Law And Order: SVU One Shots

Door GirlandHerKeyboard

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Anything can happen in the world of one shots! This is a completely interactive book! I will be writing one s... Meer

Author's Note
Rollisi: Work Date
Fearless Part 2
Fearless Part 3
Her Wedding Day
Surrender Rollins
Paris[Part 2]
Meghan Kate Benson
Meghan Kate Benson [Part 2]
Noah Part 2
A Stabler and a Benson
A Stabler and a Benson: Part Two
A Stabler and a Benson: Final Part
In Sickness and in Health
The Cheater
Years Later
Years Later: Supermarket Flowers
Dear Natalie
Lost in the Crowd
Concrete Angel
Their Eyes Met
Friendship: Part Two
How To Save A Life
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Part Two
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Final Part
Not Lonely Anymore
Rolivia: Part Two
Mother's Day
The Crash
Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning: Part 2
Bloody Prints
Bloody Prints: Part 2
Bloody Prints: Part 3
The New Detective
Voice: Part 2
A Dream
A Dream: Part 2
Jet Lag
A Random Memory
A Random Memory: Part 2
Broken Bones
Letters to Olivia
Letters to Olivia: Before The Letters
The Unwanted Daughter
The Unwanted Daughter: Part Two
The Unwanted Daughter: Final Part
Manhattan Sex Crimes
Anchor Babies
A Preschool Promise
A Preschool Promise: Part 2
A Blank Slate
Forced Help
Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek: Christmas Day
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]- Part 2
Together: Back Together Again
A Bundle in a Basket
A Deadly Weekend
The Train
Black and Blue
Black and Blue: One Year Later
Love at First Sight
Skin: Part Two
A Drunken Night
A Drunken Night: Part Two
A Drunken Night: Part 3
A Drunken Night: Part 4
Proud of Her Family
Her: Part Two
I'm Not Going Without You
Cross Country
The Last Year
The Objection
A Case Reopened
A Case Reopened: Part 2
Memories: Part 2
Blind: Part 2
Won't Let Go
Won't Let Go: Part Two
"I'm Glad You Called"
Loganville: Part Two
Afire Love
The Move
First Loves, Forever Loves
First Loves, Forever Loves: Part Two
Take Me Dancing
The Man in the Red Sweater
The Man in the Red Sweater: Part 2
The Man in the Red Sweater: Final Part
A Soulmate Blind Date
Not Okay
Not Okay: Part 2
Not Okay: Part 3
Not Okay: Final Part
I'm Still Growing Up
Disappointed: Part 2
Wrong Number
Wrong Number: Part Two
A 30 Year Difference
Sonny and Christine
Quiet Nights
Suds in the Bucket
Kisses [Part Two]
Her ADA [Part Two]
Katherine Stabler
Katherine Stabler: Part 2
Katherine Stabler: Final Part
New Year's Day
New Year's Day: Part Two
Bruised, Battered, and In Tears
Those She Has Loved
Those She Has Loved [Part Two]
Identical: Part Two
Identical: Final Part
Her Boys
Used To Be
Used To Be: Part Two
Life After Loss
Eleven Months
Eleven Months: Part Two
Mistakes: Part Two
Mistakes: Final Part
The Wrong Bed
The Wrong Bed : Part Two
Missing In Action
Missing In Action: Part Two
I Still Love You
Ashes [Part Two]
Red and Blue Lights
Red and Blue Lights: Part Two
When He was Still Hers
Loss: Part Two
DNA Results
DNA Results: Part 2
Detective to Mother
Detective to Mother: Part Two
An Organ Donor
An Organ Donor: Part Two
Calvin: Part Two
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney: Part Two
Undercover Baby
Undercover Baby : Part Two
Finding Noah
All I Ask
All I Ask: Part Two
Stuck With You
Fingers Crossed
Out of the Blue
Drunken Kisses
You and I
Forgotten Memories
Forgotten Memories: Part Two
Author's Note

Six Years

425 20 3
Door GirlandHerKeyboard

This may be a super long one shot, dunno yet. Enjoy!

Olivia and Amanda went sprinting down the road together. A perp was in front of them, but both of them were getting closer and closer to tackling him.

"Go around! Cut him off!" Olivia yelled, and Amanda quickly turned down an alley as Olivia continued to follow the man. As she tackled him, her heart was beating so hard in her chest, that she didn't hear the gunshot. 

