[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hol...

بواسطة DiamondDragon2002

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An Object heads High School AU featuring characters from the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity series(s). Our main... المزيد

First day of School #1
First Day of School #2
First Day at School #3
Meeting Pen #1
ABHLOE Character Heights
Meeting Pen #2
Chapter EIGHT!
There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 2
A new Member
Field Trip
ABHLOE Character Heights #2
About Iance
The truth about Freesmart
Rebuilding Friendships
Investigation 2
Picture Day
Discovered #1
Discovered #2
A new Member Again.
About Fall
Righting the Wrong
Home Security
Movie (date)
~New Friend~
Winner & Loser
Investigation 3
BIG problem, dumb solution
Found Out
Investigation 4
Halloween Prep
The Wingman
Tricks & Treats
Party Time
Exchange of Info
Supernatural Encounter
Vengeance pt 1
Vengeance pt 2
Vengeance pt 3
Halloween Dance
Sleep over
Truth or Dare
Culinary Catastrophe
Study session
Black Out
Back to work
The Science Fair
Finally in!
The Reveal
Run Away
Lift Off
Back to Earth
Fall Break
Fun and Games
Arcade Anarchy
Housing problems
Out with the old
This chapter is about Brains
Date Night pt1
Date Night pt 2
Snow Day
Snowball Showdown
Wonders of Winter
Carol of the bells
Gift Preparation
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 1
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 2
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 5
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6
Merry Christmas!
The Child
A day at the Park
She returns?!?
Supernatural Visit
Double Trouble
Common Ground
Fair Prep
Questions & Prizes
School Festival
The Losers! Concert
Fortunes and Readings
To The Zoo!
To the Zoo 2!
Mudai no bubun
Casual lunch chat
Pet Play
Uneggpected Visitor
Three is a threat
Candle's Warning
Back Together
Even black holes need therapy
Zodiac Companions
Zodiac Companions 2
Double time
Night out with a friend
Bad Branch Day
Self Conscious
The Yoyle Zone: Like you
The Yoyle Zone: Swapped
The Yoyle Zone: New opportunities
The Yoyle Zone: Hanging out with friends.
The Yoyle Zone: Mishaps
The Yoyle Zone: Understanding
Eggellent Easter
Bring your pet to school day
Mouse, Cat and Dog
Fans and Allergies
Back up
Welcome to The Jungle
Mi Casa, Tu Casa
Grievous error with a side of Heroics (Pt. 1)
Grievous error with a side of heroics (Pt. 2)
Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1
Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in
Operation: Storm the Empire. Escape!
Black Hole the guardian
Friendships Pt 1
Friendships Pt 2
Taking your friend to play golf
Legends of the Cosmic Serpents
Don't leave your phone at home.
Rare Occuence
Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent
Camping Out
Bunk with the sis
Beach Day
Pen's epic wipeout!!
Shrunk n Drunk
Size Shenanigans
Guess who's back
Preparation for a Secret Surprise
Party Presents
Back to School
A Black Hole at Gym class
Play attention
Detention's Tensions
Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)
Aires the guardian of dreams
Fall play auditions
Spooky Night 1
Spooky Night 2
The Play: Act I
The Play: Act 2
The Play: Final Act
Holiday shopping
Seasons Fearing's
Two Teams, One danger!
Frozen Diversion and Not yourself
Pi(e) Day
Post trauma tensions
Death Itself

Power Restored

1.3K 29 175
بواسطة DiamondDragon2002

Normal P.O.V: 


Dora holds a flashlight to Black Hole

Black Hole: I can see just fine thanks for asking though.

Lightning: He has built-in night vision! :D

Dora: :o

Black Hole: That's one way of calling it...

Black Hole feels a light tapping on his shoulder and he turns to see Pen looking rather curious.

Black Hole: What's up Pen?

Pen: So uuh back at my place, how you responded to Tree's question.. it looked like you didn't know you could see in the dark.

Black Hole: Did it? Well space has very little light traveling through stuff, I was kinda used to it. Heh It took me a bit of time to readjust myself to all the excessive light your sun brings down here after the first rise.

Pen stops for a sec which make Black Hole stop as well

Pen: Wow, then... that must mean you see the world around you differently than the rest of us! I've actually been curious about how you see without eyes for a long time now. How do you perceive color, can you see heat? OOH OOH, how do I look to you!?

