Darkwing Duck One Shots

By Janey_fnaf_fan

44.9K 852 567

Just one shots I'm making of the 90s cartoon of the superhero duck, Darkwing Duck. So... yeah. More

Drake Mallard x Teacher Reader
Megavolt x Reader
Launchpad x Hippie Reader
Bushroot x Babysitter Reader
Bushroot x Babysitter Reader pt. 2
Quackerjack x Sassy Reader
Liquidator x Reader
Negaduck x Sweet Turned Evil Reader
Crush Liquidator x Reader
Crush Liquidator x Reader pt. 2
Clingy Megavolt x Reader
Gosalyn x (Fem)Reader
Gosalyn x (Fem)Reader pt. 2
Quackerjack x Former Fan Reader
Quackerjack x Former Fan Reader pt. 2
Bushroot x Isolated Reader
Bushroot x Isolated Reader pt. 2
Bushroot x Isolated Reader pt. 3
House Guest Elmo x Reader
House Guest Elmo x Reader pt. 2
Steelbeak x Reader
Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader
Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 2
Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 3
Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 4
Darkwing Duck/DrakeMallard x Babysitter Reader
Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard x Babysitter Reader pt. 2
Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard x Babysitter Reader pt. 3
Adult to Baby Megavolt x Nanny Reader
Adult to Baby Megavolt x Nanny Reader pt. 2
Adult to Baby Megavolt x Nanny Reader pt. 3
Honker x Reader
Honker x Reader pt. 2
Honker x Reader pt. 3
Non-Verbal Bushroot x Reader
Non-Verbal Bushroot x Reader pt. 2
Non-Verbal Bushroot x Reader pt. 3
Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader
Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader pt. 2
Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader pt. 3
Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader pt. 4
Liquidator x Gosalyn's Dirty Friend Reader
Liquidator x Gosalyn's Dirty Friend Reader pt. 2
Liquidator x Gosalyn's Dirty Friend Reader pt. 3
The Fearsome Four x Reader
The Fearsome Four x Reader pt. 2
The Fearsome Four x Reader pt. 3
The Fearsome Four x Reader pt. 4
Quackervolt (Quackerjack x Megavolt)
Mega Negaduck x Reader Damsel in Distress
Mega Negaduck x Reader Damsel in Distress pt. 2
Mega Negaduck x Reader Damsel in Distress pt. 3
Mega Negaduck x Reader Damsel in Distress pt. 4
Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader
Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 2
Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 3
Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 4
Megavolt x Weird Villain Reader
Megavolt x Weird Villain Reader pt. 2
Darkwing Duck Special
Darkwing Duck Special pt. 2
Darkwing Duck Special pt. 3
Father Megavolt x Daughter Reader
Father Megavolt x Daughter Reader pt. 2
Father Megavolt x Daughter Reader pt. 3
Father Megavolt x Daughter Reader pt. 4
Liquidator x Classmate to Wife Reader
Liquidator x Classmate to Wife Reader pt. 2
Quackerjack x Bored Reader
Crush Elmo x Reader
Crush Elmo x Reader pt. 2
Crush Elmo x Reader pt. 3
Creep Bushroot x Reader
Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 2
Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 3
Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 4
Former Babysitter Liquidator x Reader
Former Babysitter Liquidator x Reader pt. 2
Former Babysitter Liquidator x Reader pt. 3
Gosalyn x Liquidator
Gosalyn x Liquidator pt. 2
Gosalyn x Liquidator pt. 3
Married Quackerjack x Reader
Married Quackerjack x Reader pt. 2
Punished Megavolt x Reader
Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 2
Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 3
Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 4
Ex Bushroot x Resentful Reader
Ex Bushroot x Resentful Reader pt. 2
Ex Bushroot x Resentful Reader pt. 3
Yandere Megavolt x Reader
Yandere Megavolt x Reader pt. 2
Yandere Megavolt x Reader pt. 3
Yandere Megavolt x Reader pt. 4
Clown Kink Reader x Quackerjack
Clown Kink Reader x Quackerjack pt. 2
Clown Kink Reader x Quackerjack pt. 3**
Fearsome Four x Single Mom Reader
Fearsome Four x Single Mom Reader pt. 2
Quackerjack x Daughter Reader
Quackerjack x Daughter Reader pt. 2
Quackerjack x Daughter Reader pt. 3
Quackerjack x Daughter Reader pt. 4

Ex Bushroot x Resentful Reader pt. 4

229 5 23
By Janey_fnaf_fan

Moments later, you're at the hospital in the lobby. Megavolt and Quackerjack found out what had happened and they're there, too. You're regretting everything you did. Your actions. You're regretting ever being the careless, plant hating tyrant you've been since yours and Bushroot's breakup four months back. 