"Bitch, get off of me." The man spat, as Olivia cuffed him before pulling him to his feet.

"I've been called worse, so calling me a bit-" Olivia couldn't even get her words out before she heard Amanda whimper her name. Olivia saw Amanda walking out of the alley, her chest covered in blood and she was stumbling.

"Oh shit," Olivia whispered. She quickly uncuffed one of the man's hands, before cuffing him to a pole. Olivia ran to Amanda as she pulled her phone out and called an ambulance. As she shoved it into her pocket, she sank down and pulled Amanda into her arms, since Amanda had fallen to the ground.

"Olivia." Amanda whimpered, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"It's okay, Rollins. You're okay. I promise." Olivia whispered, as pressed her hands to the source of the blood.

"I feel so cold. I'm sorry. I didn't get my gun ou..." Amanda trailed off her sentence as everything became too much. She was losing so much blood, and Olivia knew it was a horrible sign that Amanda felt cold. There just wasn't enough blood to keep her heart beating. To keep her alive.

"No!" Olivia sobbed, as she held Amanda closer and started to rock her back and forth. Her best friend was dead, and it drove Olivia to a point she rarely got to. She rarely sobbed out in the open. 

As the sirens grew closer, Olivia held Amanda just a little closer. There was no use. They could try to revive her and take her to the hospital, but whoever shot Amanda meant it.


Olivia didn't call her crew when the shooting happening, and she didn't tell them when Amanda was taken to the hospital, even if she was considered dead. Olivia stumbled into the squad room, her hands and clothes covered in blood.

"Liv?" Fin asked as he noticed her first. He stood up, as she fanned him away. She walked past everyone and went into her office. She slammed the door shut before shutting the blinds. She walked over to her desk and sat down in her chair, before breaking out into intense sobs. She rested her head against her desk as she wrapped her arms around her body.

The door opened slowly, and Olivia sat up and screamed.


Fin walked over to her, ignoring what she said, and pulled her to her feet. She clung to him instead of fighting him as her sobs got harder and more intense.

"What happened, baby girl?"

"A-amanda got shot! S-she's dead." Olivia sobbed into Fin's chest.

"What?" He breathed, as he felt his heart tighten in his chest.

"She's dead. Some bastard shot her." 

"We will find him. I promise."


No one was allowed to see Amanda. Her funeral was closed casket, and Amanda's family wanted the funeral to be over as quickly as possible. The next week, the crew stood in their squad room, all dressed in their uniforms. Olivia kept looking at Amanda's desk, but the blonde detective would never sit there. She would never have children or get married. There would be no more nights of drinking altogether as a crew because one significate person wouldn't be there anymore.

"It's time." Nick breathed, as he pulled his cap on. Olivia nodded slowly, as she reached back and ran her fingers over her tight brown bun.

"We will get through this all, I promise." Olivia breathed.

Carisi walked over and grabbed her hand. She looked down at it before swallowing hard. Olivia reached her hand out to Fin, and he grabbed it awkwardly at first, but then he squeezed it as Nick joined them. Carisi bowed his head, as Barba came in and joined the circle.

"God, please protect us all in this time of grieving. Please protect Amanda as she stays with you, and please give Beth Anne and Kim the faith that I have, and make sure they understand that this was your plan."


A few months passed, and everyone slowly got used to not having Amanda around. It was hard for all of them at times, when they would sit and just look at her desk, wondering why she was late. Then it came to them realizing that she had passed away, and then they were wondering if she was looking over them and protecting them.

Olivia always sent her crew out with bulletproof vests, but one day there was a call that no one had expected.

"Liv, Nick was at the courthouse and he had to be rushed to the hospital."

"What? Why?!" Olivia cried out, as she quickly stood and grabbed her own vest.

"Some guy stabbed him in the chest."

"They are still coming after us." Olivia breathed. 

Threats had come into the precinct. A gang was going after Olivia's crew, and no matter how many times the crew was getting protective details on them, it didn't stop it all. And the day Nick got stabbed proved that.


Olivia sat beside Nick's hospital bed, as Carisi and Fin stood behind her. They both had a hand placed on her shoulders and tried to tell her that they were still there for her, but she felt like everyone was against her. They the gang that was killing her only family were doing it just to hurt her.

"Detectives, Mrs. Amaro is here. She'd like to sit with him." Nick's doctor spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard. She leaned down and kissed Nick's hand gently, before standing. As they walked out of the room, Maria passed them but didn't say a thing to them.

