Law And Order: SVU One Shots

By GirlandHerKeyboard

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Anything can happen in the world of one shots! This is a completely interactive book! I will be writing one s... More

Author's Note
Rollisi: Work Date
Fearless Part 2
Fearless Part 3
Her Wedding Day
Surrender Rollins
Paris[Part 2]
Meghan Kate Benson
Meghan Kate Benson [Part 2]
Noah Part 2
A Stabler and a Benson
A Stabler and a Benson: Part Two
A Stabler and a Benson: Final Part
In Sickness and in Health
The Cheater
Years Later
Years Later: Supermarket Flowers
Dear Natalie
Lost in the Crowd
Concrete Angel
Their Eyes Met
Friendship: Part Two
How To Save A Life
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Part Two
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Final Part
Not Lonely Anymore
Rolivia: Part Two
Mother's Day
The Crash
Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning: Part 2
Bloody Prints
Bloody Prints: Part 2
Bloody Prints: Part 3
The New Detective
Voice: Part 2
A Dream
A Dream: Part 2
Jet Lag
A Random Memory
A Random Memory: Part 2
Broken Bones
Letters to Olivia
Letters to Olivia: Before The Letters
The Unwanted Daughter
The Unwanted Daughter: Part Two
The Unwanted Daughter: Final Part
Manhattan Sex Crimes
Anchor Babies
A Preschool Promise
A Preschool Promise: Part 2
A Blank Slate
Forced Help
Six Years
Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek: Christmas Day
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]
An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]- Part 2
Together: Back Together Again
A Bundle in a Basket
A Deadly Weekend
The Train
Black and Blue
Black and Blue: One Year Later
Love at First Sight
Skin: Part Two
A Drunken Night
A Drunken Night: Part Two
A Drunken Night: Part 3
A Drunken Night: Part 4
Proud of Her Family
Her: Part Two
I'm Not Going Without You
Cross Country
The Last Year
The Objection
A Case Reopened
A Case Reopened: Part 2
Memories: Part 2
Blind: Part 2
Won't Let Go
Won't Let Go: Part Two
"I'm Glad You Called"
Loganville: Part Two
Afire Love
The Move
First Loves, Forever Loves
First Loves, Forever Loves: Part Two
Take Me Dancing
The Man in the Red Sweater
The Man in the Red Sweater: Part 2
The Man in the Red Sweater: Final Part
A Soulmate Blind Date
Not Okay
Not Okay: Part 2
Not Okay: Part 3
Not Okay: Final Part
I'm Still Growing Up
Disappointed: Part 2
Wrong Number
Wrong Number: Part Two
A 30 Year Difference
Sonny and Christine
Quiet Nights
Suds in the Bucket
Kisses [Part Two]
Her ADA [Part Two]
Katherine Stabler
Katherine Stabler: Part 2
Katherine Stabler: Final Part
New Year's Day
New Year's Day: Part Two
Bruised, Battered, and In Tears
Those She Has Loved
Those She Has Loved [Part Two]
Identical: Part Two
Identical: Final Part
Her Boys
Used To Be
Used To Be: Part Two
Life After Loss
Eleven Months
Eleven Months: Part Two
Mistakes: Part Two
Mistakes: Final Part
The Wrong Bed
The Wrong Bed : Part Two
Missing In Action
Missing In Action: Part Two
I Still Love You
Ashes [Part Two]
Red and Blue Lights
Red and Blue Lights: Part Two
When He was Still Hers
Loss: Part Two
DNA Results
DNA Results: Part 2
Detective to Mother
Detective to Mother: Part Two
An Organ Donor
An Organ Donor: Part Two
Calvin: Part Two
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney: Part Two
Undercover Baby
Finding Noah
All I Ask
All I Ask: Part Two
Stuck With You
Fingers Crossed
Out of the Blue
Drunken Kisses
You and I
Forgotten Memories
Forgotten Memories: Part Two
Author's Note

Undercover Baby : Part Two

321 16 4
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia kept looking at Elliot, but he wasn't responding to what he was just told. He was in shock, and that was the only thing Olivia knew at the moment. She was worried that maybe he was angry with her, or even ashamed of her. 

"El?" Olivia whispered, as she hesitantly reached out and rested her hand against Elliot's arm.

"Pregnant? Like, you slept with a man and got pregnant?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded weakly.

"That... that is how it happened... I'm so sorry, El. I know you must hate me and think that I'm well over my head, but-"

"You think I hate you? Liv, I'm just shocked. I didn't know you had someone in your life, let alone someone so serious that you'd have a baby together."