You sigh. Liquidator says, "(Y/N). This isn't your fault." You say, "Yes it is, Liquidator. It's all my fault he's probably dead now. I... I killed him. I fucking killed him! I killed the love of my life!!" You slip off the chair and you drop on your knees to the floor. The others look at you with sad expressions. You sob.

You say, "Oh, Reggie. Why did it have to come to this?" Megavolt says, "No offense (Y/N), but if Bushroot makes it out of this just fine... both of you need help." You say, "I... I know! I know I do!" Quackerjack sighs and says, "Poor Bushroot. All of that just to get you back." You sob some more. He says, "Oops. Sorry." 

The doctor comes out. You look up and you look over. She says, "We've revived him successfully." You gasp and you get up. She says, "He can have visitors." You all head into the room Bushroot is in. You look over at him. He's alive. His eyes are opened. You whisper, "Oh my god. Reggie." You walk over. 

Liquidator says, "Reginald." He comes over. Bushroot looks to see the guys and... you. He says. "(Y-Y/N)?" You sigh and tears form in your eyes. Liquidator says, "She has remorse, my friend." Bushroot looks at you and says, "So you do care, huh?" You sigh and you look at him. His expression turns into a sad one. He says, "You do care."

Quackerjack says, "Should we leave the two alone?" Liquidator says, "Ten out of ten will agree that leaving them to talk alone is a great idea. Come on, you two." He, Quackerjack and Megavolt leave the room. 

You look at Bushroot and he looks at you. You approach him and he sits up. He says, "You came to see me. You've resented me so much for the passed four months... I couldn't take much more of it. So... I tried ending myself in the process. I thought that would've made you happy. You know... to see me go." 

You say, "Reggie, I didn't want this. Not this!" Your (lip/beak) quivers and tears form in your eyes. He says, "(Y/N)... It's my fault. I made you that way. I shouldn't have been so stupid those months back. I don't know why I even had it in me to set you up like that. I... I'm so sorry, baby. I guess part of me was paranoid that you were like the others and you were just using me to get to my flowers. Boy was I wrong or what? I was an asshole. You had the right to leave me in that scenario." 

You say, "Reggie. I couldn't stand the fact that the guy I loved treated me that way. That's why, Reggie... I was acting like such a remorseless, heartless, plant hating, man hating, corrupt cunt. I even started drinking and acting like a jerk, myself. I had even insulted the guys without any remorse." 

He says, "I started drinking, too. Too much. Getting drunk and passing out at times, as well. Look at me, (Y/N). I'm a fat pig now because I knew I would never get you back after what I did. My hair looks like shit. Like a metalhead teen from the 90s who doesn't shower. I haven't shaved since with the small beard I have under my beak. I haven't properly taken care of myself. I put my plants before I put myself before you and I even got together, but I was putting them and not myself since our breakup. I just... let myself go. There was no point in taking care of my own needs. I guess I just... let myself slip. Almost." 

Your (lip/beak) quivers and you say, "Where did we go wrong, Reggie?" He looks at you and he says, "I need help, (Y/N). As soon as I'm released from the hospital. And I mean a therapist is what I need. I need to get back in shape. Trim my foliage hair. Fix my leafy hands. I mean I look like shit." 

You hear this, "Ten out of ten people will agree that both of you should get professional help for your issues. Work things out once more." You and Bushroot look over to see Liquidator in the doorway. 

You sigh and you say, "He's right, Reggie. We both do. I've had problems, too." You look at him and he says, "(Y/N). Can you ever forgive me? I'm so sorry, honey." You sniffle and you nod. You grab his hand and he grabs yours.

You come closer. You say, "I don't care how you look, Reggie. You're not gross. Or ugly. You're still that handsome plant man I knew and met. You can get back to the way you were if you'd like. But I do want both of us to get help. See a therapist. Starting when you come out of the hospital." He says, "Agreed. Oh, (Y/N). I love you so much." You say, "I love you, Reggie." You both lean in and you kiss. 

Liquidator smiles and leaves the room. He says, "Ah, all is right with the world again. Those two will be back with each other in no time." Quackerjack says, "At least he made it out alive." Megavolt says, "Yeah. No kidding. That was scary. I knew he was depressed for a while, but damn. He literally survived suicide." 

Quackerjack says, "That's what it took to get her to change her mind. A suicide attempt. Drastic stuff, but it worked out right?" Liquidator says, "Affirmative. Plus, we'll have our Bushroot back as the Fearsome Four as well." Megavolt says, "Yeah. Truth be told, it's not the same without him." Quackerjack says, "No. It's not." 

