Law And Order: SVU One Shots

By GirlandHerKeyboard

112K 4K 760

Anything can happen in the world of one shots! This is a completely interactive book! I will be writing one s... More

Author's Note
Rollisi: Work Date
Fearless Part 2
Fearless Part 3
Her Wedding Day
Surrender Rollins
Paris[Part 2]
Meghan Kate Benson
Meghan Kate Benson [Part 2]
Noah Part 2
A Stabler and a Benson
A Stabler and a Benson: Part Two
A Stabler and a Benson: Final Part
In Sickness and in Health
The Cheater
Years Later
Years Later: Supermarket Flowers
Dear Natalie
Lost in the Crowd
Concrete Angel
Their Eyes Met
Friendship: Part Two
How To Save A Life
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Part Two
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Final Part
Not Lonely Anymore
Rolivia: Part Two
Mother's Day
The Crash
Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning: Part 2
Bloody Prints
Bloody Prints: Part 2
Bloody Prints: Part 3
The New Detective
Voice: Part 2
A Dream
A Dream: Part 2
Jet Lag
A Random Memory
A Random Memory: Part 2
Broken Bones
Letters to Olivia
Letters to Olivia: Before The Letters
The Unwanted Daughter
The Unwanted Daughter: Part Two
The Unwanted Daughter: Final Part
Manhattan Sex Crimes
Anchor Babies
A Preschool Promise
A Preschool Promise: Part 2
A Blank Slate
Forced Help
Six Years
Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek: Christmas Day
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]- Part 2
Together: Back Together Again
A Bundle in a Basket
A Deadly Weekend
The Train
Black and Blue
Black and Blue: One Year Later
Love at First Sight
Skin: Part Two
A Drunken Night
A Drunken Night: Part Two
A Drunken Night: Part 3
A Drunken Night: Part 4
Proud of Her Family
Her: Part Two
I'm Not Going Without You
Cross Country
The Last Year
The Objection
A Case Reopened
A Case Reopened: Part 2
Memories: Part 2
Blind: Part 2
Won't Let Go
Won't Let Go: Part Two
"I'm Glad You Called"
Loganville: Part Two
Afire Love
The Move
First Loves, Forever Loves
First Loves, Forever Loves: Part Two
Take Me Dancing
The Man in the Red Sweater
The Man in the Red Sweater: Part 2
The Man in the Red Sweater: Final Part
A Soulmate Blind Date
Not Okay
Not Okay: Part 2
Not Okay: Part 3
Not Okay: Final Part
I'm Still Growing Up
Disappointed: Part 2
Wrong Number
Wrong Number: Part Two
A 30 Year Difference
Sonny and Christine
Quiet Nights
Suds in the Bucket
Kisses [Part Two]
Her ADA [Part Two]
Katherine Stabler
Katherine Stabler: Part 2
Katherine Stabler: Final Part
New Year's Day
New Year's Day: Part Two
Bruised, Battered, and In Tears
Those She Has Loved
Those She Has Loved [Part Two]
Identical: Part Two
Identical: Final Part
Her Boys
Used To Be
Used To Be: Part Two
Life After Loss
Eleven Months
Eleven Months: Part Two
Mistakes: Part Two
Mistakes: Final Part
The Wrong Bed
The Wrong Bed : Part Two
Missing In Action
Missing In Action: Part Two
I Still Love You
Ashes [Part Two]
Red and Blue Lights
Red and Blue Lights: Part Two
When He was Still Hers
Loss: Part Two
DNA Results
DNA Results: Part 2
Detective to Mother
Detective to Mother: Part Two
An Organ Donor
An Organ Donor: Part Two
Calvin: Part Two
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney: Part Two
Undercover Baby
Undercover Baby : Part Two
Finding Noah
All I Ask
All I Ask: Part Two
Stuck With You
Fingers Crossed
Out of the Blue
Drunken Kisses
You and I
Forgotten Memories
Forgotten Memories: Part Two
Author's Note


568 20 5
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia sat across from Calvin, as he stared at her. Both were confused, and didn't know what to do. This happened so suddenly, that Olivia didn't even have a place to put Calvin for the night, or for however long he'll be staying with her.

"Are you hungry?" Olivia questioned, and Calvin just continued to stare at her.

"I can order something. Or I might have a bagel or something in the fridge." She rambled, as she stood and headed towards her kitchen.

Olivia went through her fridge but only came up with lefts overs, and in the fridge was fancy coffee.

"Want pizza?" She questioned, as she turned around. Calvin was no longer sitting on the couch, but was now staring out the large window.

"Do you like it?" She questioned, and Calvin nodded slowly.

"It's really pretty."

