My Guardian Angel Fallen from...

By Zeromicz

337K 6.1K 3K

Izuku Yagi is the son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi, and the brother of Izumi Yagi. He's bullied by Katsuki Baku... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Two Heroes Rising: Part 1
Two Heroes Rising: Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Two Heroes Rising #2:Part 1
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 2
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Two Heroes Rising 3#:The Clone Saga Teaser Trailer
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Official Trailer
Two Heroes Rising 3#: Clone Saga Official Trailer 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 1
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 4
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 5
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 [ The End]
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 1
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 3
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 5
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 6
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 7 [ The End]

Chapter 83

729 20 13
By Zeromicz

Toshinori Yagi, otherwise known as the number 1 Hero All Might, now fully recovered thanks to Recovery Girl was now walking outside his hospital room, while wearing a elegant suit.

Toshinori:(No emotion.....I could have feel them coursing throught him....He didn't care at all of his actions back then at the battle against the Heroes and Villains.....He's too much unstable.....too much dangerous......I've never seen such brutality.....This isn't good....We got to do something before he put himself into an even worse situation....Or he is going to end up like All For One......or maybe even worse than him....he's, he doesn't accept his mistakes, yet....someone has to guide him in the right path.)

In his way he met up with Hawks and Best Jeanist.

Hawks:"How are you doing All Might? They called me  'The Man that's a bit too fast', So I've been going around getting information from everybody." he said to Toshinori Yagi.

Best Jeanist:"Isn't it kinda rude?"he asked Hawks.

Hawks:"Oh, we're not done watching over Izuku Yagi. Forget that I don't look out for him, because I will...even if you don't like it All Might."

Toshinori Yagi then whipped out the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Toshinori:"No, it's quite alright! He'll be here soon. More than that, I'm happy that you guys are sticking up for him, even after what he has done. And what do you mean you've been going around getting information from everybody?" he asked Hawks.

Hawks:"Well, it's about Y/n......she might be in trouble. You see.....some scientists of the Government have started to analize her DNA from the previous battles and they have found out that....her blood......isn't human......her body....her look......isn't human....."

Toshinori then look at Hawks in confusion.

Toshinori:"Y-You're not making any sense....."

Hawks:"Her body constantly absorbs ultra violet radiations and convert it into energy. That's what the scientits have said due to a DNA analysis, they compared her DNA to one of the Nomus and it is totally different, aswell as her physiology.  They are planning to make more....experiments....they want to bring a bunch of secret soldiers and soldiers at the interview and take her to costudy....the media's been picking it up and it's been spreading out slowly and.....When I asked your daugther about Y/n's situation...she said she wasn't in the humor....and for what I've seen her powers...are based on her've seen way more stuff than us back in your Prime Age...does any of what I've told you...? I'm warning you number 1 Hero All Might, we're not just fighting the Villains any more, we're fighting the entire society as well, we have to make sure that not just Izuku, but aswell as all of our students stay safe and resolve this problem that is happening right now, before it's too late." he said to Toshinori Yagi, who then looked down on the floor and stayed quite as he remeber the promise he did to his friend David Shield from the America.







David:"This secret was kept to prevent mass panic across society. I hope you understand that this is for you aswell, got it? Toshi? No one has to find out, because these two girls that we have here are under our care, okay? Their safety is on our hands and the choices we do are important. There are ceirtain people in this world, who would do bad things to both of them, just for their entertainment. These type of people don't give up so easily." he warned the number 1 Hero Toshinori Yagi/ All Might.






Toshinori Yagi then sighed before he looked at both Hawks and Best Jeanist.

Toshinori:"...This isn't the best place to talk about something like this....I will tell you what you need to know, that's it." he said as the trio then left to find a more suitable place to talk about the matter.






Meanwhile in the Principle Nezu's office he was now talking on the phone.

Nezu:"Yes, I'll send in a request for Government assistence aswell. It's a request from OB, after all. I'll sort it out immidiatly." he said as he then hang up later.






3 days have passed and panic hasn't stopped, more than's spreading like an infection...but not everyone is looking for something to blame. 'Show some integrety', 'Promise you won't make any mistakes'. 'We're worried'. 'Assure us we will be safe'. 'We're all barely hanging on by thread'. Was what they were thinking.





Hawks, All Might and Best Jeanist were now doing the interview as All Might spoke about all of the wrongs he has done in his life aswell as neglecting his son and favouring her twin sister as everyone who were there or watching were in pure shock, that the number 1 Hero All Might Symbol of Peace, the one who brought hope to many generations was nothing more...than a fraud.

Toshinori:"It is the truth. There is nothing I can say that will mask the truth."