The doctor comes over and she says, "Reginald will be able to leave in three days, gentlemen." Liquidator says, "Ah, thanks doc. You can guarantee that you'll be spared from our villainous wrath or your money back." 

She giggles a bit. He smirks as he realizes something about the doctor. She looks at him and says, "I gotta say... you're pretty buff for being made out of water." He says, "Yeah?" She says, "I'll be right out. I'm gonna check on our Reginald." He says, "You go on ahead and do that, doc.~" 

She blushes and she smiles. She walks to the door and goes inside. Quackerjack whistles and says, "Boy, Liquidator. Flirting with the doctor all of a sudden?" Liquidator says, "Why not? She's a cutie. No doubt about that." 

Megavolt says, "Should be a nurse, then I'll have that excuse to quote Animaniacs." Quackerjack says, "Just say 'Hello doctor.'~" He makes a rawr sound. Megavolt says, "They never made that creepy rawr sound like you did just now." Quackerjack grins and says, "Just saying." 

You and Bushroot pull away and you hear this, "Reginald Bushroot." He looks over and so do you. The doctor who is Doctor Alexis Mitchel says, "You're in perfect health and you'll be able to go home in three days." 

Bushroot smiles and says, "Thank you, doctor." Dr. Mitchel says, "Is there anything you have planned for yourself, Reginald?" Bushroot says, "Yeah, doc. There is actually. I'm looking to seeing a therapist." You say, "So am I." 

She says, "That may be a good idea, Mr. Bushroot. I would suggest that as well with your current state. I would recommend Dr. Julian Gray. He's got fifteen years experience and helps a lot of suicidal patients as well. And relationships." Bushroot says, "Alright. Dr. Gray it is." 

(Time skip.)

A few days go by. Bushroot is at therapy right now, getting help. He's laying back on the chair as Dr. Gray talks to him. Dr. Gray says, "Mr. Bushroot. How did your relationship with (Y/N) spiral out of control?" Bushroot sighs and says, "I was an idiot, Dr. Gray. I screwed everything up." Dr. Gray says, "Go on. You can tell me." 

Bushroot says, "I was walking with her in the garden over four months back. Our relationship was going well until this day. I set her up. I took her to a rose patch since she loved roses so much. But I ended up using my powers to get vines to hold her back. I thought she'd been using me to get to my flowers and that's why I felt I had to do that. It was the biggest mistake I've made, doc. Turns out she did love me, but ended up leaving me after that incident." 

Dr. Gray says, "Miss. (L/N)'s currently seeing me too, Mr. Bushroot. Tell me what happened after the two of you broke up." He says, "I didn't feel the point in feeling happy after she left me. I let myself go. I ate a lot of fatty foods. I stared drinking booze... as you see my gut here. At least I trimmed my hair back to the way it was, but it was long and ragged. Like I haven't showered in a while. Depression was getting to me, doc." 

He says, "Right. And what made you feel the need to overdose and try to take your own life?" He says, "I wasn't gonna get (Y/N) back, so that's why I did it. She felt no remorse before this. She had a hatred for plants and flowers after our breakup. And men. She started drinking as well. I survived my suicide attempt and saw that she was there in the hospital room seeing me. Turns out that's what it took, doc. I got her back by trying to off myself." 

After this talk Dr. Gray says, "Reginald. I've listened in and wrote about your problems. You're suicidal and currently fighting depression. I'm going to suggest you take medicine. I'm going to prescribe you with Zoloft." Bushroot says, "Alright. Thanks, doc." He says, "You're welcome. Thank you for coming to see me. Two days a week, Reginald. Until you're fully recovered from your severe depression." 

So what happens is Bushroot keeps seeing Dr. Gray and so do you. Turns out you were facing anger issues after the breakup, so you were prescribed with Prozac. This was also due to years of pent of anger from all the previous guys you've dated. The ones who either set you up, lied to you, cheated on you, etc. Your problem turns out to be slightly more severe than Bushroot's, but he still loves you. 

He starts to work out and he slims back down to his original weight he was before he fell into depression. He had gotten back with the Fearsome Four after getting out of his depressed state. Your anger dies down a bit and you and Bushroot are happy again. What happens is that he proposes to you a year later and your answer is yes. You end up married and having three kids. Two daughters and a son.

Liquidator on the other hand ends up with the Doctor from the hospital. Dr. Alexis Mitchel. They end up married and having two children. Twin girls. Quackerjack ends up with your friend Joan Lancer. They end up married and having four kids. All boys. Megavolt ends up with an adult film star named Candy Harper. They end up with eleven kids. Five girls and six boys.


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