"Well, you can have my room for the night, and there are large windows in there too. You can see the stars the whole night." She grinned, and Calvin nodded again before sitting down on the window sill and looking down at his feet.

Olivia lost hope again. She thought that when she and Calvin had started to really talk, that he'd decide he'd be fine living there, but she was mistaken.

"What pizza do you have?" Calvin questioned, and Olivia blinked a few times before sighing.

"Just plain pepperoni. Want some?"

"Just a small piece."


The next morning Olivia took Calvin to work with her, because she didn't really know if she could take him back to his school, or if she needed to enroll him into another school.

"Are you going to try and find my Dad?" Calvin asked Olivia as they walked towards the elevator.

"Yeah, I'll try my hardest to find him. I know that you probably don't want to stay with me, but I'll my best to make sure you have everything you need." Olivia replied quickly.

"Cool." He replied. Olivia pushed the button to her floor once they were in the elevator, and she kept Calvin between herself and the wall, not wanting anyone to get too close to him.

Once outside of the elevator, Olivia and Calvin walked in, and Olivia pushed a chair closer to her desk so he could do something. Maybe draw?

"Liv?" Elliot asked, from where he sat across from her. She sighed and shrugged.

"So, Calvin, why don't you eat your breakfast, and then maybe you could draw or play on your DS or something." Olivia spoke, before pointing at the locker room. Olivia and Elliot walked over to the room and stood inside the doorway so Olivia could still watch Calvin.

"So, who is that?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sighed.

"That's Calvin, Vivian's son." She breathed, and he frowned.

"Is that why your neighbor called you and told you something was at your place, huh?"

"Yeah, she gave me guardianship of him. She just gave him to me and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never had kids around me like he's around me. He's sleeping in my bedroom, and he's leaving his shoes in my living room."

"Liv, isn't this what you've always wanted? A kid?"

"I didn't expect the kid I'd get is one who was just dropped off on my doorstep. I thought maybe at some point I'd might a nice guy and settle down. Adopt a baby or maybe I'd actually be able to have a baby." She sighed, and Elliot smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and turned her towards the squad room.

"Look, Liv. That is now your kid. He may not be your kid forever, but you could always try and make it seem like you are his mother right now. Love him how you wanted your mother to love you. You can do this. You can make a difference in his life." Elliot breathed, and Olivia smiled.

"One issue at hand is if I introduce him to Nick, or I just wait a bit before I introduce my "kid" to my boyfriend." She sighed, and Elliot shrugged.

"Nick's a good man, I'm sure he's okay with meeting him. Take the plunge."


Almost a full year later, Olivia and Nick had worked Calvin into their everyday lives. Calvin just simply adored Nick, and he also loved Olivia more than he loved his real mother. Olivia was different to Calvin. She actually looked after him and said she loved him everyday. She took him to school and picked him up afterwards, and since she was dating Nick, Calvin also kinda got a little sister when Nick's daughter, Zara, came to stay with them.

Then something happened that sent their lives spinning.

"Daddy, Liv, someone's here!" Zara squealed as she came sprinting into Nick's bedroom. Olivia and Calvin had moved in here since there was more space compared to Olivia's one bedroom apartment.

"It's really early." Nick sighed, as he climbed out of bed and handed his girlfriend the sweatshirt he discarded last night.

"Maybe it's just a crew member. Wanting to tell us that our phones died and they couldn't get a hold of us." Olivia replied. She tucked some stray hair behind her ear as she walked towards the front door.

She caught Zara by her waist and placed the small girl on her hip, as Zara giggled. She didn't mind being held by Olivia, because she loves Olivia just as much as Olivia loves her.

"Hello?" Olivia questioned as she opened the door. On the steps was an older man with graying hair.

"Olivia Benson?" He spoke, and she nodded.

"Yeah, that's me. May I ask who you are?" She mused.

"I'm Mr. Cooper. I'm Vivian's lawyer. You have her son, correct?" He replied.

"Mr. Cooper. Is Vivian okay?"

"She is, and she's ready to get Calvin back."

"Sir, the last thing I heard was that she signed away her rights. I'm in the process of adopting him." Olivia choked out, as she sat Zara on her feet.

"She decided she wants her rights back, and I'm here to pick up Calvin. Please have his items packed and bring him out in 10 minutes." The lawyer spoke, before Olivia slammed the door in his face. She quickly locked the door before running to find Nick.


"Babe, what's wrong?" Nick asked, as Olivia sobbed.

"They want to take Calvin away. I can't let them take him away. I love him! He's my son!" She sobbed, as Nick pulled her into his arms and held him close.

"We will fight this, babe. He's your son. She wrote away her rights."

"God do I hope so."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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