Black Hole takes a good look at Pen, looking up and down multiple times like a scanner.

Black Hole: It's uuuh... hard to explain, let's talk about this with the others after the power's back okay? 

After the two catch up Dora stops at a door with the number 26 to open it.

Dora: Dadada.

Lightning: Uh Dora? This isn't the door to the basement, that's still many floors down.


Lightning: Vortex, translation please?

Black Hole: We're making at stop at her place where my club *8names* is waiting before going to the generator.

Lightning: Oooh. Ok.

The group head down the dark hall of floor 26 to Dora's apartment with the weird self-proclaimed "Island eater" as their guide. Dora opens the door to her home and signals *8names*

Taco: Dora, did you arrive with help?

Dora: Ddadadadadada

Black Hole: We're the help?

Dora: Da.

Taco: Oh hey Vortex, Your club was here working with your project to?

Black Hole: Yeah- oof! Saw? Are you Okay?

Saw remains silent as she's still clinging to Black Hole's hoodie.

Lollipop: Saw's been afraid of the dark ever since she was a small boy and apparently still is.

Saw: Scary things come out of dark places Lolli! Scarry things!!

Lightning: Then why cling to Vortex? He's nothing but dark.

Saw: Cuz he protects others!

Pen: Well, we're going to see what's going on in the basement to see why the generator hasn't gone on yet.

Taco: That's good to hear oh. Teardrop where are you going?

Teardrop: (in sign) "I'm tired of playing the waiting game, I'll go with them."

Taco: Hm, hey are ok with Teardrop going down there with you guys? She seems to be getting impatient.

Black Hole: I don't see why not. Uh Saw? I like hugs as much as the next guy but I. gotta. get going... 

Saw: NO NO!! *whimpers*

Black Hole: *sigh* I guess we're taking her too.

Meanwhile with the rest of Death P.A.C.T.~

Bottle: I spy with my little eye... 

Tree: Bottle, I'm done playing I spy in the dark" with you, it really isn't fun and it's a waste of our precious battery powered light.


Liy: So what did you mean about SB breaking you like this before?

Fanny: He slammed me onto the ground in a blind rage! Needless to say I was stuck like this until Robot Flower flung me across the corridor!

Liy: Maybe we should try to put you back together, cuz while your lucky to still be alive after a second decapitation it's probably just because of that singular cable.

Fanny: Because it IS my last lifeline, if it WERE to snap then I'd be a goner.

Suddenly Remote starts to vibrate and is uncontrollably making a humming noise as her vibrations make her move around randomly.

Remote: huhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhuhu...

Tree: Uh, Remote? Are look okay?

Remote: I-I-I-I-I'mmm Fi-i-ine-e-e.. *shakes to her senses* I getting a call from Marker.

Bottle: Marker is calling? I wonder how he and FREE FOOD are handling this.

Remote: Let me put him on speaker.


Marker: Uh Hello? Is it all dark on your end too?

Pie: Pretty much.

Liy: Black Ho-mph!

Remote: (we're on speaker too, the rest of Free Food can hear us)

Liy: Vortex, Lightning and Pen just went down stairs with Dora to check on the apartment building's generator a few moments ago.

Fries: At least you know where they went and what they're doing, I've lost track of Puffball and she gets prowley in the shadows. 


Eraser: OUCH! Fries... I found her...

Marker and Stapy: hahahahaha!

Remote: Marker, I'm going to have to hang up now. Take care of yourselves.

Marker: Okei doki!


Death P.A.C.T.: .........

Bottle: They seem to be having fun.

Tree face palms himself

Black Hole's P.O.V: 

After floating down more flights of stairs I start to grow tired of having Saw stuck on me.

Black Hole: How much longer are you going to hold my chest like you're a baby sloth Saw...?

Saw: I was going to let go you started flying ahead of the others, but I can't seem to do that.

Black Hole: That sounds... unlikely...?

Saw: No really! It's like gravity won't let me pull myself away from your torso.

As she furiously starts trying to yank her arms off me I turn to lightning and whisper to him.

Black Hole: This is why I don't usually let people get this close to me, cause even with my hoodie there's a chance of this happening.

Pen: Here we are, The braker room!