"It was a one-night stand before I went under."

"So it was the agent overseeing your undercover case?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip before nodding hesitantly.

"Dean Porter." Olivia whispered. She had once been close to Dean, but now she'd never see him again. He made it clear that he didn't want a kid, but he should have thought about it before sleeping with her and not using any protection.

"Porter?! Olivia, you could have picked someone better to knock you up!" Elliot exclaimed, and Olivia started to cry.

Elliot looked over at her with wide eyes before swallowing hard.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I didn't mean for it to come out like that... But this baby is a blessing. You are going to be an amazing mother to both this baby and Calvin. I know it." Elliot smiled as he tried to fix what he had caused. It was as if he had hit a younger sibling and was trying to fix things before his mother heard the crying.

"I know that this is a fucking shit show, but I finally get to experience being pregnant! I get to grow another human, and I'm so excited about it! But I'm scared to death because Dean wants nothing to do with me or the baby. He wouldn't even pull me out, even if I am carrying his child!" Olivia cried.

"Baby?" Calvin yawned from the backseat. Olivia quickly wiped tears from her cheeks before looking over her shoulder.

"We will talk about it later... why don't you go back to sleep. We will be home in a bit, and then we can catch up. I want to know about everything, baby."


Olivia and Calvin got home, and each took a nap. But once they woke up, Olivia couldn't avoid the topic of her pregnancy. 

"So why were you and Uncle Elliot talking about a baby earlier?" Calvin asked, as he reached for another piece of pizza.

"Well, in several months, a baby will be living here with us. After your adoption, of course."

"Are you fostering another kid?" Calvin asked, and Olivia shook slowly.

"No, buddy."

"Then how are we getting a baby?" Calvin questioned.

"Because there is a baby in my belly. It's been there for about eight weeks, and will join us soon."

"So I'm going to be a big brother?" Calvin breathed, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, sweetie."

"That's really cool!" Calvin exclaimed.

"Really?" Olivia whispered.

"Of course! I have always wanted a baby brother or sister! When can we find out if it's a boy or girl?!"

Olivia was shocked that Calvin was so excited, but it made things easier for her. She reached over and ruffled his hair before smiling.

"In about twelve weeks or so. You can join me if you'd like, then you can see the baby with me."

"I can't wait! This is awesome!"


The weeks went by and Olivia was really adjusting to life back in Manhattan. She was back to working on adopting Calvin, while also trying to figure out how she would take care of two kids in the future.

"Alright, I will be back in a few hours." Olivia spoke, as she put her gun in her desk before locking the drawer.

"Where are you going?" Elliot asked, as he leaned back in his chair and looked his partner over. He had accepted the fact that Olivia was pregnant and had slept with Dean Porter, and at this point, he was excited to be an uncle again. He already loved Calvin, and another Benson baby would be just as amazing.

"I'm twenty weeks today, so I'm going to get my son from school and head to my appointment. We are going to do the anatomy scan and hopefully find out what the baby is." Olivia smiled.

"You are already at that point?! I didn't even realize!" Elliot exclaimed.

"You couldn't tell? I'm huge already." Olivia chuckled. She gently touched her stomach before sighing when Elliot's phone rang.

"Go before we catch a case... and make sure you bring a copy of the sonogram back. I'd like to see what the new baby is."

Olivia walked out of the squadroom quickly, before heading to the elevator. She had about half an hour before her appointment, so she was hoping that traffic wouldn't be backed up so she didn't miss this appointment. 

When the elevator dinged and the door opened, Olivia stepped to the side before freezing in her spot.

"Olivia." Dean spoke as he stepped out. He looked her over for a few moments before stopping when he saw her stomach.

"Hey, Porter... uh, what are you doing here?" Olivia whispered, as she tried her hardest to not lose her cool.

"I need to talk to Cragen. Maybe we can talk when I'm done?" He asked, as they swapped spots so Olivia was closer to the elevator.

"I guess that really depends on what you want to talk about... I gotta go." Olivia spoke, before she quickly stepped back into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby.


Olivia didn't tell Calvin about Dean. He didn't need to know that the baby's father was back in town, especially because she was sure he'd be terrified that Dean would want to steal the baby from them.

"You must be the big brother." The tech smiled as she sat beside Olivia and turned on the machine beside her.

"Yup!" Calvin smiled as he held Olivia's hand.

"Now, do you want a brother or sister?" She questioned, as Olivia laid back before rolling her blouse up.

"I'd kinda like a sister. Then Mom has one of each." Calvin grinned.

"What about you, Olivia?"