Civilian:"His whole reputation is done for now, isn't it?"





Civilian 2:"What a terrible story...."




Civilian 3:"This guy was supposed to be on our side...





Civilian 4:"Please tell us you're lying!!! TELL US YOU'RE LYING!!!!"






Journalist:"You say that it's the truth!! Butthe allegations against Hawks and Best Jeanist weren't!!!"

Hawks:"Mr. Jeanist faked his death so that I could infiltrate the Injustice League as a spy. Though the rest of the allegations can't be debunked. My father's criminal history and the death of the Villain who tried to escape. For hiding my connection with my father, I deeply apologize. As for the death of the VIllain known as Compress, the boy known as Izuku Yagi has done a mistake....and I take full blame and responsability for it, he was at my intership after all and so he may have taken some bad advices from me, he's just a kid. and once again I deeply apologize."

All Might eyes widen because he never expected that Hawks out of all people was taking the blame for many actions of Izuku that should be blamed on All Might himself.

Journalist 2:"Will it be okay? During Giganto Machia's rampage, my mother was severly injured. Just saying 'Everything was true. we're deeply sorry' isn't going to fix anything! Do you realize just how many people have lost their homes and lives just this week?!? What right do you have to be carefully sidestepping it like this?!?! The Rampage was done by a Villain! That's for sure!! However based on your faces, it doesn't look like you recognise that it's due toyour mistakes that things ended up like this!"

Then all of the sudden the door of the room was kicked right opened and sent flying towards a wall as it remained stucked right there the three Heroes then looked to see it was Izuku covered in blood with glowing green eyes and tears coming out his eyes, but he wasn't sad. He was angry for some odd reason.

Izuku:"Why don't you do it yourself then, huh? Since you people only like to talk sh*t?"

The Journalists were now in awe once they saw the state of the boy as All Might, Hawks and Best Jeanist eyes were widen.

Best Jeanist:(Oh, no what did he do this time!?!? Damn it!!!)

Journalist 2:"E-Excuse, me?!?!? Have you seen yourself!!!! Is this what U.A. teaches our kids?!? To be murders?!?!?! Is that how you ease the panic?!?"


Izuku:"YOU COULDN'T JUST KEEP YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH SHUT, COULDN'T YOU?" he said as even more tears start coming out as All Might eyes widen.

All Might:"D-Did they.....t-took her?"

Izuku:"NO!!!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! SHE LEFT!!!! SHE LEFT DAMN IT!!!! AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! YOU AND YOUR STUPID IDEAS!!!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING HAPPY IN MY LIFE!!!! AAAAAAH!!!!" he then let out a scream of anger as he flew up in the sky reaching space.

Izuku then raised his fist up and with a single powerful punch he blew the moon into many pieces.







After that terrible interview the number of Heroes has decreased significantly, from that day, if a person was holding for a Hero....there would be none to answer the call....despite this.....there are still those who stand up to the fight....








When asked about Y/n's case by the reporters, All Might answered plainly with an 'I don't know, anymore, I'm sorry.' But, that didn't meant a thing.....because Izuku hatred that he was feeling right now, was on other levels.





A day later at the dorms Mineta has now picked up a letter that was left into Y/n's room and handed it to the rest of the team.

'Dear Friends of Planet Earth, thank you for everything. I don't feel like I should be keeping a secret from everyone, you're like a family to me. So I'm leaving a letter.....My name is Koriand'r, I'm not a human like you, I come from a different planet far away from yours. My people posses special powers similar in a way to yours. My sister has ovetrown and I got banished from my homeworld and sent towards yours. Just you know, I've lieved the most wonderful feelings with you happiness, love, sadness, anger. I spent the best moments of my centuries with you like a family, all of you. But, I cannot live here because I do not feel in the right spirit of the fighting and also some the people didn't like me here and try to take me away. So, I ran....I'm sorry to all of you friends, I'm sorry little Eri, but Mama isn't feeling well right now. I'm sorry Friend Mina, but the Alien Queens must leave each other ...and I'm sorry Izuku, I hope you can have the heart to forgive my decision....'

Mina was holding the letter as tears start coming out her eyes.

Mina:"..............I-I see......." she said as she then burst out in tears and started crying.










It was now April, Izuku was now floating in the sky and looking at burning city with his arms crossed and a emotionless look on his face, he has now cut relation with his Hero Academia.

Izuku:"Oh, would you look at that a big Villain attacking. Let's go."

Izuku hair as gotten longer, he was wearing Aizawa's scarf in memory of his teacher, military pants and boots aswell.





To be continued....

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