My Guardian Angel Fallen from...

By Zeromicz

336K 6.1K 3K

Izuku Yagi is the son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi, and the brother of Izumi Yagi. He's bullied by Katsuki Baku... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Two Heroes Rising: Part 1
Two Heroes Rising: Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Two Heroes Rising #2:Part 1
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 2
Two Heroes Rising #2: Part 3
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Two Heroes Rising 3#:The Clone Saga Teaser Trailer
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Official Trailer
Two Heroes Rising 3#: Clone Saga Official Trailer 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 1
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 4
My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 5
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 [ The End]
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 1
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 3
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 4
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 5
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 6
Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 7 [ The End]

Chapter 75

692 13 3
By Zeromicz

With out Heroes, Best Jeanist used his Quirk to wrapped around Giganto Machia, after Izuku punched him across the face knocking him down, so that he could've no longer move and cause destruction and chaos.

Best Jeanist:" He wants to air this dirty laundry to the world does he...? Dabi you fiend....You've been waiting for this moment....When they couldn't prevent mass destruction...and faith in Heroes is wavering. You will not get your way today!!! Because we shall weave...a thread of hope!!"

Pilot:"Prepare for the airdrop, Best Jeanist!!!!!" he said as Best Jeanist then jumped off the jet as Nejire then grabbed him.





Best Jeanist, his Quirk is called Fiber Master, He can control any fiber at will!





Nejire then looked down at Dabi who was tied up into the fibers with the other Villains.

Nejire:"Missing Person, huh? Right!!"

Dabi then looked up to Best Jeanist in anger and surprise.

Dabi:"You!! You're supposed to be dead!!! That corpse was real!!!" he yelled in anger not wanting to believe Best Jeanist was still alive.

Best Jeanist:"You've overreached, and now you're coming apart at the seams!! Like cheap, inferior denim!!!"

Dabi then smirked.

Dabi:"So, what if you're alive? That doens't change the hard truths about my family's past!! Right...Shoto?!?" he yelled at Shoto who was now charging towards Dabi with his blue flames activated.

Meanwhile Giganto Machia was trying to get up, but couldn't since Best Jeanist fibers were too strong.

Compress:"Unthinkable!! Giganto Machia's actually been pinned down?!?"

Spinner:"Even Giganto Machia doesn't have unlimited stamina, he's been kinda slower after we fought those Hero students in the forest and just after executing the last command, heis body started to slowly giving up....." he thenn started to realize that it was due to Y/n's team and the anehestatic they used against Giganto Machia that turned the giant more and more vunerable to the attacks.

Spinner then looked down to see Shigaraki Tomura ripped in half trying to heal himself.

Spinner:"WAKE UP SHIGARAKI!!!! YOU AREN'T DEAD YET, RIGHT?!?!? I GET IT GIGANTO MACHIA!! YOU'RE A MAN WHO FOLLOWS ORDERS, COME HELL OR HIGH WATER!!!! AND YOU CAN'T GO ALL OUT WITHOUT A PROPER COMMAND!!! YOU GOTTA GIVE THE BIG GUY AN ORDER, SHIGARAKI TOMURA!!!!!! AFTER ALL YOU STILL, HAVEN'T DESTROYED A DAMN THING YET!!!!" he yelled trying to motivate Shigaraki to heal himself already as Nejire Hado then after putting down Best Jeanist on the ground flew straight towards Shigaraki and wanted to stop him from healing himself, until Dabi then went to blast her with her blue flames as Izuku then flew straight to her pulling her back from being burn.

Izuku:"You don't do anything!!!"

Nejire:"What do you mean, Izuku?!?"

Izuku:"Just don't do it!!" he repeated much to her and Nejire looked at him in confusion.

Dabi:"HHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Check it out!!! Endevour!!! History's repeating itself!!!!! You want another kid with abright future all burned?!?!? By your flames!!!" he then manage to burn off the fibers of Best Jeanist freeing himself with his blue flamees.

Shoto:"Stop it!!!!!!!"he yelled before his blue flames clashed with Dabi's blue flames causing a massive explosion.

Shigaraki:(Move....stand up.....push past....the pain......The Heroes must suffer, the most and the Villain are still fighting.....Stop looking for excuses.......if the brat adn the Heroes die here......This whole country....this whole world would be done for!!........Itchyyyyyyyyyyy........Gotta destroy...destroy....the itch......Must stop......) then his spine start healing back to normal.....

Best Jeanist was coughing due to the fire behind spread on the battle field.

Shigaraki then looked on his right to see Giganto Machia laying on the loor with pink smoke coming out there in his mouth.

Shigaraki:"..........Destroy......Giganto Machia........." he said before passing out.

Giganto Machia:"Yesssssss..........." he said trying his best but, feeling too much tired to even fight as he then crashed on the ground attempting to get up and fell into sleep.

Best Jeanist then felt a rumbling coming towards their direction as he then turn to see the High Ends Nomu charging towards the Heroes in fury.

Best Jeanist:"A burst of power?!?!?"

The Pro Heroes then charge at the High Ends Nomu, but they were barely doing anything as most of them got easily overpowered by the monsters.

The only remaining were four High End Nomus as they look at each other for a second before charging yet back again at the Heroes.

