve her scrunchie. Her head poked back in looking at the three girls adding 'Don't tell a soul.' quickly disappearing into the common room once again.


The week drew to a close and it was past curfew on Friday night. Eloise found herself wandering the halls in her silky red pyjamas and fluffy slippers. Her feet carried her up the stairs to the astronomy tower. The cold air hitting her face as she wrapped her arms around herself slightly. Peering over the edge, so lost in thought gazing at the stars she didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming up behind her.

'You'll freeze out here you know' sounded an awfully familiar voice. Eloise turned her head to see Sirius standing there in all his glory, a red jumper wrapped round him keeping him warm from the nipping air of Scotland.

'I think i'll manage Black' smiled the girl softly focusing her attention back on the starry night. The raven haired boy contemplated slightly before stepping forward and joining the girl at the edge of the railing leaning over slightly. 

'What are you doing out here anyway?' questioned the boy making the girl look at him with a raised eyebrow. 

'What are you doing here?'

'Touché' he chuckled. The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a few short moments and Eloise decided to answer the boys question.

'I came out here to think.' she sighed slightly, not taking her eyes off the stars but completely aware of the eyes on her.

'About what?' he asked, trying not to overstep his boundaries.

'Nothing in particular' Eloise said fiddling with the hem of her shorts shivering slightly, mentally cursing herself for not wearing something warmer. 'I like the stars, I think they're beautiful'

'Are you flirting with me Potter?' gasped Sirius feigning shock 'I am after all the brightest star in the sky' he added with a wink. 

'Shut up' the dark haired beauty laughed slapping his arm playfully before continuing. 'It's just nice to be out here and look at the stars. You know? Theres just so many, millions, billions, trillions hell even zillions I don't know how many. But sometimes I look at them and I wonder who else is looking at the stars and thinking the same thing? The sky is huge, there's endless possibilities of what could be out there, and i'm not daft, there's a war brewing, I'm not going to lie and say i'm not scared, I'm terrified, but looking at the stars makes me forget. Just for a moment. It makes me feel free from everyone, everything, It's almost as if nothing matters. It sounds stupid, I know. But it makes me feel at ease'

'No-no its not stupid' said Sirius smiling at the girl when she finally turned to him. 'When I'm at home, and things get bad, I like to hide in the attic and look at the stars as well. I know what you mean, you feel free, alone with your thoughts.'

'Yeah' the girl smiled at the grey eyed boy, her eyes holding a sympathetic look. She brought the boy into an embrace, he was shocked at the gesture at first but he slowly melted into her arms wrapping his arms around her small frame. She was quite a bit shorter than Sirius standing at only 5,3 whereas he was 5,9. 

'You're freezing' the boy chuckled pulling away from the embrace removing his jumper and handing it to the girl.

'But you'll freeze!' she exclaimed.

'Then we better walk back to the common room eh?'

Eloise smiled gratefully at the boy putting the jumper on which reached her mid thigh on her small frame. The two began walking back to the common room surprisingly not getting caught by Filch. 

They climbed through the portrait hole and found themselves at the bottom of the stairs leading to their separate dormitories. The two faced each other and Eloise moved to remove Sirius' jumper before he stopped her.

'Keep it.' he said 'It looks better on you anyway'. 

The girl smirked lightly before using his own words against him. 'Are you flirting with me Black'

Sirius raised his eyebrows in amusement taking a step closer to the girl 'And what if I was Potter' 

Eloise tried to appear unfazed at the sudden closeness of his face but her heart was thumping rapidly in her chest unbeknownst to her the same thing was happening to him.

She took a small step forward and leaned in their lips barely brushing together but before they could touch she moved her lips to place a light kiss on his cheek. 'Goodnight Sirius' she whispered making her way up to her dorm. Leaving the boy bewildered and in a slight daze. Staring at the spot the girl once stood moments ago.

'Padfoot? what are you doing down here this late?'

Sirius turned his head to find James rubbing his eyes squinting with his circular glasses on his face.

'Just went out for a smoke is all.'

'Oh, well come upstairs, the beginning of term party is tomorrow'

'Yeah, yeah, I'm coming Prongs' replied the boy. Still in a daze from the kiss the Potter girl placed on his cheek,  a new feeling brewing in his stomach.

what is wrong with me?, he thought; laying down in his bed Eloise Potter occupying his mind. 

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