Teardrop attempts to open the dual doors but to no avail.

Lightning: Locked huh?

Teardrop nods

Pen: Oh well, we tried.

Black Hole: I'm not giving up that easily. Ok Saw let me get you off me.

With some vigorous pulling I managed to get Saw off of me and set her down gently before floating in front of the doors.

Saw: Wow, how come you were able to get me unstuck?

Black Hole: I'll explain later.

Saw: LATEr as in after power is back on, or lATEr as in much lATEr on?

Black Hole: Just.. later. Now let me concentrate.

I put my hands out in the direction of the doors, focus for a bit and then swiftly move them away thus forcing the doors open most likely breaking a lock but I'll deal with that another time.

Lightning: woah!

Pen: COOL!

Saw: Impressive.

Dora: dadadada.

Teardrop: *claps happily*

We head inside to look for the generator but ounce we found it there were sparks, lights and steam coming out all over it, I'm not an expert in these machines but I know that's not normal.

Pen: That doesn't look good...

Lightning rushes over to a white gear in uniform who I can assume is an employee here who was franticly pushing buttons on a control panel to talk with them.

Lightning: What's going on here!?

Gear: Wha-!? How'd you all get down here?

Black Hole: We took the stairs.

Gear: Oh, didn't know people still use them, anyway when the power all over the city went out so did the generator, me and my partner Tasey tried to give it a jumpstart but she accidentally gave it a crazy power surge and is causing many things in the lower half this building to go haywire! 

Gear: I've been locked in this room since then, trying to fix it but nothing I do is working!

Saw: Just you? Then where's Tasey?

Gear: She lost consciousness when she attempted the recharging. 

Gear points us to his friend who was in fact unconscious, thankfully she's still alive as she's twitching a little.

Lightning: Well I'm made of electricity, maybe I can sap up the excess from the generator!

Pen: You go Lightning go!

Lightning readies his zapping tip to jab himself into the generator.



He somehow gets electrocuted and is sent flying (without him own will), before hitting a wall I flew up to catch him.

Black Hole: WOAH, I gotcha! You ok?

Lightning: That was *ZZRT* a first *ZZRT* for me *ZZRT* uuugggh...

Gear: Poor fella, the generator's excess energy must've been too much for his little body to handle.


I think back to how I absorbed Lightning's zaps a while back and look to the generator giving me an idea I might not like later on.

Black Hole: I might know how to handle this, but I need everyone else out of the room!

The others get out but Pen stays and looks at me as I roll up my sleeves.

Pen: What are you planning Vortex?

Black Hole: If you must know, maybe Lightning couldn't all that electrical power coursing through him, but I can.

Pen: Isn't that going to... hurt?

Black Hole: I don't perceive "pain" like you guys, if anything I could possibly absorb enough to make me grow. But either way I'll be fine.

Pen gets out of the breaker room and closes the doors so they don't see what I do, I ready myself and thrust my hands on the generator.


Normal P.O.V: 

The large sparks and flashing lights on the generator fade and the lights turn back on.

Gear: I don't know what your tall dark and strange friend did but he pretty much just saved the apartment building!

Pen and Lightning rush into the breaker room and run towards Black Hole.

Lightning: That was amazing!

Pen: Vortex, you've done it!

Black Hole: W-WAOH stay back g-g-guys! I'm st-still ch-charged!

Pen: What in artist's name is going on with your hands!?

Pen points to Black Hole's hands as they're rapidly shaking with a few yellow sparks.

Black Hole: This c-c-an hap-p-pen when I try NOT to absorb r-raw energyyyy..

BH, Pen & Lightning: WHOA!

Black Hole's arm jerks off to the side releasing the generator's excess energy and zaps the unconscious taser.

Black Hole: oooh I just zapped that woman...

Gear: TASEY! Are you...?

Tasey: *GAASP* What happened!? Did we succeed?

Gear: Oh I'm so glad you're alright!

Saw: What did you do Vortex? Cuz whatever it was it was really GREAT!

Black Hole: A magician never reveals his secrets Saw. Let's just meet back with our clubs and continue on with our projects.

Everyone else: YEAH!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Fun Fact, I was going to have the workers of the breaker room be two randomly selected RCs from the BFB series but I couldn't find anyone to fit the candidate so I made up 2 of my own.)

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