Burnin':"Four broke away!!! They're heading for Shigaraki!!! (Are they teaming up now?!? And going after a new target? They're gotten more and more coordinated over the past half hour.)"

As Burnin was charging an High End Nomu who looked like a leech tried to attack her from behind her back, until someone then punched the High End looking Leech away from her.

Best Jeanist was now keeping Giganto Machia down for good as Shoto and Dabi were still fighting each other.

Shoto:"You really sent those Villains our way?!?!Once one of them almost killed our brother Natsu!!! Remeber him him?!? The brother you cried to every day?!?""

Dabi:"Almost killed?!? What a Shame!!! That would've hurt Endevour, even mroe!!!"


Dabi:"Sure, I am Shoto. But, you see you're as crazy as I am, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


Dabi:"You're a killer too, it is natural!!!!!"

Meanwhile Compress and Spinner were still tied up.

Compress:"Look sharp spinner!!! Behind you!!!"

Spinner:"Huh?!?" he then turned to his left to see a bunch of High End Nomus trying to attack Izuku when his back was turn.

Compress:"I t seems....luck is on our side!!!"

But, not even 5 seconds Izuku turned, used his heat vision and burned them to dust before turning back to watch what was happening with his arm crossed and a calm look on his face.

Izuku:(I got to wait!! In the midst of that power, if anything breaks Jeanist's focus....the giant is gonna break free. All I got to do is just wait!! I'll keep the things the way they are now, no changes not even in the slightest!! I caused this, so I'm fixing this!!!!"

Then an High End Nomu teid to attack Izumi when her back was turn, while she was trying to rescue an Hero, until Miro Togata appeared from the ground and then gve a solid upper cut to the chin at the High End  Nomu as Izumi then burn it to a crisp with her Kinetic Force.


Izumi:"Thank you Lemillion!!!"

Mirio then raise a thumb up as he then started running towards many more Villains and High Ends.

Mior:"We've got a word from the agency about what's happening, so I rushed over using my special permeation mode of travel!!!! You see the Villain hide out that the Night eye's agency is keeping tabs on isn't far from here!!! And after all I promised Eri not to let her mama and papa die!! So, Izuku don't do something dumb or else, Eri is gonna cry!!!!"

Izuku thenn  nodded with a smile as he raise a thumb up.

Mirio:"Still, even my power isn't enough to take them down these High End Nomu with a single punch, so....Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp, Someone!!! Anyone!!!!"

Then the Heroes and the Villains sweatdropped and face palmed even the High End Nomu stopped to look at each other and back at Mirio.

Then fromfar away the sound of explosios was heard as all of them turn to see Bakugou who was reaching up to them  and coming at incredible speed.

Bakugou:"I've never felt this sensation!!!!!! Like being on death's door, in toal crisis!!!!!" he yelled as he then blasted the High End Nomus with his explosions blowing him to nothing more than dust.

Tenya, Nejire and Mirio then start working together and took down the High End Nomus.

Tenya:"Bakugo?!? I can't take of my eyes off of you for even a second!!! You must not push yourself!! It could be fatal!!!!"

Mirio:"Nejire, are you okay?!?!"

Nejire:"I'm feeling peachy now that you're here, Togata. Weird, huh?"

Best Jeanist:"Well? Have experienced the world...Bakugou?"

Bakugou:"That name was temporary!!! I held off on the big reveal until you could hear it!!! GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT!!!!!!!!"

Best Jeanist:(How childish!!!)

Tenya:(I thought Izuku Yagi was the one with the mouthful.)

Nejire:(What a silly name.)

Izuku:(This b*tch...)


Spinner:(Super Tacky.)

Talia:(Arrogant brat.)

Mirio:(I kinda like it.)

Mirio:"A fine Hero name with a real sense of humor to it!!!"

bakugou:"There is nothing funny about it!!!!"

Mirio:"A world without smiles and humor has no bright future. No offense intended, buddy!! That's just my motto. Anyhoo looks like their boss is going nowhere fast. So what do you say we wrap this up?!?"

Meanwhile back with Dabi and Shot the two were still fightning.

Dabi:"Awwww, your friends are having a blast down there. Poor Shoto....No fun for you, just pain. Come here." he then grab Shoto and pulled him in an hug.

Shoto:"You're burning up too."

Dabi:"Seriously. It's great that you were raised with atleast someone who loved you. Im fine because I'm really happy right now. Because I mean, the old manis now gone for good. But, unfourntly he can't watch his puppet masterpiece burn up and die in the fire of his failed experiment and can't do anythign about it. But, if he were here, he'll be totally broken inisde!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Shoto!!! Once my fire burns you to ash...I wonder......What kind of face you'll make?!?"

Izuku then flew right at Dabi grabbed him and then trew him on the ground, causing him to crash hard and to be knocked out.

Izuku:"The others are backing so I've got you, Todoroki."

Todoroki then start passing out, until Izuku grabbed him and flew down with him.

Then all of the sudden the High End Nomus started bonding with each other becoming one as they jumped towards Izuku, before being blasted to pieces and then their pieces being blasted after turning into dust.

Izuku then turn to see it was Y/n as he smiled at her, before Y/n then used his communicator and talk with her team.

Y/n:"The sedative has worked!!!!" she said as she couldv'e heard cheering coming from her team as she smiled.







To be continued......

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