"As long as the baby and I come out of this healthy, I really don't care." Olivia breathed. She had a lot on her mind because of Dean, and couldn't really focus on her appointment.

Olivia wasn't even listening to the baby's heartbeat or watching the screen at all. It wasn't until Calvin started to cheer, did Olivia finally lost her train of thought.

"Olivia?" The tech asked, and Olivia blinked a few times before nodding.

 "Sorry, what's happening?" Olivia asked nervously.

"Your baby is looking great. It's a girl."

"A-a girl?" Olivia struggled to speak.

"Yeah, a little girl. That is why Calvin is so excited."


Everyone was very excited that Olivia was having a little girl. They all knew that she would be just as good with a little girl as she has been with Calvin. Later that night, Olivia was just shutting things off for the night when someone knocked on her apartment door.

Olivia hesitantly moved to the door before looking through the peephole. She sighed when she saw Dean, before opening the door and looking at him.


"Hey, Liv. I was told you'd be back in a few hours, but I never got to see you before I left."

"Yeah, I took Calvin out to lunch to celebrate... what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to talk about the baby. Clearly you decided to keep it."

"Of course I did. We may not have been best friends, but I told you before we even slept together that I wanted to be a mother." Olivia sighed as she stepped out of the way and let Dean into her apartment.

"Do you have a plan?"

"A plan?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah, a plan. Can you fit a baby in this apartment? Do you plan on working after the baby is born?"

"I will be the only one supporting Calvin and this baby, so of course I'll still be working. And not that it should matter to you at all, but Calvin and I are moving to a house near Elliot and Kathy. They can help with the kids, especially because I have never had to take care of a newborn before." Olivia sighed.

"What if I helped you out?" Dean breathed, and Olivia looked at him with wide eyes. 

"You want to help me out with the baby? Do you plan on staying around for her or leaving before she's even born?"

"She? We are getting a daughter?" Dean asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, uh... here." Olivia spoke as she walked over and grabbed the framed sonogram picture from today. Calvin loved to put the new pictures into the frame, because he was beyond excited to be a big brother.

Dean took the frame into his hands and looked at the picture. Olivia sank down beside him before realizing he was lost. He did not know what he was looking at.

"So this is her head. And that is her arm. She usually has her hand somewhere near her face." Olivia breathed.

"She's beautiful... do you have a name for her yet?" He asked, as he blinked away tears.

"I don't. Calvin wants to name her, and I'm thinking about letting him. I'd suck at names."

"Will she be a Porter or Benson?"

"Well, I guess that depends. You aren't reliable and told me you weren't ready for a baby. Then you come back after three months and are asking about everything."

"I closed your case in DC and then didn't know what to do. I continued to work, but haven't been able to get you or that baby out of my mind... I guess that I'd like to be involved."

"I really don't want to be with you, Dean. I hope you didn't have that in mind either."

"I guess I did, but I get it. We both are too bullheaded and complicated for this to ever work. But can I be there for our daughter?"

"I guess we will see how long you stay around."


Dean did good for a while, but then when Olivia went into labor with their daughter, he was long gone. He had got nervous when Olivia had practice contracts, and then he ran out before anything really even started.

"Where's the baby daddy?" Elliot spoke as she sat beside Olivia's hospital bed. She rolled her head to the side and frowned as she looked at him.

"Where do you think? He was doing so good, and then two weeks ago when I thought I was in labor, he got antsy. I gave him space to relax, but then when stuff got real he didn't answer my calls." Olivia frowned.

"What an ass." Elliot replied, and Olivia nodded before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Gonna leave me too?" Olivia asked.

"Nope. I'm here for the long haul. You are my partner, for better or worse."

"I love you, El. And I'm sorry for anything that you might see or what I may say." Olivia spoke, before looking at him and smiling.

"I love you too, kid. Keep up the good work."

Not long after their conversation, Olivia became a mother for the second time. This time, she had to do all the hard work instead of filling out paperwork, as she had done with Calvin.

"Welcome to the world, sweetie." Olivia smiled as tears slipped down her cheeks. She snuggled her newborn close, as she had a hard time figuring out how she could love something so small and with the intensity she did.

"You did a good job, Liv." Elliot sniffled from where he sat beside her.

"I'm sorry about your hand. I knew it was going to hurt, but fuck... it was worse than I imagined." Olivia laughed weakly. She leaned down and kissed her daughter's forehead before snuggling her a little closer.

"Did you ever end up deciding on a name for her?"

"Calvin and I did, actually. We decided on Abigail Elenora Benson. Dean was so close to getting me to change my mind on her last name, but I'm glad I didn't..." 

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