"So, what do we do now?" Carisi breathed, as he ran his hand over his face.

"We go back to the precinct and wait." Olivia breathed.

"Liv lets just stay," Fin spoke, as he looked at his friend.

"I don't think I can be here if he dies." She breathed, before walking away. As she stood and waited for the elevator, over the intercom, a code blue was called and nurses and doctors went sprinting towards Nick's room.


People were shocked when they found out that yet another member of Manhattan Sex Crimes had been killed. Every squad in Manhattan and all of the other bureaus were on high alert, and the 1-6 precinct was quiet and most of the officers that worked there were transferred, just in case the next attack was focused on the whole stationhouse.

"This is just so weird. It's way too quiet here." Carisi spoke, as he leaned back in his chair. The squad wasn't even used for cases anymore, and they were pretty much just used for directing calls until the gang could be caught.

"Guys, I'm so sorry." Olivia frowned, as she walked out of her office with her bags in hand.

"It's not your fault, Liv." Fin spoke. Fin and Carisi hated that she blamed herself. And when she leaves at night, when she thinks she is far enough away, they could still hear her start to cry as she walks past Amanda and Nick's plaques.

"It's hard to feel like it isn't. Uh, I'm gonna head home. I'm calling Noah tonight. I'm not going to be here tomorrow."

"Why not?" Fin asked.

"I'm heading out to see Noah. I hate that he has to stay with Lucy, but it's for his safety." Olivia spoke. She walked over and hugged both of her detectives before sighing.

"Why don't you both leave once you are done eating. I'll call you when I arrive at Lucy's mother's house." Olivia spoke, she walked out and quickly avoided looking at the plaques.

Once Olivia reached the bottom floor, where no one was or had been for several weeks, she walked outside and crossed the street to her car. She opened the door, and as she went climbing in, a large explosion happened across the street and Olivia turned quickly to watch as the building collapsed.


Six Years Later

After losing Fin and Carisi, Olivia took Noah and moved out of the country. She moved to Paris, and that's where she was raising her son. But six years later, after getting a letter from Cragen and Elliot about the anniversary of Fin and Carisi's deaths, Olivia went back. A monument was being put up where the 1-6 precinct had collapsed, and it was going to be dedicated to those that were lost during the horrible and violent time that destroyed Olivia and those around her.

"Momma, why are we going back?" Noah asked as he and his mother walked out of the airport.

"We came back here because there is a very special party happening so we can celebrate the lives of a few of my friends that passed away," Olivia spoke.

"Do I get to see Lucy?" Noah asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Of course you do. She said she wants to spend a lot of time with you while I do what I have to."

"Are you sad, Momma?" Noah questioned.

"A little. But you help." Olivia smiled. She picked up her son and covered his face in kisses, before sitting him back on his feet.


Olivia left Noah with his old babysitter before she headed to the cop bar next to where the precinct used to stand. When she got there, Elliot helped her out of her car before hugging her tightly. 

"Thanks for telling me about this," Olivia spoke, as she stepped back.

"Of course. How is Paris? Your son?" Elliot asked and Olivia smiled.

"He's great. So, is Cragen and Munch in there?"

"Yeah, and a few others."


Olivia and Elliot went into the bar after catching up for a few more minutes, and as they walked towards the back of the bar, where their old booth was, Olivia felt a lump grow in her throat.

"Hey, boss." Fin breathed, which confused Olivia so much.

"Fin?!" She whispered.

"Hey, baby girl." He smiled. Olivia quickly walked over to him before hugging him tightly as she started to cry.

"You died." She cried.

"All of us had to fake our deaths to get out. We were in the witness protection program for a while, but since the gang has been arrested, we are back." Fin spoke, before stepping away from her.

Olivia quickly hugged the rest of her crew and family, before sinking down into the booth.

"6 years." She breathed.

"We are so sorry we couldn't tell you, Liv," Amanda spoke.

"I lost my family six years ago... I can't do this right now." Olivia stood up and left the bar and quickly got into her rental car. She didn't drive away though. She just sat and cried.

Losing her crew, her family didn't break her. But now, as she thinks about how they've been alive the whole time and she's been struggling to deal with the guilt that had grown inside of her as the days past.

Seeing them alive was what broke her. It broke it more than anything has broken her before.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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